An individual, firm, corporation or partnership shall not be permitted to install water mains within existing Town rights-of-way. All such work will be designed and constructed by the Commission and its authorized agent, and all expenses shall be recovered from the individual, firm, corporation or partnership.
The existence of mains nearby does not entitle any individual, firm, corporation or partnership to extension of mains. The Commission will evaluate the water needs for the proposed project and possible service connections along the extended portion and compare it to the limited capacity of the system, along with other planning and economic factors. Evaluation of the proposed extension will be conducted by the Commission and its authorized agent prior to approval or denial of an application. Approval by the Commission is contingent upon acceptance at public hearings for bonding and assessment. A developer is therefore cautioned that final rulings for main extensions along Town rights-of-way will likely be a lengthy process and that there are no guaranties on availability of water. The developer should therefore submit its application very early in the planning process.
Along with the information required with the application procedure given in Article II, the following will be required:
Engineering calculations that support computation of proposed and future ADF, MDF, PHF and instantaneous peak flows.
Detailed information on future expansion of facilities.
Information on fire flow requirements.
The individual, firm, corporation or partnership shall be required to reach a legal agreement satisfactory to the Commission and Town Attorney for the complete cost for extension. The cost shall include, but not be limited to, installation, engineering, rights-of-way acquisition, bonding costs and interest, legal fees, construction administration and inspection, permits, testing, disinfection, mains, appurtenances, pumping stations, storage tanks, valves, hydrants, blow-off and air/vacuum manholes and restoration of ground surface and features. The Town reserves the right to incorporate the extension of a water main in a larger contract for water improvements and to collect assessments from all those benefitting from the extension, including the developer. The developer's assessment will be considered as part of his payments to defray the cost of the extension to his project.