[R.O. 2012 § 405.320; Ord. No. 764 Art. XI § 111, 3-1-1976]
Whenever the public necessity, convenience, general welfare or good zoning practice require, the Board of Aldermen may by ordinance, after recommendation thereon by the City Planning and Zoning Commission and subject to the procedure provided in this Article, amend, supplement or change the regulations, district boundaries or classifications of property now or hereafter established by this Chapter or amendments thereof. It shall be the duty of the Planning and Zoning Commission to submit its recommendations regarding all applications or proposals for amendments or supplements. An amendment, supplement, reclassification or change may be initiated by the Commission on its own motion or by a verified application of one (1) or more of the owners or lessees of property within the area proposed to be changed or affected by this Chapter.
[R.O. 2012 § 405.330; Ord. No. 764 Art. XI §§ 112 — 112.1, 3-1-1976]
Applications for any change of district boundaries or classifications or property as shown on the Zoning Map and for regulation amendments shall be submitted to the Planning and Zoning Commission at its public office upon such forms and all shall be accompanied by such data and information as may be prescribe for that purpose by the Commission so as to assure the fullest practicable presentation of facts for the permanent record. Such data shall include in any event a plat or map drawn to a scale of not less than two hundred (200) feet to the inch showing the land in question, its location, the length and location of each boundary thereof, the location of properties within three hundred (300) feet of such land. Each such application shall be verified by at least one (1) of the owners or lessees of property within the area proposed to be reclassified attesting to the truth and correctness of all facts and information presented with the application. Applications for amendments or district changes initiated by the Commission itself shall be accompanied by its own motion pertaining to such proposed amendment.
List Of Property Owners. Any person or persons desiring a change in the zoning classification of property shall file with the application for such change a statement giving the names and addresses of the owners of all properties lying within three hundred (300) feet of any part of the exterior boundaries of the premises the zoning classification of which is proposed to be changed.
[R.O. 2012 § 405.340; Ord. No. 764 Art. XI § 113, 3-1-1976]
Before submitting its recommendations to the Board of Aldermen, the Planning and Zoning Commission shall be given by one (1) publication in a newspaper of general circulation in the City at least fifteen (15) days before the date of such hearing.
[R.O. 2012 § 405.350; Ord. No. 764 Art. XI § 113.1, 3-1-1976]
The Commission may recommend that the application be granted as requested or it may recommend a modification of the zoning amendment requested in the application or it may recommend that the application be denied. These recommendations shall then be certified to the Board of Aldermen.
[R.O. 2012 § 405.360; Ord. No. 764 Art. XI § 114, 3-1-1976]
After receiving from the Commission the certification of said recommendations on the proposed amendment of supplement and before adoption of such amendment, the Board of Aldermen shall hold a public hearing thereon, at least fifteen (15) days' notice of the time and place of which shall be given by publication in a newspaper of general circulation in the City.
[R.O. 2012 § 405.370; Ord. No. 764 Art. XI § 114.1, 3-1-1976]
Following such hearing and after reviewing the recommendations of the Commission thereon, the Board of Aldermen shall consider such recommendations and vote on the passage of the proposed amendment to the text of the ordinance or the Zoning Map. The Board of Aldermen may overrule the recommendations of the Commission by three-fourths (3/4) vote of the full membership of the Board of Aldermen.
[R.O. 2012 § 405.380; Ord. No. 764 Art. XI § 115, 3-1-1976]
Whenever the Board of Aldermen has taken under advisement a change or amendment of the Zoning Map from a less restricted district to a more restricted district classification, as evidenced by resolution of record, no zoning certificate or building permit shall be issued within sixty (60) days from the date of such resolution which would become non-conforming under the contemplated redistricting plan.
Such regulations, restrictions, and boundaries may from time to time be amended, supplemented, changed, modified or repealed. In case, however, of a protest against such change duly signed and acknowledged by the owners of thirty percent (30%) or more, either of the areas of the land (exclusive of streets and alleys) included in such proposed change or within an area determined by lines drawn parallel to and one hundred and eighty-five (185) feet distant from the boundaries of the district proposed to be changed, such amendment shall not become effective except by the favorable vote of two-thirds (2/3) of all the members of the Board of Aldermen. The provisions of Section 89.050, RSMo., relative to public hearing and official notice shall apply equally to all changes or amendments.