Ordinance or Resolution
That all owners of lot or lots fronting on Main Street in the Borough of Saxonburg be required to level to fixed grade, pave with brick or lay with plank their sidewalks, the said sidewalk improvement shall be completed according to and by authorization given to Borough by Act of 1851, an Act to regulate boroughs, and the cost of which shall become a lien on the lot or lots of owners refusing to improve the same within 20% vote taken
Ord. 102
Providing for grading, curbing and paving of Main Street in the Borough of Saxonburg, PA, from a point on said street opposite the western line of the public school lot to the eastern line of Rebecca Street and providing for the assessment of two-thirds of the cost of the improvement upon the abutting property and collection thereof from the owners by the foot-front rule
Ord. 104
Assessing two-thirds of the cost and expense of grading, paving and curbing Main Street in the Borough of Saxonburg, Butler Co., PA, from a point on said street opposite the western line of the public school lot to the eastern line of Rebecca Street, upon the properties abutting upon the said part of Main Street so improved and benefitted thereby by the equal foot-front rule
Ord. 105
Providing for the grading, paving and improving of Pittsburg Street in the Borough of Saxonburg, Butler County, Pennsylvania, from Main Street to the line of Saxonburg Borough and Clinton Township and assessing two-thirds of the cost of the improvement upon abutting property owners by the equal foot-front rule
Ord. 106
Assessing two-thirds of the cost and expense of grading, paving and curbing Pittsburg Street in the Borough of Saxonburg, Butler County, PA, from Main Street to the line of Clinton Township upon the properties abutting upon the said part of Pittsburg Street so improved and benefitted thereby by the equal foot-front rule
Ord. 107
Providing for the grading and paving of Butler Street in the Borough of Saxonburg, PA, from Main Street to the northern line of the Borough of Saxonburg and providing for the assessment of two-thirds of the cost of the improvement upon the abutting property and collection thereof from the owners by the foot-front rule and it is hereby ordained and enacted with and by authority of the same
Ord. 108
Providing for the grading and paving of Butler Street in the Borough of Saxonburg, PA, from Main Street to the northern line of the Borough of Saxonburg and providing for the assessment of two-thirds of the cost of the improvement upon the abutting property and collection thereof from the owners by the foot-front rule
Ord. 109
Assessing two-thirds of the cost and expense of grading, paving and curbing Butler Street in the Borough of Saxonburg, Butler County, PA, from Main Street to the line of Jefferson Township upon the properties abutting upon the said part of Butler Street so improved and benefitted thereby by the equal foot-front rule
Ord. 112
Authorizing the grading, paving, draining and otherwise improving of State Street in the Borough of Saxonburg from Main Street to Water Street and assessing two-thirds of the cost of the expense and improvements on the owners of abutting property by the equal foot-front rule
Ord. 113
Assessing two-thirds of the cost of grading and surfacing State Street in the Borough of Saxonburg upon abutting owners by the equal foot-front rule
Ord. 114
Assessing two-thirds of the costs of grading and surfacing Freeport Street in the Borough of Saxonburg upon abutting owners by the equal foot-front rule
Res. 1
Approving and establishing the lines, grades, drainage structures, and all other structures appearing on the plan of the Department of Highways of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, showing proposed improvements on Water Street in the Borough of Saxonburg, Pennsylvania
Ord. 117
Untitled ordinance assessing two-thirds of the cost of paving Water Street from Rebecca Street to Butler Street upon property owners by the foot-front rule
Ord. 121
Approving and establishing the lines, grades, drainage structures, and all other structures appearing on the plans of the Department of Highways of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, showing proposed improvement of Freeport Road [Street] in the Borough of Saxonburg, Pennsylvania
Ord. 122
Requiring all public service companies and all abutting property owners on Freeport Road [Street] in the Borough of Saxonburg to place all necessary underground pipes and conduits, and wires and make sewer connections
Res. 4
Approving the plans of the Department of Highways of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, showing proposed improvement on Freeport Road [Street], in the Borough of Saxonburg, Pennsylvania
Ord. 123
Approving and establishing the lines, grades, drainage structures, and all other structures appearing on the plans of the Department of Highways of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, showing proposed improvement on Main Street in the Borough of Saxonburg, Pennsylvania
Ord. 124
Requiring all public service companies and all abutting property owners on Main Street in the Borough of Saxonburg to place all necessary underground pipe and conduits as well as all other pipes, poles and wires and make sewer connections
Res. 5
Approving the plans of the Department of Highways of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, showing proposed improvements on Main Street in the Borough of Saxonburg, Pennsylvania
Ord. 126
Providing for the opening of Short Street from State Street to Butler Street as a public street of and within the Borough of Saxonburg
Res. 7
Approving the plans of the Department of Highways of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, showing proposed improvement on Main Street, in the Borough of Saxonburg, Pennsylvania
Ord. 135
Approving and establishing the lines, grades, drainage structures, and all other structures appearing on the plan of the Department of Highways of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, showing proposed improvement on Main Street in the Borough of Saxonburg, Pennsylvania; adopting the said plan as the official Borough plan for said street; and approving and opening as a public highway the relocation of the said State Highway Route
Ord. 137
Providing for the grading and draining of Isabella Street in the Borough of Saxonburg from Water Street to Constitution Avenue and the paving of the said street from Water Street northward a distance of 600 feet in accordance with plans and specifications on file with the Borough of Saxonburg
Ord. 149
Establishing the center line of High Street and fixing the width thereof and establishing the grade of said High Street, all in the Borough of Saxonburg, Butler County, Pennsylvania
Ord. 153
Approving and establishing the grades, structures appearing on the plans of the Department of Highways of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, showing proposed improvements on Water Street in the Borough of Saxonburg, Pennsylvania; adopting the said plan as the official Borough plan of said street and providing for the removal of non-utility structures
Ord. 154
Laying out and opening Horne Avenue in the Borough of Saxonburg, and fixing the width thereof, and establishing the center line and the grade thereof
Ord. 155
Extending, laying out and opening Isabella Street in the Borough of Saxonburg from Main Street to Horne Avenue; fixing the width thereof, and establishing the center line and grade thereof
Res. 17
Approving the plans of the Department of Highways of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, showing proposed improvement on Pittsburgh Street, in the Borough of Saxonburg, Pennsylvania
Ord. 158
Approving and establishing the grades, structures and all other structures appearing on the plan of the Department of Highways of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, showing proposed improvement on Pittsburgh Street in the Borough of Saxonburg, Pennsylvania; adopting said plan as the official Borough plan for said street and providing for the removal of non-utility structures (The work was to extend from Station 57+94.76 to Station 85+36.00, a distance of 2,739.30 feet.)
Res. 34
Approving the plans of the Department of Highways of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, showing proposed improvement on Freeport Road, in the Borough of Saxonburg, Pennsylvania
Ord. 172
Approving and establishing the grades, structures and all other structures appearing on the plan of the Department of Highways of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, showing proposed improvement on Freeport Road in the Borough of Saxonburg, Pennsylvania; adopting the said plan as the official Borough plan for said street and providing for the removal of nonutility structures
Ord. 173
Providing for the grading, curbing and hard-surfacing High Street in the Borough of Saxonburg from Butler Street to State Street in accordance with plans and specifications on file with the Borough and providing for the assessment of two-thirds of the cost thereof upon the abutting property owners
Ord. 174
Assessing a portion of the cost of grading, curbing and paving High Street in the Borough of Saxonburg from Butler Street to State Street upon abutting property owners by the equal foot-front rule; and providing for the filing of the total assessments as liens against the abutting properties
Approving the plans of the Department of Highways of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, showing proposed improvement on Main Street, the Borough of Saxonburg, Pennsylvania
Ord. 188
Laying out and opening Thelma Drive as a public street in the Borough of Saxonburg, Butler County, Pennsylvania
Ord. 191
Vacating certain portions of Main Street Extension in said Borough as public streets and reserving certain rights to the Borough therein
Ord. 196
Approving and establishing the grades, structures, and all other structures appearing on the plan of the Department of Highways of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, showing proposed improvement on Main Street in the Borough of Saxonburg, Pennsylvania; adopting the said plan as the official Borough plan for said street and providing for the removal of non-utility structures
Ord. 197
Approving and establishing the grades, structures, and all other structures appearing on the plan of the Department of Highways of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, showing proposed improvement on Main Street in the Borough of Saxonburg, Pennsylvania; adopting the said plan as the official Borough plan for said street and providing for the removal of non-utility structures
Ord. 200
Approving and establishing the grades, structures, and all other structures appearing on the plan of the Department of Highways of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, showing proposed improvement on Main Street in the Borough of Saxonburg, Pennsylvania; adopting the said plan as the official Borough plan for said street and providing for the removal of non-utility structures
Ord. 217
Approving and establishing the grades, structures and all other structures appearing on the plan of the Department of Highways of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, showing proposed improvement on Freeport Road in the Borough of Saxonburg, Pennsylvania; adopting the said plan as the official Borough plan for said street and providing for the removal of non-utility structures
Ord. 224
Adopting a portion of Carol Drive as a public street in the Borough and establishing the grade thereof
Ord. 229
Approving and establishing the grades, structures, and all other structures appearing on the plan of the Department of Highways of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, showing proposed improvement on Water Street in the Borough of Saxonburg, Pennsylvania; adopting the said plan as the official Borough plan for said street and providing for the removal of non-utility structures
Ord. 243
Vacating Cherry Street, laid out but unopened from the Freeport Road to Elder Alley
Ord. 272
Adopting a portion of Carol Drive and the full length of Beatty Drive as public streets in the Borough, and establishing the grade thereof
Ord. 340
Adopting a portion of Carol Drive as a public street in the Borough, and establishing the grade thereof
Ord. 347
Adopting Roebling Drive as a public street in the Borough and establishing the grade thereof
Ord. 353
Adopting Bella Drive in Omega Properties Inc. Subdivision, as a public street in the Borough and establishing the grade thereof
Res. 2-91
The Department of Transportation and Saxonburg Borough have agreed to transfer from State to municipal control the portion of 2011 from segment 140 offset 0000 (State route) to segment 150 offset 0000 a distance of 0.208 miles
Res. 2-94
The Department of Transportation and this Borough have agreed to transfer from State to Borough control the portion of SR 2010 from segment 0170, offset 0000, to segment 0180, offset 0000, a distance of .3837 miles
Ord. 394
Vacating a portion of Bella Drive and simultaneously laying out a relocated portion of Bella Drive in the Borough
Ord. 409
Adopting South Butler Street as a public street of the Borough