[Adopted 11-23-2015 by Ord. No. 308-2015]
The outdoor storage of boats shall be permitted on single-family zoned properties, provided that:
Such storage shall not be located in any required front yard.
All boats shall, along with any trailers used in conjunction therewith, be currently registered in accordance with applicable motor vehicle requirements and which registration must apply to some person residing in the residential structure wherein the boat is stored and which structure shall be such person's domicile.
Any such boat stored in accordance with this section shall not be occupied and shall not be provided with utility connections other than for the maintenance of such vehicle.
The storage of all boats shall be in an area of the side or rear yard and in a manner so as to not constitute a nuisance or obstruction to any adjacent property owner.
Landscaping shall be installed, on either a temporary or permanent basis, which shall diminish the extent to which the boat is observable from any adjacent lot and in direct relationship to the size and height of such vehicle.
Notwithstanding the provisions of this section, a boat may be parked anywhere on private residential property temporarily for the purpose of loading and unloading purposes.
In any residential district, the parking or standing of boats of any type or design in excess of 26 feet in length is prohibited.