The following rules shall apply where uncertainty exists as
to boundaries of any district as shown on the Official Zoning Map.
A. District boundary lines are intended to follow or be parallel to
the center line of street rights-of-way, creeks, railroads and lot
lines as they existed at the time of the adoption of this chapter,
unless such district boundary lines are fixed by dimensions as shown
on the Official Zoning Map.
B. Where a district boundary is not fixed by dimensions and where it
approximately follows lot lines, such boundary shall be construed
to follow such lot lines unless specifically shown otherwise.
C. The location of a district boundary that divides a lot shall be determined
by the use of the scale appearing on the Zoning Map unless indicated
otherwise by dimensions.
D. Where a municipal boundary divides a lot, the minimum lot area shall
be regulated by the municipality in which the principal use(s) are
located, unless otherwise provided by applicable case law. The land
area within each municipality shall be regulated by the use regulations
and other applicable regulations of each municipality.
Under the authority of Article
VII-A and other sections of the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code, and to carry out the Borough Comprehensive Plan, the following additional requirements shall apply within the V Village Zoning District:
A. New building placement. If a new principal building is proposed on
a lot that abuts Main Street in the V District, then the majority
of the front wall of such building shall have a maximum front setback
of 25 feet, and no new off-street parking spaces on the lot shall
be placed between the principal building and Main Street.
B. Any principal commercial building shall have a primary pedestrian
entrance and windows along Main Street if the building is adjacent
to that street. If desired for security purposes, the windows may
be display windows or have curtains in front of an interior wall,
without the windows opening directly to the inside of the building.
C. Height. If a new principal building is constructed adjacent to Main
Street, it shall have two or more aboveground stories, or shall be
constructed with an appearance of having two or more aboveground stories.
Such appearance may utilize parapet walls, fake windows and similar
design features.
D. Demolition waiting period for older buildings.
(1) Purposes: to provide a mechanism to discourage thoughtless and unnecessary
destruction of valuable historic resources; to provide a mechanism
that allows interested parties an opportunity to encourage a property
owner to consider alternatives to demolition, such as sale to another
person, movement of the building or rehabilitation; to provide opportunities
for historic resources to be documented before they may be demolished,
and allow historic features to be salvaged before demolition.
(2) This §
400-19D shall apply to any principal building in the V Zoning District that the Zoning Officer has reason to believe was primarily constructed prior to January 1, 1940.
(3) No building regulated by this §
400-19D shall be partially or entirely demolished unless a minimum of 80 days has passed from the date a complete valid permit application has been duly submitted to the Borough staff for the demolition. After such time period, the permit may be issued by the Borough for the demolition if all requirements of Borough ordinances have been met.
(4) The Zoning Officer may issue a permit for the demolition immediately
if the person responsible for enforcement of the Borough Building
Code certifies, in writing, that the building represents a
clear and immediate hazard to public safety, and that no other reasonable
alternative exists to immediate demolition.
(5) This subsection shall not regulate:
Interior renovations nor removal of features (such as a rear
porch) that are not necessary to support the principal building and
that are not visible from a public street or adjacent public sidewalk;
Removal of features that were added to the building after its
original completion, such as a modern porch or aluminum siding.