The Zoning Officer shall:
Administer this chapter in accordance with its literal terms and shall not have the power to permit any construction or any use or change of use which does not conform to this chapter. The Zoning Officer is authorized to institute civil enforcement proceedings as a means of enforcement of this chapter when acting in the scope of his employment. The Zoning Officer shall administer and enforce the provisions of this chapter in accordance with the provisions of the chapter and the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code.[1]
Editor's Note: See 53 P.S. § 10101 et seq.
Issue all certificates of zoning compliance and use registration certificates and make and maintain records thereof.
Conduct inspections of buildings, structures and uses of land to determine compliance with the terms of this chapter and make and maintain records thereof.
Identify and register nonconforming uses and nonconforming structures.
Maintain permanent and current records of this chapter and amendments thereto, including, but not limited to, the Zoning Map, conditional uses, special exceptions, variances and records of hearings.
Provide and maintain public information relative to all matters arising out of this chapter.
Receive, file and forward to the Board of Commissioners and the Planning Commission all applications for conditional uses, requests for amendments to this chapter and other matters requiring action by the Board of Commissioners and the Planning Commission.
Receive, file and forward to the Zoning Hearing Board appeals, challenges, applications for special exceptions and variances and all other matters requiring action by the Zoning Hearing Board.
Perform any duties with respect to this chapter and the enforcement or interpretation thereof which may be required by the Board of Commissioners, the Zoning Hearing Board or the Planning Commission.
Appeals from actions of the Zoning Officer shall be taken not later than 30 days after the decision and shall be taken to the Zoning Hearing Board in accordance with the procedures authorized by the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code.
The Building Inspector shall:
Receive applications and issue permits for the erection, addition, alteration, repair, removal, demolition of all buildings and structures and maintain records thereof.
Inspect the premises for which such permits have been issued and enforce compliance with the Building Code of the Township of Shaler and in accordance with this chapter.[1]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 90, Building Construction as amended by the UCC.
The Building Inspector and/or authorized assistant shall carry proper credentials of his respective office for the purpose of inspecting any and all buildings and premises in the performance of duties under the Township of Shaler Building Code.