[Adopted 5-19-2014 ATM by Art. 31]
Recognizing the importance of sound financial policies and continuity in their application, the policy makers and senior management of the Town of Dedham have adopted broad policies. Although the basic principles that were previously adopted still guide the Town's financial management, policies continue to be evaluated based upon our experience and changes in law, the economy and market conditions. The codification of these principles demonstrates our resolve to affirm to Town Meeting and the taxpayers that Dedham will continue to conduct business on a fiscally responsible basis. The policies that have been established are:
Overall Financial Policy.
Debt Management Policy.
Investment Policy.
Capital Policy and Process.
These policies will be reviewed and updated every five years or as required and will be endorsed by the Town Manager, Town Treasurer, Finance Director, Superintendent of Schools, Board of Selectman, Finance and Warrant Committee and School Committee.
[Amended 11-17-2014 ATM by Art. 18]