[Adopted 6-30-1994 as Title 5, Ch. 4, Secs. 5-4-8, 5-4-9, 5-4-11 and 5-4-12, of the 1994 Code]
The Village Water Utility shall consist of wells, storage tanks, transmission and distribution facilities, including mains and waterlines, valves, fire hydrants, and water services up to and including the curb stop, and other facilities required in connection therewith. The Village, acting through the Village Board, shall have the power to lay mains and waterlines through private property easements, alleys, streets and public grounds of the Village to construct and install power lines, to acquire and install required facilities and to do such work as necessary or convenient in the management of the water system, when approved by the Board. The Village, or its officers, agents and employees shall have the right to enter upon any land to examine or supervise in the performance of their duties under this subsection without liability therefor. The Village Board shall also have the power to acquire or purchase for the Village all easements, real property and personal property necessary for construction or operation of the water system or for any repair, remodeling or additions thereto.
All property, real, personal and mixed, acquired for construction of the water system, all plans, specifications, diagrams, papers, books and records connected therewith and all buildings, machinery and fixtures pertaining thereto shall be Village property.
As set forth in § 464-1 of this Code, when a water main becomes available to any building that is used or capable of being used for human habitation, such building shall be connected to the water system.[1]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. III).
As part of the connection to the Village of Coloma water utility required, any existing private water supply shall be totally disconnected from any existing building and from all faucets or fixtures inside any existing building. All such interior faucet or fixtures shall be connected only to the Village of Coloma water supply. The existing private water supply may be retained only for outdoor water use, and may be connected only to those outdoor hose connections which have no further connection to the building subject to the connection requirement.
Violation. The owner of each parcel of land required to connect under Subsection A which is not connected to the Village water system as required shall be in violation of this article. In addition to forfeiture, the property owner shall pay the Clerk/Treasurer upon billing therefor an amount equal to the minimum monthly charge for water service normally provided to a property having similar use. Such charge shall be collected in the event of nonpayment as a lien upon the property.
Maintenance of service. All water services within the Village from the street up to and including the curb stop, including all controls between the same, shall be maintained by the water utility without expense to the property owner, except when damaged as a result of negligence or carelessness of the property owner, tenant or owner's agent or contractor, whereupon it shall be repaired at the property owner's expense. All water services from the ending point of maintenance by the Water Utility to and throughout the serviced premises shall be maintained free of defective conditions by and at the expense of the property owner or occupant. If the property owner does not repair a leak between the curb stop and building within 48 hours of detection, the water shall be shut off until the repair is made. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Village or it's agent may order a property owner to repair a leak within a shorter period of time if the leak is of such magnitude so as to impair the public health, safety or welfare. Any action to discontinue service pursuant to this section shall follow the procedures set forth by the Public Service Commission.
Relief. The Village Board may extend the time for connection or may grant other temporary relief where strict enforcement would cause an unnecessary hardship without corresponding public or private benefit.
General. The rules, regulations and water rates of the Village water utility shall be considered a part of the contract with each person who is supplied with water through the water system. Such person by taking water or connection with such system shall be considered as expressing his assent and be bound thereby. Whenever any such rules and regulations or such conditions as the Village Board may hereafter adopt are violated, the water may be shut off from the building or place of such violation, even though two or more parties are receiving water through the same pipe, and shall not be turned on again except by order of the Village Board after payments of all arrears, expenses and established charges of shutting off, turning on and such other terms as the Village Board may determine. These rules shall conform to the established rules and regulations of the State Public Service Commission or state statutes applicable thereto. The Village Board has the right to change the rules, regulations and water rates, subject to compliance with the same of the State Public Service Commission, from time to time as it may deem advisable and to make special rates and contracts and seek forfeitures in all proper cases. The rules, regulations and water use rates are available in the most recent rate case report from the Public Service Commission. In addition, the following rules and regulations shall apply:
Multifamily building metering. In multifamily buildings, each unit shall be serviced by an individual metered water service. Interior plumbing and meter settings shall be provided to enable individual service and disconnection without affecting service to other units. Each meter and meter connection shall be a separate water utility customer.
Diversion of water service prohibited. No diversion of the water service of any lot or parcel of land shall be made for extension and independent meterage of the supply to an adjoining lot or parcel of land. No diversion of a water supply service shall be made at the curb for separate supplies therefrom for two or more separate buildings having frontage on any street or public service strip whether owned by the same or different parties.
Turning on water service. Water service shall not be turned on and made available to any building or private service pipe without order of the authorized agent of the Utility. Plumbers are prohibited from turning on water and making it available into any service pipe, except with the permission of the Utility or its authorized agent. When water has been turned off by order of the utility or its agent, no customer shall turn it on or permit it to be turned on without permission of the Utility or its agent.
Curb stops. The customer and owner of the property being served shall protect the curb stop for the property benefited and shall keep the same free from dirt and other obstructions. The Water Utility shall not be liable for failure to locate curb stops or for failure to shut off water in case of a leak on any particular property.
Thawing frozen services. Frozen services shall be thawed out by and at the expense of the property owner unless freezing was caused by contributory fault or negligence by the Water Utility. Following freezing of a service, the property owner shall take such steps as may be necessary to prevent refreezing. The charge for water shall be adjusted to allow a credit for water permitted to run as result of Utility fault or negligence.
Installation of meters. Customers at their sole expense shall be responsible for Utility costs of the installation of meters or for installation of meters by licenses plumbers. Customers shall utilize meters furnished by the Water Utility. Water meters shall not be disconnected or tampered with by anyone. All meters shall be so located that they are protected from obstructions and permit ready access thereto for reading, inspection and servicing, such location to be designated or approved by the Village Director of Public Works or his agent. The piping for meter installation, whether original or moved, shall be approved by the DPW or agent.
Combined metering. Multiple meters placed for the purpose of identifying water not discharged into the sanitary sewer are not considered for Water Utility convenience and shall be a separate account.
Relief valves. On all closed systems (i.e., systems having a check valve, pressure regulator or reducing valve, water filter or softener) an effective pressure relief valve shall be installed either in the top tapping or the upper side tapping or the hot-water tank, or on the hot-water distributing pipe connection at the tank. A one-half-inch drainpipe shall be connected to the relief valve for discharge on the floor or into a sink or open drain through an air gap.
Cross-connection prohibited.
A "cross-connection" shall be defined as any physical connection or arrangement between two otherwise separate systems, one of which contains potable water from the Village of Coloma Water Utility, and the other, water from a private source, water of unknown or questionable safety, or steam, gases, or chemicals, whereby there may be a flow from one system to the other, the direction of flow depending on the pressure differential between the two systems.
No person, firm or entity shall establish or permit to be established or maintain or permit to be maintained any cross-connection or other interconnection whereby potable water from a private water supply other than the public water supply of the Village of Coloma Water Utility may enter the supply or distribution system of the municipality.
It shall be the duty of the Village of Coloma to conduct inspections of all properties served by the Water Utility where cross-connection with the water system is possible. Upon presentation of identification, the representative of the Village of Coloma Water Utility shall have the right to request entry at any reasonable time to examine any property served by a connection to the public water system for cross-connections. On request, the owner, lessee, or occupant of any property served shall furnish to the inspection agent any pertinent information regarding the piping system or systems on such property.
The water utility is hereby authorized and directed to discontinue water service to any property wherein any connection in violation of this article exists, and to take such other precautionary measures deemed necessary to eliminate any danger of contamination of the public water system.
Cross-connection program. Schedule of Inspections:
[Amended 4-25-2013 by Ord. No. 13-02]
Type of Customer
Frequency of Inspection
10 years or meter replacement schedule (20 years)
2 years
2 years
Commercial similar to Residential
10 years or water replacement schedule
Public Authority
2 years
Inspections may also coincide with PSC 185.76 - Meter Testing Schedule for Residential and Commercial similar to Residential
Operation of valves and hydrants. Any person or entity who shall, without authority of the Utility, operate any valve connected with the street or supply mains, open any fire hydrant connected with the distribution system, except to extinguish fire, or who shall damage or impair the same shall be subject to forfeiture.
Vacating of premises. Before premises are to be vacated, the Water Utility shall be notified in writing, so it may remove the meter and shut off the water at the curb valve. The owner of the premises shall be liable for any damage to the Water Utility property by failing to notify the Water Utility of vacancy.
Restrictions on water use. The Village Board may by resolution restrict water use for non-essential uses. All property owners and customers shall keep hydrants, taps, water closets, urinals, baths or other fixtures allotted to their use closed except when obtaining water for use.
Customer's use only. No property owner or customer shall, without permission from the Water Utility, supply water to others, or allow others to remove water from a property or allow connections to the system through his property.
Pollution of water or waterworks prohibited. No person or entity shall pollute or otherwise injure any water or cause damage to the system, building, machinery or fixture pertaining thereto; without authority impede or divert the flow of water in any component of the Water Utility or cause any to leak in any component used in the system to hold, convey or distribute water.
Damage recovery. The Water Utility shall have the right to recover from any person or entity any expense incurred by the Water Utility for repair or replacement of any water pipe, storage tank, well, curb cock, gate valve, hydrant or valve box damaged in any manner by any person or entity by reason of operation of any electrical system, performance of any work or by negligence. Owners and operators of motor vehicles shall be liable for the cost of repair of any hydrant damage by such vehicle. The Water Utility or the Village shall not be responsible for damage caused to a motor vehicle by reason of such accident.
No claims for damages. No person or entity shall submit a claim for damages against the Village, the Water Utility or any officer or agent thereof for damage to any pipe, fixture or appurtenances by reason of interrupted service, variation of pressure or for damage caused by turning off or on, whether wholly or partially, the water supply for the extension, alteration or repair of any water main or premises supply, or for the discontinuance of the premises water supply for violation of any rule or regulation of the Water Utility. No claims shall be allowed against the Village or the Water Utility on account of the interruption of the water supply caused by the breaking of pipes or machinery or by stoppage of repairs from fire or other emergency. No claims shall be allowed for any damage caused by the breakage of any pipe or machinery.
The water use rates and service charges to be paid to the Water Utility for services rendered by the Water Utility or in connection with the Water Utility shall be established from time to time by the Village Board by resolution and approved where necessary by the Wisconsin Public Service Commission. Such rates are available from the Village Clerk/Treasurer in a copy of the most recent rate case approval from the Public Service Commission.