[Ord. No. 1482-21, 10/12/2021]
The Borough Council of the Borough of Gettysburg finds that business property owners in the Steinwehr Avenue area of the Borough of Gettysburg continue in their desire to strengthen and revitalize the physical and economic foundations of that area for the benefit of business and property owners to enable that area to prosper as a destination for residents and tourists. Furthermore, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania has adopted enabling legislation, specifically the Neighborhood Improvement District Act, Act No. 2000-130, 73 P.S. § 831 et seq. (hereinafter the "Act"), authorizing the establishment, administration and continuation of neighborhood improvement districts to enable property owners in neighborhoods to provide services to their neighborhoods that supplement municipal services otherwise provided, and the Act provides for the assessment of property owners within a neighborhood improvement district to pay for those additional services. Furthermore, the Borough Council of the Borough of Gettysburg believes that such a district continues to be necessary and desirable to strengthen the Steinwehr Avenue area and improve the probability of success of businesses and the preservation of the amenities of life for residents and commercial occupants within the Steinwehr Avenue, Heart of Gettysburg Battlefield Neighborhood Improvement District. Therefore, the Borough Council of the Borough of Gettysburg, after the completion of a preliminary and final plan adoption process with the opportunity for public comment relative to the preliminary plan and the opportunity for the registration of objections by affected property owners relative to the final plan and following its review, consideration and acceptance of a third-party review of the said Neighborhood Improvement District, its management association and administrator and the services and programs provided within the said Neighborhood Improvement District, believes that the Steinwehr Avenue, Heart of Gettysburg Battlefield Neighborhood Improvement District should be continued beyond its automatic termination date of December 31, 2021, as set forth in the sunset provision contained in Gettysburg Borough Ordinance No. 1418-14, by the reauthorization and reenactment of Gettysburg Borough Ordinance No. 1371-09, the enabling ordinance which originally created and established the said Neighborhood Improvement District.
[Ord. No. 1482-21, 10/12/2021]
As authorized by the Act, the Steinwehr Avenue, Heart of Gettysburg Battlefield Neighborhood Improvement District, also known and referred to as the "Steinwehr Avenue Business Improvement District" (hereinafter the "Neighborhood Improvement District") was originally established and shall be continued with boundaries as depicted on Exhibit "A" which is attached hereto and is made a part hereof.[1] The Neighborhood Improvement District is centered upon and around Steinwehr Avenue which extends from its origin at its intersection with Baltimore Street until its terminus at the boundary of the Borough of Gettysburg; Taneytown Road from its intersection with Steinwehr Avenue until its terminus at the Gettysburg National Military Park property; a portion of Washington Street from its intersection with Steinwehr Avenue and extending north approximately three blocks to include the Gettysburg Hospital and the WellSpan medical offices and facilities.
Editor's Note: Exhibit "A" is included as an attachment to this chapter.
[Ord. No. 1482-21, 10/12/2021]
The Steinwehr Avenue Heart of Gettysburg Battlefield, Inc. (hereinafter "SAHGB"), a nonprofit corporation, is appointed and shall continue in its capacity as administrator of the Neighborhood Improvement District. SAHGB shall designate a District Administrative Board. The Administrative Board shall consist of an odd number of members between five and nine with at least one member representing the Borough of Gettysburg, and shall include at least one Neighborhood Improvement District property owner or designee; at least one Neighborhood Improvement District business owner or designee; and one representative of Wellspan/Gettysburg Hospital. The Administrative Board shall be authorized to exercise all powers provided for in Section 7 of the Act, 73 P.S. § 837.
[Ord. No. 1482-21, 10/12/2021]
In accordance with the provisions of Section 4, Subdivision (10), of the Act, 73 P.S. § 834(10), an assessment fee is hereby imposed on all properties located within the boundaries of the Neighborhood Improvement District.
Amount and Method of Assessment. The assessment shall be made as of January 1, 2022, and shall be as follows:
Commercial properties shall be assessed annually at the rate of 1.94766 mills for each dollar of assessed value.
Residential properties shall be excluded from the imposition and payment of the assessment.
Tax-exempt properties shall be excluded from the imposition and payment of the assessment, provided such properties are carried as having a tax-exempt status in the assessment records for the County of Adams, Pennsylvania.
Payment of Assessment.
Payment of the assessment shall be due 60 days following the date of mailing of the notice of assessment.
Installment payments of an assessment may be made in the following manner:
Forty percent of the total assessment to be paid within 60 days of the date of mailing of the notice of assessment;
The remaining 60% of the total assessment may be paid within 150 days of the date of mailing of the notice of assessment. However, any installment payments made after 60 days from the date of the mailing of the notice of assessment shall incur interest at the rate of 6% per annum on the unpaid balance.
Liens. All unpaid assessments, to include all assessments which are made payable in installments, shall constitute liens and encumbrances upon the respective and assessed benefitted properties at the beginning of each calendar year and shall be collectible in accordance with Section 7, Subdivision (d), of the Act, 73 P.S. § 837(d), and in general may be collected in the same manner as a municipal tax claim notwithstanding the provision contained in this section relative to installment payments.
[Ord. No. 1482-21, 10/12/2021]
SAHGB, functioning as the Neighborhood Improvement District Management Association, is designated and shall continue as the collector of the special assessments provided for herein and shall be solely responsible for all accounting services related to billing, collection, and placement of liens for nonpayment concerning all special assessment fees associated with the Neighborhood Improvement District.
[Ord. No. 1482-21, 10/12/2021]
The Neighborhood Improvement District, originally established by Gettysburg Borough Ordinance No. 1371-09 and as subsequently reauthorized and reenacted by Gettysburg Borough Ordinance No. 1418-14, and as continued by enactment of this Subpart, shall automatically terminate on December 31, 2028, unless continued or extended by subsequent action of the Borough Council of the Borough of Gettysburg in accordance with the provisions of the Act, 73 P.S. § 831 et seq.
In the event of its termination, all property of the Neighborhood Improvement District shall pass to the Borough of Gettysburg and the Neighborhood Improvement District shall cease to exist.
[Ord. No. 1482-21, 10/12/2021]
Gettysburg Borough Ordinance No. 1371-09, which originally created and established the Steinwehr Avenue, Heart of Gettysburg Battlefield Neighborhood Improvement District, as subsequently reenacted by Gettysburg Ordinance No. 1418-14, is hereby reauthorized and reenacted by this Subpart. All other ordinances and parts of ordinances inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed.
[Ord. No. 1468-19, 12/9/2019]
The Borough Council of the Borough of Gettysburg finds that residential neighborhood infrastructure maintenance is an important community development task that is difficult for municipalities to sustain where limited financial resources are often allocated to larger scale and higher priority public improvements projects. Furthermore, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania has adopted enabling legislation, specifically the Neighborhood Improvement District Act, Act No. 2000-130, 73 P.S. § 831 et seq., authorizing the creation of neighborhood improvement districts to enable property owners in neighborhoods to provide services to their neighborhoods that supplement municipal services otherwise provided. The legislation provides for the assessment of property owners within a neighborhood improvement district to pay for those additional services, and the Borough Council of the Borough of Gettysburg believes that such a district is necessary and desirable in order to maintain, reconstruct, replace and improve the curbing surrounding grass island areas located in the center of West Broadway.
[Ord. No. 1468-19, 12/9/2019]
As authorized by Act 2000-130, 73 P.S. § 831 et seq., known as the Neighborhood Improvement District Act (hereinafter the "Act"), the West Broadway Islands Neighborhood Improvement District (hereinafter the "District") is established with boundaries as depicted on Exhibit "A" which is attached hereto and is made a part hereof.[1] The District includes the area of 25 real properties located on West Broadway between Carlisle Street and College Avenue.
Editor's Note: Said exhibit is included as an attachment to this chapter.
[Ord. No. 1468-19, 12/9/2019]
The West Broadway Island Curbing Neighborhood Improvement District Management Association (hereinafter referred to as the "NIDMA"), a nonprofit corporation, is appointed administrator of the District. The NIDMA shall designate a District Administrative Board of Directors. The Administrative Board of Directors shall consist of an odd number of members between five and nine, with at least one member representing the Borough of Gettysburg. The Administrative Board of Directors shall be authorized to exercise all powers provided for in Section 7 of Act 130, 73 P.S. § 837.
[Ord. No. 1468-19, 12/9/2019]
In accordance with the provisions of Section 4(10) of Act 130, 73 P.S. § 834(10), a special property assessment fee is hereby imposed on all owners of properties located within the boundaries of the District.
Amount and Method of Assessment. The initial special assessment fee shall be made as of January 1, 2020, in the amount of $175 per property located within the District.
Liens. Assessments shall constitute liens and encumbrances upon the assessed property and shall be collectible in accordance with Section 7(d) of Act 130, 73 P.S. § 837(d), and in general may be collected in the same manner as municipal tax claims.
[Ord. No. 1468-19, 12/9/2019]
The NIDMA, functioning as the Neighborhood Improvement District Management Association, is designated as the collector of the special assessment fees provided for herein and shall be solely responsible for all accounting services related to billing, collection, and placement of liens for nonpayment concerning all special assessment fees associated with the District.
[Ord. No. 1468-19, 12/9/2019]
The District established herein shall automatically terminate on December 31, 2029, unless continued or extended by subsequent action of the Borough Council of the Borough of Gettysburg in accordance with the provisions of Act 130, 73 P.S. § 831 et seq.
In the event of termination, all property of the District shall pass to the Borough of Gettysburg, and the District shall cease to exist.