The purpose of this chapter is to set uniform standards for the design, construction, and procedures of acceptance for public streets and minimum design standards for private streets in the Town of Topsham in order to provide for safe vehicular and pedestrian travel and appropriate service to adjacent land.
The standards and procedures within Chapter 185, Article I, apply to all street construction that is intended for acceptance by the Town of Topsham's legislative body. No street or way shall be laid out and accepted as a public street or way by the Town of Topsham except in accordance with the provisions of Articles I and II within this chapter of the Land Use and Development Code.
Any private street that is constructed in the Town of Topsham, and as further described in Article III, shall meet the minimum standards found within this chapter.
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
A major roadway serving long distance traffic through and between municipalities and carrying traffic to major centers of activity. Routes 196, 201, and 24 are examples of an arterial.
Collector streets link villages, neighborhoods, and major facilities to the arterial network. Traffic is collected from local residential roads and delivered to the nearest arterial. Daily traffic volumes generally range in the thousands. Meadow Road, River Road, and Mallet Drive are examples of collectors.
The authorization of a property owner for the use by another, and for a specified purpose, of any designated part of his property.
A street that provides direct access to residential neighborhoods, local businesses, agricultural properties and timberlands. Roads not classified as arterials or collectors are considered local streets.
MINOR ACCESS STREETAny access street located in a rural district which serves less than 25 dwelling units and which is projected to have an average daily traffic (ADT) volume of less than 250 vehicles shall be constructed to the standards for a minor access street, as presented in Table 1.[1]
MAJOR ACCESS STREETAll other streets which are classified as access streets shall be designed to the standard required for a major access street, as presented in Table 1.
Any street that meets the standards found within Article III and accompanying tables and figures of this chapter, and which does not serve more than 10 dwelling units.
Any street that meets the standards found in Article II and accompanying tables and figures of this chapter, and has been accepted per the standards of Article I of this chapter by the Town of Topsham's legislative body.