[Added 11-12-2007 by Ord. No. 2007-36; amended 11-12-2012 by Ord. No. 2012-30]
No person shall tender or offer for sale goods or merchandise of any kind, engage in other commercial activity, or solicit contributions for any cause on any portion of any interstate, state, county or local roadway within the Township of Cranford, including the right-of-way and rest areas thereupon, unless such person has obtained a permit from the Township prior to such activity. Permits shall be limited to nonprofit entities and shall not be issued for more than 30 days cumulatively in any calendar year. Nothing in this section shall be construed to inhibit the operation of commercial traffic, the rendering of emergency services to vehicles or travelers on said roadways, or the installation and use of public telephones at locations of rights-of-way approved by the State Department of Transportation and/or the Township of Cranford, as may be appropriate. This section does not regulate such activities on private property or on other nonroadway areas. No permits shall be issued under this section for any activities within 200 feet of the intersection of Centennial Avenue and Raritan Road.