[Adopted 4-28-1992 ATM by Art. 34 (Art. 68 of the General Bylaws)]
[Amended 4-24-2017 ATM by Art. 10]
In accordance with 310 CMR 19.017, Waste Bans, the Town of Marshfield adopts the general and specific restrictions of said regulation as it pertains to the ban on disposal of the restricted material or the contracting for the disposal of the restricted material.
For the purpose of this bylaw the Department of Environmental Protection (Department) may restrict or prohibit the disposal of certain components of the solid waste stream when it determines that:
Disposal of the material presents a potential adverse impact to public health, safety or the environment;
A restriction or prohibition will result in the extension of the useful life or capacity of a facility or class of facilities; or
A specific facility or class of facilities is not approved for the disposal of particular types of material and may not contract for the disposal of particular types of material.
For the purpose of this bylaw, effective on the dates specified in the table below, restrictions on the disposal of the materials listed therein shall apply as specified. No person shall dispose or contract for disposal of the restricted material except in accordance with the restriction established in the table. No landfill shall accept the restricted material except to handle, recycle or compost the material in accordance with a plan submitted pursuant to 310 CMR 19.017(3) and approved by the Department.
Table 310 CMR 19.017(3)
Restricted Material
Effective Date of Restriction
Restriction on Disposal
Lead batteries
December 31, 1990
Ban on disposal
December 31, 1991
Ban on disposal
December 31, 1991
Ban on disposal of whole tires only at landfills; tires must be shredded prior to disposal in landfills
White goods
December 31, 1991
Ban on disposal
Other yard waste
December 31, 1992
Ban on disposal
Post-consumer recyclables
Aluminum containers
December 31, 1992
Ban on disposal
Metal or glass containers
December 31, 1992
Ban on disposal
Single polymer plastics
December 31, 1994
Ban on disposal
Recyclable paper
December 31, 1994
Ban on disposal