This article shall apply to materials not otherwise covered in this chapter which are highly flammable or which may react to cause fires or explosions or which, by their presence, create or augment a fire or explosion hazard or which, because of their toxicity, flammability or liability to explosion, render firefighting abnormally dangerous or difficult. This article shall also apply to flammable liquids which are chemically unstable and which may spontaneously form explosive compounds or undergo spontaneous reactions of explosive violence or with sufficient evolution of heat to be a fire hazard. Hazardous chemicals shall include, but are not limited to, such materials as flammable solids, corrosive liquids, radioactive materials, oxidizing materials, potentially explosive chemicals, highly toxic materials and poisonous gases, as defined in § 231-7. In addition, this article shall include all materials listed in both Parts 112 and 261 of Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations.
Any chemical or material stored inside or outside of a building subject to the provisions of this chapter, with a capacity of more than one gallon, shall be clearly labeled as to the contents and owner. The responsible disposal company name and phone number shall be posted on the container or made available on the premises.
Any warning or placards required by federal, state, county or other law shall be clearly displayed in addition to that required in Subsection A.
A permit shall be required for the storage or handling of:
More than 55 gallons of corrosive liquids.
More than 100 pounds of oxidizing materials.
More than 10 pounds of organic peroxides.
More than 500 pounds of nitromethane.
More than 10 pounds of noncommercial pesticide.
One thousand pounds or more of ammonium nitrate, ammonium nitrate fertilizers and fertilizer mixtures.
Any amount of highly toxic material or poisonous gas.
More than 25 vehicle or marine acid-filled batteries.
A permit shall be required for the storage or handling of more than one microcurie of radioactive material not contained in a sealed source, or more than one millicurie of other radioactive material in a sealed source or sources, or any amount of radioactive material for which a specific license from the New York State Department of Health and/or the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation is required, in accordance with nationally recognized good practice.[1]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 101, General Provisions, Art. I).
Every permit holder shall display, on the premises which stores, handles, manufactures or uses commodities within the scope of this article, approved warning signs/symbols at all entrances to such premises, as directed by the Town Fire Marshal.
The manufacture, storage, handling and use of hazardous chemicals shall be safeguarded with such protective facilities in accordance with the provisions of this chapter and any other applicable governmental laws, rules and/or regulations.
The Town Fire Marshal may require the separation or isolation of any chemical that, in combination with other substances, may bring about a fire or explosion or may liberate a flammable or poisonous gas. The Town Fire Marshal may require separation from other storage, occupancies or buildings when the quantity stored constitutes a material hazard.
The manufacture, storage, handling and use of hazardous chemicals and materials shall be in accordance with the appropriate standards of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), including building plaque-carding in accordance with NFPA 704.
The Town Fire Marshal may require the submission of additional documentation relating to the physical and chemical properties of any hazardous chemicals and materials.
The management or owner of any building or facility wherein hazardous chemicals or materials are stored or handled shall submit an inventory of such chemicals or materials at least annually or whenever the quantity or type of same shall change substantially.
Only chemicals or materials listed in the inventory required in Subsection E above shall be stored or handled unless the Town Fire Marshal or CEO has first given written permission for the storage or handling of additional chemicals or materials.
Highly toxic materials shall be segregated from other chemicals and combustible and flammable substances by storage in a room or compartment separated from other areas by walls and floor and ceiling assemblies having a fire-resistant rating of not less than two hours. The storage room shall be provided with adequate natural or mechanical ventilation to the outside atmosphere. The floor of said room shall be impermeable to the materials being stored within.
Legible warning signs and placards stating the nature and location of the highly toxic material shall be posted at all entrances to areas where such materials are stored or used.