[Approved 2-1-1988]
[Amended 11-15-1999]
While at work, all staff members, in both public and nonpublic departments, are to present a businesslike appearance in both dress and cleanliness.
Neatness and cleanliness are essential. Avoid extremes so attire befits the dignity of the profession. Good taste and judgment are expected at all times.
Anyone unsure of what is appropriate should consult with the Director.
It is the responsibility of the staff to create and maintain a friendly, welcoming, courteous, helpful, and pleasant atmosphere. Every patron is entitled to equal and competent service. Patrons awaiting service or assistance take precedence over all other work assignments. Every staff member is expected to comply with this policy and be alert to patron needs.
Proper self-restraint and tact should be exercised at all time. Any criticism or complaint should be referred to the Director. Punctuality is required. Employees are expected to be ready for work at the designated time and not merely be in the building or visiting with fellow staff members. All conversations, be they with the public or fellow staff, should be kept within bounds and not become mere visiting. This includes telephone calls. Although whispering is not required, a reasonable volume should be maintained so as not to disturb the public or fellow staff.
While on duty, eating, chewing gum, and discussion of personal affairs is an unprofessional breach of good taste. Everyone is expected to be meticulous in avoiding any careless or personal use of library time or property.