As used in this chapter, the following terms have the meanings indicated:
The Village Administrator and/or his authorized designee.
A one-year period commencing on the date of the removal of a Class B or Class C tree.
The owner, lessee, occupant or contract vendee of real property in the Village, or any agent thereof.
The Planning Board of the Village of Sea Cliff.
The Building Department of the Village, or its authorized designee.
[Added 11-9-2020 by L.L. No. 10-2020]
An individual who has obtained knowledge and competency in arboriculture or forestry through an accredited body such as the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) Arborist Certification Program, the American Society of Consulting Arborists, or the New York State Cooperating Consultant Forester Program, or equivalent program as determined by the Tree Commission.
The Tree Commission.
Shall include such practices as topping, girdling, trenching near tree roots, applying herbicides or pesticides, poisoning, ringing a tree, excessive pruning, damaging, compacting or overburdening the roots, or cutting, in a manner as to bring about, or which may reasonably be expected to bring about, the ultimate death of such tree, either immediately or within the course of time; shall also include any destructive pruning practices.
Pruning of a mature tree in ways that are in violation of best practices, as defined by the American National Standards Institute Guidelines for Tree Pruning [ANSI A300, Part 1]. Destructive pruning practices include, but are not limited to, tree topping, defined as cutting back large-diameter branches to stubs, and removal of more than 25% of a tree's canopy.
The measurement of the diameter of a tree taken at a point 4.5 feet above ground level. If a tree splits into multiple trunks below such point, then the measurement is taken at the most-narrow point beneath the split.
Any condition in which the failure to remove a tree, or any portion thereof, shall represent an imminent danger to the health, safety and general welfare of Village residents or property in the Village.
The average of the ground level at the base of a tree.
The natural growing characteristics of any tree, which includes branch spread and distribution, branch height above ground and root spread and distribution below ground.
A tree that has such unique value or importance as to be considered irreplaceable. Heritage trees shall be set forth in a list adopted and maintained by the Village based on criteria adopted by resolution of the Board of Trustees and may include trees that are important based on their location, rarity, size, and/or aesthetic, botanical, ecological and/or historical value. A heritage tree may be an individual tree located in a particular location or a species of tree.
An area having a slope of 10% or greater.
Any individual, firm, partnership, association, corporation, company, public agency, public utility, organization or entity of any kind, or agent thereof.
A list of tree or shrub species for various sites and conditions, including land characteristics, existence of utility lines or facilities, and proximity to buildings, structures or paved surfaces maintained by the Village.
Any cutting or drastic pruning or elevating the habitat of a tree that impairs or endangers the life of such tree or destroys its natural symmetry; and shall include, but not be limited to, heavy or unnecessary cutting of top branches and cutting of top and side branches and limbs (commonly called "topping").
The Superintendent of Buildings of the Village, or his authorized designee.
A woody perennial plant, typically having an elongated trunk, or trunks, that bear lateral branches and leaves at a distance from the ground.