[CC 1991 §635.010; CC 1970 §22-16; Ord. No. 266 §1, 6-1-1959]
For the purposes of this Chapter, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them by this Section:
Includes any street, alley, avenue, boulevard, court, lane or other public place in the City.
Any motor vehicle performing a bona fide for hire taxicab service having a capacity of not more than five (5) passengers, exclusive of the driver, and not operated on a regular route or between fixed termini.
[CC 1991 §635.020; CC 1970 §22-17; Ord. No. 266 §20, 6-1-1959]
The Chief of Police and the Police Officers operating under him/her shall be charged with the enforcement of the provisions of this Chapter.
[CC 1991 §635.030; CC 1970 §22-18; Ord. No. 266 §10, 6-1-1959]
No person shall drive a taxicab in the City unless he/she possesses a chauffeur's license issued by the State.
[CC 1991 §635.040; CC 1970 §22-19; Ord. No. 266 §11, 6-1-1959]
No person shall engage in the business of operating a taxicab in the City unless the motor vehicle used in such business is licensed by the State.
[CC 1991 §635.050; CC 1970 §22-20; Ord. No. 266 §2, 6-1-1959]
Every taxicab in the City shall have installed and in operating condition a meter for the measurement of fees to be charged to any passenger for any one (1) trip in proportion to the actual distance traveled by the taxicab on the trip.
[CC 1991 §635.060; CC 1970 §22-21; Ord. No. 266 §13, 6-1-1959]
No taxicab shall be operated in the City unless the fares to be charged are prominently printed on the taxicab.
[CC 1991 §635.070; CC 1970 §22-22; Ord. No. 266 §14, 6-1-1959]
Every taxicab driver shall have the right to demand payment of the estimated fare in advance and may refuse employment unless so prepaid, but no driver shall otherwise refuse or neglect to convey any orderly person upon request anywhere within the limits of the City, unless previously engaged or unable to do so.
[CC 1991 §635.080; CC 1970 §22-23; Ord. No. 266 §16, 6-1-1959]
It shall be unlawful for any person who hires a taxicab to refuse to pay the fare thereof.
[CC 1991 §635.090; CC 1970 §22-24; Ord. No. 266 §7, 6-1-1959]
No taxicab driver shall receive or transport any person who intends to commit any unlawful act in the taxicab or during the trip for which it is engaged or at the termination thereof, whether within or without the taxicab.
[CC 1991 §635.100; CC 1970 §22-25; Ord. No. 266 §8, 6-1-1959]
No taxicab driver or any other person shall solicit or procure or aid or assist in the soliciting or procuring any person to ride in any taxicab with the intent to commit any unlawful act therein or during the trip for which the same is engaged or at the termination thereof.
[CC 1991 §635.110; CC 1970 §22-26; Ord. No. 266 §9, 6-1-1959]
No driver of any taxicab shall be engaged as procurer for any unlawful enterprise.
[CC 1991 §635.120; CC 1970 §22-27; Ord. No. 266 §18, 6-1-1959]
No taxicab shall park on any street of the City for the purpose of carrying on business or securing fares from said location.
[CC 1991 §635.130; CC 1970 §22-28; Ord. No. 266 §19, 6-1-1959]
No taxicab shall at any time during its business hours carry any person other than the driver and paying passengers.
[CC 1991 §635.140; CC 1970 §22-29; Ord. No. 266 §2, 6-1-1959]
Every taxicab operated in the City shall be constructed and maintained in such a manner that its passengers and driver can be plainly seen from the outside at all times.
[CC 1991 §635.150; CC 1970 §22-30; Ord. No. 266 §2, 6-1-1959]
Every taxicab operated in the City shall:
Be equipped with two (2) marker lights having a diameter not in excess of two (2) inches of any color or colors, except red, in good order and visible after sundown in the direction toward which the taxicab is proceeding.
Have printed or affixed on the back thereof visible to persons approaching the rear thereof the word "taxicab" in letters at least two (2) inches in height together with the number of the license issued pursuant to this Chapter.