[Added 11-25-2014 by Ord. No. 2014-19]
This article establishes the policy of the Borough of Stanhope that Stanhope property shall only be used for the conduct of Borough business. This policy further establishes that inoperative, obsolete, broken or beyond its useful life Borough property shall only be disposed of in accordance with this policy.
As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Includes all Borough employees, governing body members, members of all boards and commissions and volunteers and members of volunteer agencies providing essential government services to the Borough that have use of or access to Borough property.
Includes all personal property owned, leased, or entrusted to the Borough, including, but not limited to, equipment, tools, materials, uniforms, supplies, furnishings and vehicles.
Every Borough employee has a personal responsibility for the safeguarding of all Borough property as follows:
Borough property may only be used for the conduct of Borough business and shall not be used by any employee for any other purpose.
Borough property shall be used only for the conduct of Borough business, and no Borough employee is authorized to use, or to allow the use of, any such Borough property for any other purpose.
All Borough employees must take all necessary steps to prevent the damage to, theft of, loss or misuse of Borough property. Such steps shall include, but shall not be limited to, insuring that buildings and storage areas are properly locked before leaving employment, that parked vehicles are properly locked, that tools, supplies, equipment and the like are properly used, stored and safeguarded.
No Borough employee may take, sell or give away Borough property, regardless of its condition without prior specific authorization of the Mayor and Council. Borough property that is inoperative, obsolete, broken or beyond its useful life shall only be disposed of upon the prior specific authorization of the Mayor and Council.
Any employee failing to comply with the conditions of this article or to fulfill the employee's responsibility thereunder for the proper use and safeguarding of Borough property shall be subject to disciplinary action, including dismissal.
This policy does not prohibit the loaning or exchanging for temporary use Borough property with another municipal agency in the normal course of and in furtherance of Borough business as authorized by an appropriate Borough official. This policy further does not prohibit the routine incidental use of Borough property in the normal course of business by Borough employees.