The following shall be the minimum standards for issuance of a timber harvesting permit .
A copy of the timber harvesting permit, including all accompanying documents, plans, specifications, approvals, conditions, etc., shall be available on site during the timber harvesting operation.
An applicant proposing to engage in timber harvesting on landslide-prone soils must provide a forestry plan prepared by a professional forester that describes the best management practices to be employed to ensure stabilization of soils and demonstrates compliance with the Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences publication entitled "Best Management Practices for Pennsylvania Forests."
[Amended 7-12-2016 by Ord. No. 2653]
The clear-cutting or seed-tree cutting methods, or any other method deemed by the Municipality to be similarly intensive, may not be performed on areas with a slope exceeding 4H:1V out of a concern for destabilizing the earth, unless the applicant can demonstrate that the proposed method employs best management practices to ensure stabilization of the slope and is the method recommended by the professional forester to sustain the forest.
[Amended 7-12-2016 by Ord. No. 2653]
In order to minimize environmental degradation, timber harvesting operations shall be confined, to the maximum extent practical, to the drier summer and fall seasons.
Buffer zones shall be maintained on the property on which the timber harvesting operation is being conducted as follows:
Along abutting properties and streets: 25 feet, unless a reason for harvesting within the buffer zone exists and is explained in the forestry plan.
[Amended 7-12-2016 by Ord. No. 2653]
Around wetlands, vernal pools, lakes, ponds, creeks, streams, or other waters of this commonwealth, an applicant shall provide proof that the buffer distances that are required under the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection's regulations and those recommended in the Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences publication entitled "Best Management Practices for Pennsylvania Forests" are included in the forestry and E&S plans.
[Amended 7-12-2016 by Ord. No. 2653]
All cutting, removing, skidding and transporting of trees as part of the timber harvesting operation shall be planned and performed in such a manner as to minimize the disturbance of or damage to other trees, vegetation and the land itself.
Roads, trails, landings, etc., shall be constructed, maintained and abandoned in such manner as to prevent soil erosion and permanent damage to soils and waterways.
Roads, trails, landings, etc., shall only be wide enough to accommodate the type of equipment used, and grades of such roads and trails shall be kept as low as possible. Such areas generally shall have a transverse slope meant to distribute runoff uniformly as sheet flow instead of concentrating flow.
Stream crossings shall be avoided, but, where deemed necessary, crossings shall be made at a right angle across suitable culverts or bridges in accordance with appropriate state and federal regulations.
Skidding across live or intermittent streams is prohibited except over culverts or bridges in accordance with appropriate state and federal regulations.
All limbs and stubs shall be removed from felled trees prior to skidding.
All trees bent or held down by felled trees shall be promptly released.
No trees shall be left lodged in the process of felling.
Felling or skidding on or across property of others is prohibited without the express written consent of those property owners. Felling or skidding on or across any public street is prohibited without the written permission of the appropriate municipal, county or state government agency.
No tops or slash shall be left within 25 feet of any adjoining property, public street, stream and/or historic or scenic trail; or within 10 feet of any drainage ditch.
The stumps of all felled trees shall be permitted to remain in the soil for stabilization purposes.
Upon completion of the timber harvesting operation, all timbering roads shall be graded to eliminate any wheel ruts, and access to such roads from public streets by motor vehicles of any kind shall be effectively blocked.
Debris deposited on public streets or thoroughfares or adjacent property as a result of work shall be removed immediately.
The operation shall comply with applicable health and safety measures, including but not limited to adequate warning signs, traffic controls, sanitary measures, environmental measures and other applicable measures.
All disturbed areas shall be graded and seeded immediately upon termination of their use. The permittee shall not wait until the entire project is complete to begin stabilization of disturbed areas but will restore the areas incrementally as they are abandoned.
All trees shall be cut at a maximum of 18 inches above the ground surface.
Ingress/egress points shall be located as determined and approved by the Municipality.
Litter resulting from any logging operation shall be cleaned up and removed from the site before it is vacated by the operator.