[Ord. No. 320 §23.200, 8-9-1990; Ord. No. 412 §1, 7-12-2005]
All full-time City employees shall earn sick leave with full pay at the rate of one (1) workday for each calendar month of service. Sick leave shall accrue from the date of employment but shall not be taken until the successful completion of the three (3) month probationary period except with the written permission of the Mayor. Sick leave may never be taken in advance of earning the time. Sick leave may be accumulated up to a maximum of thirty-six (36) days.
An employee may be eligible for sick leave for the following reasons:
Personal illness or physical incapacity.
Quarantine of an employee by a physician.
Illness in the immediate family requiring the employee to remain at home.
An employee who is unable to report for work because of one (1) of the above reasons shall report the reason for his/her absence to his/her supervisor within four (4) hours from the time he/she is expected to report for work. Sick leave with pay shall not be granted unless such report has been timely made. Documentation may be required of the employee before any sick leave will be granted or payment made. In all cases, sick leave with pay in excess of three (3) working days shall be allowed only after presenting a written statement by a physician certifying that the employee's condition prevented him/her from appearing for work.
An employee terminating from City service shall not be allowed the use of sick leave in the last two (2) calendar weeks of employment. Unused sick leave will not be compensated for in any way at the time of resignation or dismissal of any employee.
Abuse of the sick leave privilege can result in dismissal.
[Ord. No. 320 §23.220, 8-9-1990]
Employees may receive a leave of absence not to exceed a total of fifteen (15) calendar days in any federal fiscal year for participation in annual training in the National Guard or Reserve Armed Forces. Requests for such leave must be accompanied by a copy of official orders requiring such training. Compensation for this period of military leave shall be limited to the amount by which the normal City pay exceeds the military pay received. A copy of the military pay voucher shall be submitted prior to authorization for payment to the employee for the period of leave. Such military training leaves shall not be deducted from annual leave.
Any permanent employee who is drafted into the military service shall, upon termination of his/her active service, be entitled to return to the City service at a level equivalent to the position held on his/her departure. This leave of absence shall not exceed the period of time necessary to complete the period of active duty that he/she has been involuntarily ordered to perform.
[Ord. No. 320 §23.240, 8-9-1990]
An employee may be granted leave as needed in the event of death of a member of his/her immediate family. Such leave shall not be deducted from either sick leave or vacation leave.
[Ord. No. 320 §23.250, 8-9-1990]
An employee may be granted leave with pay when required to be absent from work for jury duty or as a trial witness. Compensation for such leave shall be limited to the difference between pay received from this service and normal duty pay.
[Ord. No. 320 §23.260, 8-9-1990]
A permanent (full- or part-time) employee who is temporarily disabled in the line of duty shall receive pay equal to the difference between the amount received from Workers' Compensation benefits and his/her normal salary amount for the period of his/her disability without charge against his/her vacation leave or sick leave, subject to the following conditions:
Provided that the disability resulted from an injury or illness sustained directly in the performance of the employee's work as provided in the State Workers' Compensation Act.
If incapacitated for his/her regular assignment, the employee may be given other duties with the City Government for the period of recuperation. Unwillingness to accept such an assignment as directed by his/her department head or supervisor will make the employee ineligible for disability leave during the time involved.
A physician selected or approved by the City shall determine the physical ability of the employee to continue working or to return to work.
Disability leave shall not exceed sixty (60) working days for any one (1) injury.