Cross Reference — Streets and sidewalks, ch. 515 of this Code.
[CC 1991 §535.010; CC 1970 §16-1]
No person shall maintain, operate or improve a parking lot within the City without first obtaining a permit therefor.
[CC 1991 §535.020; CC 1970 §16-2; Ord. No. 298 §1, 12-4-1961]
Before a permit is issued for the maintenance, operation or improvement of a parking lot, the owner or operator thereof shall submit plans and specifications showing details of the improvements and a statement regarding the proposed methods of maintenance and operation.
[CC 1991 §535.030; CC 1970 §16-3; Ord. No. 298 §1, 12-4-1961]
Any person operating a parking lot shall, as may be required by the Board of Aldermen, either:
File with the City a bond in such form as may be prescribed by the City Attorney and in such amount as may be required by the Board of Aldermen, which shall be surety for any judgment for damages rendered against the operator of the parking lot resulting to person or property when incurred while using the parking lot; or
Carry public liability insurance in such amount as may be required by the Board of Aldermen.
[CC 1991 §535.040; CC 1970 §16-4; Ord. No. 298 §1, 12-4-1961]
No permit required by this Chapter shall be issued unless the parking lot conforms to the standards and specifications required by this Chapter as well as any applicable parking regulations in the Zoning Code of Pine Lawn.
[CC 1991 §535.050; CC 1970 §16-5; Ord. No. 298 §1, 12-4-1961]
Each parking lot shall be surfaced either with concrete not less than six (6) inches in thickness or with a bituminous surface not less than two (2) inches in depth on top of a compacted crushed stone base not less than six (6) inches in depth or with any surfacing adjudged by the Building Commissioner to be equal or superior to either of these types.
[CC 1991 §535.060; CC 1970 §16-6; Ord. No. 298 §1, 12-4-1961]
Adequate provision shall be made in each parking lot for the disposal of stormwater and the Building Commissioner shall insure that such water shall not flow onto adjoining property or adjacent sidewalks in a quantity or manner that would be detrimental thereto or inconvenient to persons using the sidewalk.
[CC 1991 §535.070; CC 1970 §16-7; Ord. No. 298 §1, 12-4-1961]
A structurally sound wall or other abutment approved by the Building Commissioner to insure safety shall be installed around each side of the parking lot wherever said lot adjoins a public street, sidewalk or alley. An adequate retaining wall wherever necessary to prevent the washing of soil to and from adjoining property and a wall or screen of such height and character as are necessary for adequate screening of the parking lot from adjacent property shall also be provided to meet requirements of the Building Commissioner.
[CC 1991 §535.080; CC 1970 §16-8; Ord. No. 298 §1, 12-4-1961]
The location and width of entrances and exits to and from the parking lots shall be as determined by the Building Commissioner, but there shall not be more than one (1) entrance and one (1) exit or one (1) combined entrance and exit along any one (1) street unless same is deemed necessary by the Board of Aldermen for the alleviation of traffic congestion and interference of traffic movement along such street.
[CC 1991 §535.090; CC 1970 §16-9; Ord. No. 298 §1, 12-4-1961]
The location of each parking space and the location and direction of movement along the driveways providing access to the parking spaces shall be indicated by painting upon the surface, by raised directional signs or by markers or other similar measures placed in the surfacing where required by the Building Commissioner.
[CC 1991 §535.100; CC 1970 §16-10; Ord. No. 298 §1, 12-4-1961]
If the parking lots are to be used during darkness, a system of floodlighting shall be installed to provide an adequate standard of illumination over the entire parking lot. All floodlights shall be shielded so that minimum glare will extend to adjacent property and shall meet requirements of the Building Commissioner.
[CC 1991 §535.110; CC 1970 §16-11; Ord. No. 298 §1, 12-4-1961]
A sign, the size and character of which shall be approved by the Building Commissioner, shall be installed showing the ownership of the lot and the permitted use thereof. If the lot is so operated that a charge is made for the use of the parking facilities, the rates for parking shall be legibly shown upon the sign.
[CC 1991 §535.120; CC 1970 §16-12; Ord. No. 298 §1, 12-4-1961]
A temporary shelter for the use of a parking lot attendant may be maintained on the lot provided the location, construction and design of same shall be first approved by the Building Commissioner.
[CC 1991 §535.130; CC 1970 §16-13; Ord. No. 298 §1, 12-4-1961]
Each parking lot shall be maintained in such a manner so as to keep it as free as practicable from dust, paper and other loose particles. Snow and ice shall be promptly removed from the parking lot by the operator. All adjacent sidewalks shall be kept free from dirt, ice, sleet and snow and in a safe condition for use by pedestrians. All signs, markers or any other methods used to indicate direction of traffic movement and location of parking spaces shall be maintained in a neat and legible condition. Walls, trees and shrubbery, as well as surfacing of the parking lot, shall be maintained in good condition throughout its use for parking purposes.
The Building Commissioner shall have the authority to prohibit the use of any parking lot for parking purposes unless and until proper maintenance, repair or rehabilitation is completed.