[R.O. 2007 § 700.010; Ord. No. 88-3 §§ 1 — 2, 6-2-1988]
It is hereby found, determined and declared to be necessary for the public health, safety, welfare and benefit of the City of Pineville, Missouri, and its inhabitants that the existing waterworks of said City and the existing sewerage system of said City, and all future improvements and extensions thereto, be combined and that they shall henceforth be operated and maintained as a combined waterworks and sewerage system.
From and after the final passage of this Section, the waterworks of the City of Pineville, Missouri, and the sewerage system of said City and all future improvements and extension thereto, whether to the waterworks or to the sewerage system or to both, shall be and the same are combined and it is hereby declared that said waterworks and said sewerage system and all future improvements and extensions thereto as aforesaid shall henceforth be operated and maintained as a combined waterworks and sewerage system.
[R.O. 2007 § 700.020]
If it is found that during any period of time a utility meter has failed to register, the customer served through such meter shall be billed an estimated charge for the utility service delivered based on the usage during the previous billing period either ninety (90) days before or after the time when such meter was discovered to have failed to register or be in error.
[R.O. 2007 § 700.030]
All meters shall be read monthly and bills for utility services shall be rendered monthly and such bills shall become due and payable on the first day of the following month.
[R.O. 2007 § 700.040]
All bills for utility services furnished by the City shall be subject to a ten percent (10%) penalty fee if not received in the City utility billing office by 4:00 P.M. on the 20th day of the month, when the 20th day falls on a regular business day (Monday through Friday).
In cases where the 20th day of the month falls on a Saturday, Sunday or a City-recognized holiday on which the utility billing office is closed, the penalty shall be applicable if payment is not received in the City utility billing office by 8:00 A.M. the next business day.
[R.O. 2007 § 700.050; Ord. No. 09-07 § 1, 3-24-2009]
In the event bills for utility service shall not be paid on or before 4:00 P.M. on the 25th day of the month they become due, then utility service to such customer shall be disconnected. If the regular shutoff day should fall on Friday, Saturday or Sunday, said utility service shall be disconnected on the next day of regular City business. The City may discontinue municipal utility service to a delinquent customer without notice.
When an order for disconnection of utility services due to non-payment has been written, a fifty dollar ($50.00) service administrative fee shall be assessed on the account. This administrative service fee shall be assessed and paid regardless of the status of any actual disconnection of service. All past due amounts, including any other amounts or fees due the City for any reason shall be paid in order to maintain or restore utility service. In the event that utility service is disconnected for non-payment of the bill, service shall not be reconnected until all past due bills and applicable fees for municipal services have been paid in full.
Should a customer with disconnected service request reconnection during non-business hours, the customer will be required to provide payment prior to reconnection in the form of cash or a cashier's check or money order for the total amount due the City, including any applicable additional fees, plus a fifty dollar ($50.00) after hours reconnection fee.
When a household that has a seventy-five dollar ($75.00) deposit on file is shut off more that once within a year, at the time of the request to reconnect water services the resident must pay their past due water bill, the fifty dollar ($50.00) reconnect fee and an additional seventy-five dollars ($75.00) to bring the deposit on file to one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00).
[R.O. 2007 § 700.055; Ord. No. 11-02 § 1, 3-22-2011]
The new standard specifications for sewer main construction shall be adopted and held at the City Clerk's office; however, same will not be codified in full at this time. The codifiers will, however, set out a Section of the Code, which will make reference to the adoption of same, until the City wants this material included.
[R.O. 2007 § 700.060; Ord. No. 03-09 Art. V §§ 1 — 2, 8-11-2003; Ord. No. 05-06 Art. V §§ 1 — 6, 3-17-2005; Ord. No. 14-03 § 1, 4-10-2014]
Returned Checks.
Accounts paid by check and returned as insufficient funds or account closed will be disconnected without notification and an additional twenty dollar ($20.00) return check fee will be added to the bill.
Anyone charged a return check fee will terminate the acceptance of paying by check for a time frame of one (1) year.
A twenty-five dollar ($25.00) fee will be charged for meter certification.
Services To Be Discontinued. The following services will be discontinued: garden rate, snowbird rate and one-time leak adjustment. Any adjustment to a water bill must be approved by the Board of Aldermen on an individual basis.
[R.O. 2007 § 700.070; Ord. No. 93-7 § 12, 9-14-1993]
During the construction of any building and before any water is installed as is herein provided, the contractor so constructing such building may be permitted to use the City water supply by making application therefor and paying the flat fee prescribed by the Board of Aldermen.
[R.O. 2007 § 700.080]
Sewerage services, water services, or water and sewerage services combined shall be deemed to be furnished to both the occupant and owner of the premises receiving such service and, except as otherwise provided in Subsection (B) of this Section, the City rendering such services shall have power to sue the occupant or owner, or both, of such real estate in a civil action to recover any sums due for such services less any deposit that is held by the City for such services, plus a reasonable attorney's fee to be fixed by the court.
When the occupant is delinquent in payment for thirty (30) days, the City shall make a good faith effort to notify the owner of the premises receiving such service of the delinquency and the amount thereof. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Section to the contrary, when an occupant is delinquent more than ninety (90) days, the owner shall not be liable for sums due for more than ninety (90) days of service. Any notice of termination of service shall be sent to both the occupant and owner of the premises receiving such service.
The provisions of this Section shall apply only to residences that have their own private water and sewer lines. In instances where several residences share a common water or sewer line, the owner of the real property upon which the residences sit shall be liable for water and sewer expenses.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, any water provider who terminates service due to delinquency of payment by a consumer shall not be liable for any civil or criminal damages.
The provisions of this Section shall not apply to unapplied-for utility services. As used in this Subsection, "unapplied-for utility services" means services requiring application by the property owner and acceptance of such application by the utility prior to the establishment of an account. The property owner is billed directly for the services provided and, as a result, any delinquent payment of a bill becomes the responsibility of the property owner rather than the occupant.
Cross Reference: See Ch. 710, Sewers.
Editor's Note: Ord. No. 10-31 § 1, adopted 11-22-2010, amended § 700.090, Sewer Rate Schedule. The information contained in § 700.090 can now be found in § 710.050, How User Charge Determined. Former § 700.090 derived from Ord. No. 87-5 § 67.540, adopted 5-15-1987, as amended by Ord. No. 03-05, adopted 3-10-2003.
[R.O. 2007 § 700.100; Ord. No. 93-7 § 3, 9-14-1993; Ord. No. 97-1 § A, 1-9-1997; Ord. No. 07-16 § 1, 8-28-2007]
A deposit shall be made with the application, which sum is to be retained by the City of Pineville to insure payment of all bills. When service to an applicant is discontinued permanently, this deposit less any amount still due the City of Pineville for water service shall be refunded. Where the applicant is the owner of property to which the service is connected, a deposit of fifteen dollars ($15.00) shall be required. When the applicant is not the owner of the property to which service is to be connected, such as a renter, the deposit shall be in the sum of one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00).
[R.O. 2007 § 700.110; Ord. No. 93-7 § 10, 9-14-1993; Ord. No. 95-5 § A, 8-3-1995]
All water rates for residential and commercial customers are set out in Section 720.040 of this Code.
[R.O. 2007 § 700.120; Ord. No. 86-6 §§ 2 — 5, 3-21-1986; Ord. No. 10-31 § 2, 11-22-2010]
All sewer service charges are set out in Section 710.050 of this Code.