[R.O. 2004 § 420.060; Ord. No. 495 § 1, 7-17-2001]
For the purposes of this Chapter, the following words and terms shall have the meanings respectively ascribed:
A sign with action or motion, flashing or color changes, requiring electrical energy, electronic or manufactured sources of supply, but not including wind-activated elements, such as flags, banners or specialty items (not to include time and temperature signs, safety warning signs and devices, revolving barber poles or display signs).
A roof-like cover, made of fabric, over a door or window and attached to a building.
Any piece of cloth or other flexible material used as a sign.
A roof-like cover extending over an entrance of a building or over a service island such as fuel service pumps.
A sign that describes services available, function of, activities conducted upon, use of premises or facilities used, maintained or owned by any government entity.
Includes development by cooperative or collective or other similar means of development through common ownership or through the use of leasehold estates.
A sign designed to guide pedestrians or vehicular traffic.
A structure that is arranged, intended, designed or used as an advertisement, announcement or direction and includes a sign, screen billboard, poster panel and advertising devices of every kind. Display sign includes electronically operated changing alpha-numeric message signs. Display sign does not include animated signs or signs placed on the inside of display cases or show windows fronted with glass which do not protrude more than six (6) inches from the outside surface of the building wall.
A piece of fabric attached to a staff.
Any sign supported by structures or supports that are placed on, or anchored in, the ground and that are independent from any building or any other structure.
A highway which has been designated as a freeway on the major thoroughfare plan but which is not part of the Federal interstate system.
The historic business district includes one hundred fifty (150) feet on both sides of the right-of-way of the following streets:
A sign that is artificially lighted either internally or externally from a source of light connected with such sign.
A highway which is part of the Federal interstate system.
A roofed structure projecting from and supported by a building, or freestanding when such roofed structure extends beyond the building line, building wall or street lot line.
A display sign attached to or hung from a marquee.
The maximum height of a sign shall be measured from the elevation of the point nearest the sign on the centerline of the public street or highway nearest the sign upward to the elevation of the highest part of the sign or its supporting structure, whichever is higher. Notwithstanding the foregoing, unless otherwise specified in this Chapter, all signs may have a height of eight (8) feet measured from the ground location of the sign to the highest part of the sign or its supporting structure, whichever is higher.
A house used as an example or sample of homes in a residential area open for viewing.
A dwelling or group of dwellings on one (1) plat, each containing separate living units for three (3) or more families, but which may have joint services or facilities. This may include orphanages, housing for elderly and handicapped, nursing homes, convalescent hospitals, fraternities, sororities, cooperatives, rooming houses, boarding houses, dormitories and residence halls.
A sign directly pertaining to an existing permitted use on the property upon which said sign is located.
A house for sale or rent open for viewing.
An outdoor sign, display, device, figure, painting, drawing, message, plaque, poster, billboard, or other thing designed, intended or used to advertise or inform, any part of the advertising or information contents of which is visible from any point of the traveled ways of the interstate or primary systems.
A sign painted directly on the surface of buildings, walls or fences.
A sign which is not designed or manufactured to be permanently anchored or affixed to the ground, building or other structure, but rather is designed or primarily used as a sign which is movable from place to place and which includes, but is not limited to, signs affixed to a trailer or other portable structure and "A" frame or sandwich signs.
A display sign which is attached directly to the building wall and which extends more than twenty-four (24) inches from the face of the wall.
A display sign which is erected, constructed and maintained above the roof of the building.
A separate and distinct commercially used area in single ownership or under unified control, including more than one (1) separate business establishment.
A sign indicating the name of the shopping center or industrial park and/or names of businesses in the shopping center or industrial park.
A structure that is arranged, intended, designed or used as an advertisement, announcement or direction and includes a sign, sign screen, outdoor advertising sign, billboard, poster panel and advertising devices of every kind, but does not include signs placed on the inside of display cases or show windows fronted with glass which do not project more than six (6) inches from the outside surface of the building wall.
Anything constructed or erected which requires location on the ground or attached to something having a location on the ground including, but not limited to, advertising signs, outdoor advertising signs, billboards and poster panels, but exclusive of customary fences or boundary or retaining walls.
Total area of that part of a sign structure that carries any sort of written or graphic materials or in any way conveys a message as seen from any one (1) direction at any one time; except when cut-out letters and/or graphics only are used for wall signs or only lettering and/or graphics are used on awning signs in which cases the surface area is measured as the area of the basic geometric shape that would enclose the message and/or graphics. When individual cut-out letters or graphics are installed on a wall, whether that wall be a part of a building or other structure, the area of the basic geometric shape that encloses the message is the surface area of the sign.
A commercial sign promoting or providing information concerning a sale, event or activity which is occurring or shall occur on the property where the sign is displayed.
A sign which displays the current time or outdoor temperature or both, but which sets forth no other advertisement, other than the name of the business or establishment located upon the premises where such sign is located.
A sign attached to the wall of a building with the exposed face of the sign in a plane parallel to the face of said wall, not extending more than twenty-five percent (25%) above the roof line or parapet of the building, nor more than twenty-four (24) inches from the wall surface.
A display of pennants, streamers, whirligigs or similar devices strung together and activated by wind.
[R.O. 2004 § 420.070; Ord. No. 495 § 2, 7-17-2001]
No sign shall be erected in such a manner that it will or reasonably may be expected to interfere with, obstruct, confuse, distract or mislead traffic or be considered obscene or a nuisance to the general public.
No person, except a public officer or an employee in the performance of a public duty, shall fasten any sign or notice of any kind on any curbstone, lamppost, street or sidewalk surface, pole, bridge or tree upon a public street, except for any banner attached to a City street light standard for which an attachment permit has been issued as provided herein. This prohibition is not to be construed as prohibiting signs or notices indicating danger or aids to service or safety or subdivision identification signs, as hereinafter defined, to be erected with written permission from the Superintendent of Public Works. Such signs or notices include, but are not limited to, advertisements and announcements of buildings or land for sale or rent, garage sales, private picnics and election campaign posters.
No signs painted on buildings, walls or fences shall be allowed unless a variance is granted for such sign as provided for in Section 420.180 and/or Section 420.050(C).
No wind signs shall be allowed.
No freestanding, on-premises commercial sign, including the supporting structures, shall be allowed to remain on any property more than three (3) months after the business or uses advertised on the sign have been discontinued.
No sign shall be erected or maintained in a location or in such a manner that any portion of the sign will be within ten (10) feet, measured either horizontally, vertically or at any intermediate angle, of any electric power line wire carrying a voltage in excess of two hundred forty (240) volts, nor shall any sign be within ten (10) feet of a vertical line extended upward from such an electric power line wire.
No portable signs shall be allowed unless a variance is granted for such sign as provided for in Section 420.180 and /or Section 420.050(C).
No animated signs shall be allowed.
No outdoor advertising shall be allowed except as provided in Section 420.150.
No commercial signs shall be allowed except as provided for in this Chapter.
No commercial flags shall be allowed except that a business may display one (1) flag no larger than forty (40) square feet which bears the symbol or trademark or name of the business. No further advertising shall be permitted on such flags.
No display signs which contain or include electronically operated changing alpha-numeric message signs shall be allowed.
[R.O. 2004 § 420.080; Ord. No. 495 § 3, 7-17-2001]
All signs which have been lawfully erected shall be deemed to be legal and lawful signs and may be maintained subject to the provisions of this Section.
Non-conforming signs which become deteriorated or dilapidated to the extent of over sixty percent (60%) of the physical value they would have if they had been maintained in good repair must be removed within sixty (60) days. Non-conforming signs which are damaged to the extent of sixty percent (60%) or less of their physical value must be repaired within sixty (60) days from date of notification or removed. Non-conforming signs which are damaged, other than by vandalism, to the extent of over sixty percent (60%) of their physical value must be removed within sixty (60) days of receiving such damage or brought into compliance with the provisions of this Chapter. Non-conforming signs which are damaged by vandalism to the extent of over sixty percent (60%) of their physical value must be restored within sixty (60) days or removed or brought into compliance with the provisions of this Chapter.
Non-conforming signs may not be enlarged or increased in height.
Non-conforming signs which are enlarged or increased in height in violation of this Section must be removed.
A non-conforming sign may not be relocated except when such relocation brings the sign into compliance with this Chapter. Non-conforming signs which are relocated in violation of this Section must be removed.
The sign face of a non-conforming sign may be altered if the sign face is not thereby enlarged beyond the maximum area allowed by this Chapter.
[R.O. 2004 § 420.090; Ord. No. 495 § 4, 7-17-2001]
Permit Required. A permit is hereby required prior to the erection, construction, reconstruction, alteration, moving, conversion or maintenance of any sign, except as elsewhere exempted by this Chapter.
Application. Application for a permit shall be made to the Superintendent of Public Works upon a form provided by the City showing the plans and specifications of the proposed sign, including dimensions, material and details of construction, including loads, stresses and anchorage and any additional information as may be required to assure compliance with the ordinances of the City. The application shall be accompanied by the written consent of the owner or lessee of the premises upon which the sign is to be erected.
No permit for the erection, alteration or enlargement of any sign shall be issued by the Superintendent of Public Works unless:
Application therefor has been made in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter.
The sign complies with the ordinances of the City.
The fee for such permit has been paid.
Permits issued hereunder shall become null and void upon the expiration of six (6) months after the date of issuance if the work authorized by such permit has not been completed.
The Superintendent of Public Works may revoke any permit issued by him/her pursuant to this Chapter upon failure of the holder to comply with any of the provisions of this Chapter.
Outdoor Advertising Fee. The permit fee for the review of an application and permit for erection of outdoor advertising, due to the requirement to have engineering plans reviewed and inspection of the outdoor advertising during and after construction, shall be the sum of five hundred dollars ($500.00). The fee shall be deposited with the City Collector and is non-refundable. Thereafter, an outdoor advertising license fee of one hundred dollars ($100.00) per year per outdoor advertising shall be charged and collected as other business license fees.
Sign Fee. All signs, other than outdoor advertising and temporary signs as set out below, shall pay a permit fee of ten dollars ($10.00) for the review of an application and permit, due to the requirement to have engineering plans reviewed and inspection of the signs during and after construction. The fee shall be deposited with the City Collector and is non-refundable.
[R.O. 2004 § 420.100; Ord. No. 495 § 5, 7-17-2001]
Temporary signs may be allowed subject to the following conditions:
A permit in accordance with Section 420.040 shall be required.
Such signs shall not exceed thirty-two (32) square feet in size or four (4) feet in height.
The sign setback requirements of this Chapter shall apply.
No person shall be allowed to display a temporary sign or signs on a parcel of land for more than fourteen (14) days in a calendar year.
Application. The owner or lessee of the premises upon which a sign is to be erected may file an application with the Planning and Zoning Commission for approval of a sign plan upon forms provided by the City, except if the proposed sign locations(s) is within a planned zoning district. The application shall be accompanied by a sketch showing the type, size and location of the signs proposed to be erected upon the property or premises. Sign plans for planned zoning districts approved prior to June 1, 2001, shall remain in effect.
Approval Of Variance. The Planning and Zoning Commission may approve such a plan allowing a variance in the number or particular type of sign otherwise permitted by this Chapter, provided that:
No unlawful signs shall be permitted.
All non-conforming signs on the property or premises shall be brought into compliance with the requirements of this Chapter.
Each sign meets the size, setback and other limitations and requirements for that type or class of sign.
The Board of Adjustment finds that the plan:
Reduces the number of signs which would otherwise be permitted on the premises or property;
Reduces the total square footage of signs which would otherwise be permitted on said property; and
Would not violate the spirit or intent of this Chapter.
No permit shall be issued for erection of a sign on premises or property on which such a plan has been approved, where the sign does not conform with the requirements of the plan, without the removal at the applicant's expense of all signs permitted by the plan and not otherwise permitted.
[R.O. 2004 § 420.110; Ord. No. 495 § 6, 7-17-2001]
The following classes of signs shall be exempt from application and registration and permit fee, provided that such exemption shall not be construed so as to relieve the owner of the sign from meeting all other standards for its erection, maintenance, size, location and removal:
Home for sale, rent, lease.
Apartment for sale, rent, lease.
Construction signs.
Memorial signs or tablets, names of buildings and dates of erection, when cut into masonry surface or when constructed of bronze or other incombustible material.
Government building signs erected on a municipal, State or Federal building which announce the name, nature of the occupancy and information as to use of or admission to the premises.
Official signs furnished by the Superintendent of the Missouri State Highway Patrol designating an official vehicle inspection station in accordance with Section 307.365, RSMo. One (1) such sign shall be allowed for each street frontage at all such official vehicle inspection stations in addition to the signs allowed by the following provisions.
Non-commercial signs.
Commercial flags allowed under Section 420.020.
Signs prohibiting peddlers, solicitors, hawkers, itinerant merchants or transient vendors of merchandise when placed upon private residential property.
"No Parking" signs in conformance with the provisions of this Chapter, provided the sign does not exceed eighteen (18) inches by twenty-four (24) inches in dimension.
Garage sale signs.
Identification Of Resident's Name, Address Or Home Occupation. One (1) on-premises sign for each street frontage not exceeding four (4) square feet in sign surface area shall be allowed to identify the resident, the street address and the home occupation.
Single- Or Two-Family Home For Sale Or Rent. One (1) on-premises sign for each street frontage not exceeding four (4) square feet in sign surface area shall be allowed to indicate that a dwelling unit is for sale or rent.
Identification Of Multiple-Family Dwelling. One (1) on-premises sign for each street frontage not exceeding fifteen (15) square feet in sign surface area shall be allowed to identify the residence.
Multiple-Family Dwelling For Sale Or Rent. One (1) on-premises sign for each street frontage not exceeding four (4) square feet in sign surface area shall be allowed to indicate that a multiple-family dwelling is for sale or rent.
Identification Of Open House And Model Home. In the case of an open house or model home a maximum of three (3) on- or off-premises signs pertaining to a specific piece of property not exceeding four (4) square feet in sign surface area per sign shall be allowed, provided that the signs are permitted only during the hours the home is open for viewing.
Land For Sale Or Lease. One (1) on-premises sign not exceeding twelve (12) square feet in sign surface area per acre, with a maximum sign surface area reached at thirty-two (32) square feet, shall be allowed to advertise land for sale or rent. For lots of less than one (1) acre in size, a twelve (12) square foot sign shall be allowed.
Prohibition Of Peddlers, Solicitors, Hawkers, Itinerant Merchants Or Transient Vendors Of Merchandise. One (1) on-premises sign not exceeding one (1) square foot in sign surface area shall be allowed for the purpose of prohibiting solicitors, peddlers, hawkers, itinerant merchants or transient vendors of merchandise from coming in or upon private residential property.
Garage Sale Signs. One (1) on-premises sign not exceeding four (4) square feet in sign surface area for each street abutting the premises shall be allowed to advertise a garage sale conducted upon the premises only during the actual time of the sale.
Identification Of Temporary Real Estate Sales Office In A Residential Zoning District. One (1) on-premises sign not exceeding six (6) square feet in sign surface area and not exceeding four (4) feet in height shall be allowed to identify a temporary real estate sales office in a residential zoning district.
[R.O. 2004 § 420.120; Ord. No. 495 § 7, 7-17-2001]
Business uses in the historic business district, with the exception of shopping centers, office buildings, theaters, automobile service stations, hotels and motels, shall be allowed the following signs:
Wall Signs. Each establishment shall be allowed on-premises wall, canopy and awning signs not to exceed the maximum surface area allowed under Section 420.150 of this Chapter. Establishments with rear entrances may also have one (1) wall or awning sign at the rear entrance not exceeding ten (10) square feet of sign surface area.
Under Marquee Signs, Projecting Signs. Establishments fronted by a canopy or marquee may have one (1) business identification sign, nine (9) inches by forty-two (42) inches in size, suspended below the canopy so that the bottom of said sign is at least nine (9) feet above the grade.
Roof Signs. Establishments of one (1) or two (2) stories with the building set back from the public right-of-way more than twenty (20) feet may have one (1) roof sign. The allowed sign surface area shall be determined at the rate of two (2) square feet of sign surface area per linear foot of building frontage. No roof sign shall extend beyond the highest point of the roof upon which it is located.
Sale Or Lease Of Land. One (1) on-premises sign not exceeding twelve (12) feet in sign surface area shall be allowed to advertise the sale or lease of land.
Sale Or Lease Of Building. One (1) on-premises sign not exceeding twelve (12) square feet in sign surface area shall be allowed to advertise the sale, rental or lease of office or commercial space.
[R.O. 2004 § 420.130; Ord. No. 495 § 8, 7-17-2001]
Number And Type. Business uses outside the historic business district, with the exception of shopping centers, office buildings, theaters, automobile service stations, hotels and motels, shall be allowed two (2) of the following four (4) signs, but not both a freestanding and a roof sign:
Wall Signs. Each establishment may be allowed any combination of on-premises wall, canopy or awning signs not to exceed the maximum surface area allowed under this Chapter. Establishments with rear entrances may also have one (1) wall or awning sign at the rear entrance not exceeding ten (10) square feet of sign surface area.
Projecting Signs. Each establishment may be allowed one (1) on-premises sign not to exceed eight (8) feet in projection from the building wall on each wall facing a street. In the case of a one-story building, such signs may extend ten (10) feet above the roof line or parapet of the building. In all other cases, such signs shall not extend above the roof line or parapet of the building.
Roof Signs. Each establishment of one (1) or two (2) stories may be allowed one (1) on-premises roof sign for each wall facing a street. The maximum sign surface area shall be determined at the rate of two (2) square feet per linear foot of building frontage. No roof sign shall extend beyond the highest point of the roof upon which it is located.
Each establishment may be allowed one (1) freestanding sign for each adjacent street right-of-way per the regulations of Section 420.150 of this Chapter.
Sale Or Lease Of Land. One (1) on-premises sign not exceeding twelve (12) square feet in sign surface area per one (1) acre shall be allowed to advertise the sale or lease of land. A maximum shall be reached at thirty-six (36) square feet. For lots of less than one (1) acre in size, a twelve (12) square foot sign shall be allowed.
Sale Or Lease Of Building. One (1) on-premises sign not exceeding twelve (12) square feet in sign surface area shall be allowed to advertise the sale, rental or lease of office or commercial space.
Development Identification Signs. Each commercial development, with the exception of shopping centers or "C-P" Districts, shall be allowed one (1) identification sign limited to six (6) feet in height and thirty-two (32) square feet.
[R.O. 2004 § 420.140; Ord. No. 495 § 9, 7-17-2001]
The following signs shall be permitted at shopping centers:
Each separate business within the shopping center shall be allowed:
On-premises wall, canopy and awning signs on each wall facing a street not to exceed the maximum surface area allowed under Section 420.150 and on each wall that does not face a street but which does face the main shopping center parking area not to exceed sixty-four (64) square feet maximum surface area; or
On-premises roof signs for each wall facing a street or main shopping center parking area; total maximum sign surface area of all such signs appearing above any one (1) wall to be determined at the rate of four (4) square feet of sign surface area per linear foot of wall length the business occupies.
A business with a rear or side entrance shall be allowed one (1) on-premises wall or awning sign not to exceed ten (10) square feet in sign surface area for each such entrance. Roof signs shall not extend beyond the highest point of the roofs upon which they are located.
Freestanding signs in shopping centers shall be regulated by Section 420.150.
[R.O. 2004 § 420.150; Ord. No. 495 § 10, 7-17-2001; Ord. No. 619 § I, 7-20-2010]
Freestanding Signs. One (1) freestanding sign may be allowed per adjacent street right-of-way and further regulated by Section 420.150 of this Chapter.
Outdoor advertising shall be allowed within sixty (60) feet of the nearest edge of the right-of-way of any interstate (I-44) or freeway in areas zoned "C" or "M" subject to the following regulations:
Outdoor advertising shall be oriented toward traffic on the interstate or freeway.
No outdoor advertising along any interstate shall be erected closer than two thousand (2,000) feet from any other outdoor advertising. No outdoor advertising along any freeway shall be erected closer than four thousand (4,000) feet from any other outdoor advertising.
No outdoor advertising shall be erected closer than five hundred (500) feet from any area zoned "R-1."
No outdoor advertising shall be erected closer than five hundred (500) feet from any residential structure.
No outdoor advertising shall be erected closer than five hundred (500) feet from any church, school or park.
No outdoor advertising shall be erected closer than one thousand (1,000) feet from any historical site or historical district so designated by the Federal, State or City Government.
No outdoor advertising shall be erected closer than one hundred (100) feet from any on-premises freestanding sign.
The maximum height of outdoor advertising along any interstate shall be forty-five (45) feet. The maximum height of outdoor advertising along any freeway shall be thirty (30) feet.
The maximum surface area of outdoor advertising along any interstate shall be two hundred (200) square feet. The maximum surface of outdoor advertising along any freeway shall be two hundred (200) square feet.
Outdoor advertising shall have only one (1) sign surface area except that outdoor advertising may have two (2) sign surface areas if the surface areas are oriented in opposite directions. No V-shaped outdoor advertising shall be allowed.
External lighting of outdoor advertising, such as floodlights, thin line and gooseneck reflectors, are permitted, provided the light source is directed upon the face of the sign and is effectively shielded so as to prevent beams or rays of light from being directed toward any residential structure or into any portion of the main traveled way of the interstate or freeway and the lights are not of such intensity so as to interfere with the residential use of property or to cause glare, impair the vision of the driver of a motor vehicle, or otherwise interfere with a driver's operation of a motor vehicle.
No outdoor advertising shall have wind-activated elements or any material which glistens or sparkles.
No outdoor advertising shall be erected closer than five hundred (500) feet from a City green space access easement, green space conservation easement or green space trail easement.
The following outdoor advertising regulations shall apply along all highways, other than interstates or freeways, where the City is mandated by law to allow outdoor advertising:
Outdoor advertising shall be oriented toward traffic on the highway.
No outdoor advertising shall be erected closer than one thousand (1,000) feet from any other outdoor advertising.
No outdoor advertising shall be erected closer than five hundred (500) feet from any area zoned "R-1" or any equivalent County zoning.
No outdoor advertising shall be erected closer than five hundred (500) feet from any residential structure.
No outdoor advertising shall be erected closer than five hundred (500) feet froth any church, school or park.
No outdoor advertising shall be erected closer than five hundred (500) feet from any historical site or historical district so designated by the Federal, State or City Government.
No outdoor advertising shall be erected closer than one hundred (100) feet from any on-premises freestanding sign.
No outdoor advertising shall be erected within five hundred (500) feet of an interchange or intersection at grade. Such five hundred (500) feet shall be measured from the beginning or ending of the pavement widening at the exit from or entrance to the main traveled way.
The maximum height of outdoor advertising shall be twelve (12) feet.
The maximum surface area of outdoor advertising shall be seventy-two (72) square feet.
Outdoor advertising shall have only one (1) sign surface area except that outdoor advertising may have two (2) sign surface areas if the surface areas are oriented in opposite directions. No V-shaped outdoor advertising shall be allowed.
External lighting of outdoor advertising, such as floodlights, thin line and gooseneck reflectors, are permitted, provided the light source is directed upon the face of the sign and is effectively shielded so as to prevent beams or rays of light from being directed toward any residential structure or into any portion of the main traveled way of the highway and the lights are not of such intensity so as to interfere with the residential use of property or to cause glare, impair the vision of the driver of a motor vehicle, or otherwise interfere with a driver's operation of a motor vehicle.
No outdoor advertising shall have wind-activated elements or any material which glistens or sparkles.
No outdoor advertising shall be erected closer than five hundred (500) feet from a City green space access easement, green space conservation easement or green space trail easement.
No outdoor advertising shall be erected farther than sixty (60) feet from the nearest edge of the right-of-way of the highway along which the City is mandated by law to allow outdoor advertising.
No outdoor advertising shall be erected outside areas zoned "C" or "M."
No outdoor advertising, whether lighted or not, shall be erected so as to obscure or interfere with a driver's operation of a motor vehicle or in any other way constitutes a safety hazard. Any outdoor advertising which is erected in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter and which shall at any time thereafter be found to obstruct vision or constitute a safety hazard, as may be determined by the Board of Aldermen, shall be removed. The removal of any such outdoor advertising shall only occur after a hearing before the Board of Aldermen wherein the owner of the outdoor advertising shall be given the opportunity to be heard. If the Board of Aldermen, after the reviewing of the evidence submitted, finds that any such outdoor advertising obstructs vision and/or in any other manner constitutes a safety hazard, the owner thereof shall be given sixty (60) days to remove the offending outdoor advertising. Appeals from the finding by the Board of Aldermen shall be as permitted by law.
Sale Or Lease Of Building. One (1) on-premises sign not exceeding thirty-six (36) square feet in sign surface area shall be allowed to advertise the sale, lease or rent of industrial space.
Industrial Parks. In industrial parks, one (1) industrial park master sign shall be allowed for each adjacent street right-of-way.
[R.O. 2004 § 420.160; Ord. No. 495 § 11, 7-17-2001]
One (1) on-premises freestanding sign shall be allowed for any religious or governmental entity. One (1) on-premises illuminated wall sign for each street frontage for each such religious or governmental unit.
Except as otherwise allowed or restricted in this Chapter, non-commercial signs are subject to the following restrictions:
They shall be ground or wall signs, except when placed in a location where other types of signs are allowed.
They shall not exceed sixteen (16) square feet in sign surface area per premises; provided that any non-commercial sign may have a sign surface area as large as that of any allowable sign in the same location.
They shall not exceed a maximum height of ten (10) feet; provided that any non-commercial sign may be as high as any allowable sign in the same location.
The area and height limitations of this Section shall not apply to any non-commercial message placed on a structure that has existed as non-conforming outdoor advertising.
Any structure which may be lawfully used for an on-premises commercial sign may be used for a non-commercial sign.
[R.O. 2004 § 420.170; Ord. No. 495 § 12, 7-17-2001]
Office buildings shall be allowed on-premises wall, canopy and awning signs not exceeding the maximum surface area allowed under Section 420.150 of this Chapter.
Freestanding Sign. Each office development may be allowed one (1) on-premises freestanding sign for each adjacent street right-of-way in accordance with Section 420.150 of this Chapter.
[R.O. 2004 § 420.180; Ord. No. 495 § 13, 7-17-2001]
One (1) on-premises unilluminated construction sign, a wall or freestanding sign which may indicate the names of architects, engineers, builders, contractors, owners and financial institutions shall be allowed at the site of construction, provided such signs shall be erected only after the issuance of a City building permit and removed upon issuance of a certificate of occupancy by the City. The maximum height shall be eight (8) feet and the maximum size shall be sixty-four (64) square feet.
[R.O. 2004 § 420.190; Ord. No. 495 § 14, 7-17-2001]
In Historic Business District. One (1) on-premises sign not exceeding eight (8) square feet in sign surface area, nor three (3) feet in height as measured from the grade immediately below the sign, shall be allowed at each automotive entrance and exit of any establishment within the historic business district.
Outside Historic Business District. Outside the historic business district, one (1) on-premises sign, not exceeding thirty-two (32) square feet in sign surface area nor three (3) feet in height as measured from the grade immediately below the sign, shall be allowed at each automotive entrance and exit of any establishment.
Stand-Alone Automatic Teller Machine (ATM). One (1) on-premises sign not exceeding eight (8) square feet in sign surface area nor three (3) feet in height as measured from the grade immediately below the sign shall be allowed at each automotive entrance and exit to the ATM.
Anything to the contrary in this Chapter notwithstanding, theaters and drive-in theaters shall be allowed any two (2) of the following five (5) types of signs:
One (1) marquee sign not to exceed two (2) square feet for every linear foot of building frontage.
One (1) wall sign not to exceed the maximum surface area allowed under Section 420.150 of this Chapter.
One (1) freestanding sign with a maximum of two hundred eighty-eight (288) square feet in area and thirty (30) feet in height. However, no sign shall be greater in area than thirty-two (32) square feet for each screen in the theater, plus thirty-two (32) square feet.
Each establishment of one (1) or two (2) stories may be allowed one (1) on-premises roof sign for each wall facing a street. The maximum sign surface area shall be determined at the rate of two (2) square feet per linear foot of building frontage. No roof signs shall exceed the highest point of the roofs upon which they are located.
One (1) awning sign not to exceed the maximum surface area allowed under Section 420.150 of this Chapter.
A stand-alone automatic teller machine shall be allowed a total of seventy-five (75) square feet of wall or canopy sign surface area. The sign surface area shall be determined as the area of the basic geometric shape that encloses the message. Sign area for an automated teller machine located within the footprint of an occupied building shall be considered as part of the permitted wall sign surface area for the occupied building.
[R.O. 2004 § 420.200; Ord. No. 495 § 15, 7-17-2001]
Freestanding signs shall be regulated by the following Table of Sign Regulations in accordance with the more detailed regulation of this Section:
Zoning District/ Street Class
R-1, R-2, and A-1
C-1, C-2 Outside The Central Business District, C-3
M-1 and M-C
Local Residential
32 square feet maximum area, 6 feet maximum height
32 square feet maximum area, 6 feet maximum height
32 square feet maximum area, 6 feet maximum height
Collector Or Local Non-Residential
32 square feet maximum area, 6 feet maximum height
64 square feet maximum area, 12 feet maximum height
64 square feet maximum area, 12 feet maximum height
32 square feet maximum area, 6 feet maximum height
64 square feet maximum area, 12 feet maximum height; for each 1.25 feet setback, add 3.55 square feet/128 maximum and 1 foot height to 30 feet maximum
64 square feet maximum area, 12 feet maximum height; for each 1.25 feet setback, add 3.55 square feet/128 maximum and 1 foot height to 30 feet maximum
32 square feet maximum area, 6 feet maximum height
64 square feet maximum area, 12 feet maximum height; for each 1.25 feet setback, add 3.55 square feet/128 maximum and 1 foot height to 30 feet maximum
64 square feet maximum area, 12 feet maximum height; for each 1.25 feet setback, add 3.55 square feet/128 maximum and 1 foot height to 30 feet maximum
Interstate Freeway
32 square feet maximum area, 6 feet maximum height
128 square feet maximum area, 30 feet maximum height; for each 2.00 feet setback, add 10.65 square feet/288 maximum and 1 foot height to 45 feet maximum
128 square feet maximum area, 30 feet maximum height; for each 2.00 feet setback, add 10.65 square feet/288 maximum and 1 foot height to 45 feet maximum
The interstate and freeway category in Subsection (A) shall apply only to property within one hundred (100) feet of the right-of-way of Interstate 44.
Freestanding signs located on interior lots shall be set back from each side lot line a distance equal to twenty-five percent (25%) of the lot width. On corner lots, the side setback shall be equal to twenty-five percent (25%) of the lot width and applied only to the side lot line not adjacent to a street right-of-way.
Freestanding signs shall, at a minimum, be set back ten (10) feet from the right-of-way line, except that freestanding signs located on through lots shall be set back from the right-of-way lines no more than one-half (1/2) the lot depth. Freestanding signs located on corner lots abutting three (3) or more street rights-of-way shall be set back from the front and rear lot lines no more than one-half (1/2) the lot depth.
Where increased sign area and height are allowed by reason of increased setback, the setback shall be measured from the point of minimum setback.
Shopping centers shall be allowed one (1) freestanding master sign per adjacent street right-of-way. A sign shall not exceed sixty-four (64) square feet in area per acre of land containing the shopping center to a maximum of two hundred eighty-eight (288) square feet or one-half (1/2) square foot in area for each linear foot of the adjacent street right-of-way the sign is oriented toward, whichever is greater, except that when an adjacent street is an arterial street designated for collector street sign regulations, freestanding signs shall be regulated by collector street provisions of the Table of Regulations. Maximum height of shopping center master signs shall be thirty (30) feet.
In planned office, planned business and planned unit development districts, freestanding sign area, height, placement and number shall be subject to review and approval of development plans or final development plans. Specific regulations shall be recommended to and approved by the Board of Aldermen as part of a development plan or final development plan or, in the case of minor revisions, by the Planning and Zoning Commission or the Director of Planning and Development. Changes to specific sign regulations within a development plan shall only be approved through compliance with zoning ordinance procedures for review and approval of development plans and final development plans and changes to them.
Freestanding sign regulations for "R-1," "R-2," "R-3," "R-4," "MH" and "MH-R1" Zoning Districts found in the Table of Regulations shall only be applicable to signs described in Section 23-11(e) and (l).[1] Any non-residential uses allowed in the "A-1," "R-1," "R-2," "R-3" and "R-4" Districts shall be allowed freestanding signage in accordance with the Table of Sign Regulations in this Section.
On-premises wall, canopy and awning signs shall be regulated by the following Table of Sign Regulations in accordance with the more detailed regulations of this Section:
Zoning District/ Street Class
R-1, R-2, and A-1
R-3, R-4, MH and MH-R1
O-1, O-2
C-1, C-2 and C-3
M-1 and M-C
Local Residential
32 square feet maximum area
32 square feet maximum area
32 square feet maximum area
32 square feet maximum area
32 square feet maximum area
Collector Or Local Non-Residential
32 square feet maximum area
32 square feet maximum area
48 square feet maximum area
64 square feet maximum area; except that if the business does not have a freestanding sign, for each 1.25 feet of setback, add 3.55 square feet to a 128 square feet maximum area
64 square feet maximum area; for each 1.25 setback, add 3.55 square feet to a 128 square feet maximum area
32 square feet maximum area
32 square feet maximum area
64 square feet maximum area
64 square feet maximum area; for each 1.25 feet setback, add 3.55 square feet to a 192 square feet maximum area
64 square feet maximum area; for each 1.25 feet setback, add 3.55 square feet to a 192 square feet maximum area
32 square feet maximum area
32 square feet maximum area
64 square feet maximum area
64 square feet maximum area; for each 1.25 feet setback, add 3.55 square feet to a 256 square feet maximum area
64 square feet maximum area; for each 1.25 feet setback, add 3.55 square feet to a 256 square feet maximum area
Interstate Freeway
32 square feet maximum area
128 square feet maximum area
128 square feet maximum area
128 square feet maximum area; for each 2.00 feet setback, add 10.65 square feet/288 maximum
128 square feet maximum area; for each 2.00 feet setback, add 10.65 square feet/288 maximum
The interstate and freeway category in the above "Table Of Sign Regulations" in Subsection (H)(1) shall apply only to property within one hundred (100) feet of the right-of-way of Interstate 44 and property, either in whole or in part, within one thousand (1,000) feet of the midpoint of the intersections with Interstate 44.
Street classifications are defined by the major thoroughfare plan of the City of Bourbon, Missouri, and the subdivision regulations of the City of Bourbon. Zoning categories are defined by the Zoning Ordinance and the Zoning District Map of the City of Bourbon.
Where increased sign area is allowed by reason of increased setback, the setback shall be measured from a point thirty-five (35) feet from the curb or, if there is no curb, then thirty-five (35) feet from the edge of the pavement.
The surface area of any wall sign shall not exceed fifteen percent (15%) of the area of the wall or twenty percent (20%) of the area of the wall if the business does not have a freestanding sign.
In planned office, planned business and planned unit development districts, on-premises wall, canopy and awning sign surface area shall be subject to review and approval of development plans or final development plans. Specific regulations shall be recommended to and approved by the Board of Aldermen as part of a development plan or final development plan or, in the case of minor revisions, by the Planning and Zoning Commission or the Director of Planning and Development. Changes to specific sign regulations within a development plan shall only be approved through compliance with zoning ordinance procedures for review and approval of development plans and final development plans and changes to them.
When an establishment has frontage on more than one (1) street, the sign surface area for wall, canopy and awning signs shall be determined separately for each street.
Editor's Note: So in original.
[R.O. 2004 § 420.210; Ord. No. 495 § 16, 7-17-2001]
Motels and hotels shall be allowed the following signs:
Wall Signs. Motels and hotels shall be allowed on-premises wall, canopy and awning signs on each wall facing a street, with the sign surface area not to exceed the maximum surface area allowed under Section 420.150 of this Chapter.
Projecting Sign. Except in the central business district, one (1) on-premises projecting sign not to exceed eight (8) feet in projection from the building wall shall be allowed on each wall facing a street. In the case of a one (1) story building, such signs may extend ten (10) feet above the roof line or parapet of the building. In all other cases such signs shall not extend above the roof line or parapet of the building.
Freestanding Signs. One (1) on-premises freestanding sign in accordance with Sections 420.100 and 420.150 [except that only one (1) shall be allowed].
Supplemental Signs. Supplemental signs not to exceed three (3) for each street frontage may be used to advertise additional facilities and services (restaurant, bar, nightclub, etc.) available at the motel or hotel. Such supplemental signs shall be wall signs and shall have a maximum sign surface area of one hundred (100) square feet per street frontage.
Marquee Signs. Motels and hotels with an entrance marquee shall be permitted a marquee sign with a maximum sign surface area not to exceed two (2) square feet per linear foot of frontage for the marquee.
[R.O. 2004 § 420.220; Ord. No. 495 § 17, 7-17-2001]
Time and temperature signs with a maximum sign surface area of thirty (30) square feet may be placed in any commercial or industrially zoned district, subject to all other restrictions on signs in the commercial or industrially zoned district in which they are placed.
[R.O. 2004 § 420.230; Ord. No. 495 § 18, 7-17-2001]
It shall be the duty of the Superintendent of Public Works to enforce the provisions of this Chapter and to refuse to issue any building permit for any sign which would violate all of the provisions hereof and such Superintendent of Public Works or any deputy or inspector working under his/her direction, by and with the consent of the Superintendent of Public Works, is hereby authorized and instructed to arrest, prosecute or bring any proceedings in a proper court in the name of the City against any person violating any of the terms of this Chapter. In case any sign is erected, constructed, reconstructed, altered, moved, converted or maintained, or any sign is used in violation of this Chapter, such Superintendent of Public Works is hereby authorized and directed to institute any appropriate action or proceedings to prevent such unlawful erection, maintenance, construction, reconstruction, alteration, repair, conversion or use, to restrain, correct or abate such violation and to prevent any illegal act.
In case any sign is erected, constructed, reconstructed, altered, moved, converted or maintained, or any sign is used in violation of this Chapter, the proper local authorities of the municipality, in addition to other remedies, may institute any appropriate action or proceedings to prevent such unlawful erection, construction, reconstruction, alteration, moving, conversion, maintenance or use, to restrain, correct or abate such violation. Such regulations shall be enforced by the Superintendent of Public Works who is empowered to cause any sign or premises to be inspected and examined and to order in writing the remedying of any condition found to exist therein or thereat in violation of any provision of the regulations enumerated herein.
The owner or general agent of a building or premises where a violation of any provision of the regulations of this Chapter has been committed or shall exist, or the lessees or tenant of an entire building or entire premises where such violation has been committed or shall exist, or the general agent, architect, builder, contractor or any other person commits, takes part or assists in any such violation or who maintains any sign or premises in which any such violation shall exist shall be guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not less than ten dollars ($10.00) and not more than one hundred dollars ($100.00) for each and every day that such violation continues; but if the offense be willful, on conviction thereof, the punishment shall be a fine of not less than one hundred dollars ($100.00) or more than two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) for each and every day that such violation shall continue or imprisonment for ten (10) days for each and every day such violation shall continue, or both such fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the court. Any such person who, having been served with an order, within ten (10) days after such service shall continue to violate any provision of this Chapter made under authority of this Chapter in the respect named in such order shall also be subject to a civil penalty of two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00).
The Planning and Zoning Commission may, in appropriate cases and subject to appropriate conditions and safeguards, make recommendation to the Board of Aldermen for exceptions to the terms of this Chapter in harmony with its general purpose and intent. The Board of Aldermen shall have the following powers:
To hear and decide appeals where it is alleged there is all error in an order, requirement, decision or determination made by an administrative official in the enforcement of this Chapter.
In passing upon appeals, where there are practical difficulties or unnecessary hardship in the way of carrying out the strict letter of the provisions of this Chapter, to vary or modify the application of any of the regulations or provisions of such Chapter relating to the use, construction or alteration of outdoor advertising, panelboards, signboards and signs so that the spirit of this Chapter shall be observed, public safety and welfare secured and substantial justice done.
Appeals to the Board of Aldermen pursuant to this Section shall be submitted in accordance with the procedure set forth for appeals from the Planning and Zoning Commission.
The criteria used for granting variances to this Chapter shall be as follows:
Variances shall not be granted for both size and height of freestanding signs.
The degree of variance shall be the minimum necessary to afford relief from the practical difficulty or hardship imposed by the requirements of the Chapter.
[R.O. 2004 § 420.240; Ord. No. 495 § 19, 7-17-2001]
The Superintendent of Public Works is authorized to remove unlawful signs on street right-of-way and on property owned by the City.
The Superintendent of Public Works is authorized to order the owner of any private property to remove or bring into compliance any unlawful sign on the owner's property within a reasonable time specified by the Director. The order shall require the unlawful sign to be removed or brought into compliance unless the owner, within ten (10) days of receipt of the order, appeals the matter to the Board of Adjustment pursuant to Section 405.370 of this Code. If the Board finds that the sign is unlawful, it shall order the sign removed or brought into compliance within a specified time.
If a sign is not removed or brought into compliance as specified in an unappealed order of the Superintendent of Public Works or as specified by the Board of Adjustment, the Superintendent of Public Works may cause the sign to be removed. The Superintendent of Public Works shall submit the actual cost of such removal to the owner of the property. If the owner does not pay the cost within thirty (30) days of receipt, the Superintendent of Public Works shall certify the cost to the Director of Finance who shall cause a special tax bill against the property to be prepared and collected. The tax bill shall be due and payable from the date of issuance and shall be a lien on the property from the date of issuance until paid. Tax bills issued pursuant to this Section shall bear interest from the date of issuance at the rate of nine percent (9%) per annum.
The remedies provided in this Section are not exclusive but are in addition to other remedies provided for in this Code.