[Ord. 445, 5/2/2012]
It shall be unlawful for any person to own, harbor or keep in custody any animal in the Borough which disturbs the peace by barking, howling, screeching, yelping or baying or which, in any way or manner, injures or disturbs the quiet of any person or the community or which disturbs or endangers the comfort, repose or health of persons. Any animal behaving in such manner is hereby declared to be committing a nuisance.
[Ord. 445, 5/2/2012]
Continuous activity as outlined in § 3-101 of this Part which occurs and continues for more than any one-hour period, or for a period of less than one hour where such period(s) occur on two or more days during a seven-day period, shall be deemed to be a disturbance of the peace, a nuisance and to endanger the comfort, repose or health of persons in the Borough.
[Ord. 445, 5/2/2012]
Any resident of the Borough may request, in writing, that the Borough warn any person who shall own, harbor or keep in custody any animal which disturbs the peace in the manner outlined in § 3-102 of this Part.
Any such request shall identify the owner of the premises, the keeper or custodian of the animal and the name and address of the person making the request. Upon receipt of such request, the Borough shall investigate the complaint and, upon satisfaction that there is probable cause, if such complaint is valid, shall give the owner, keeper or custodian of the animal a warning.
A warning shall consist of delivery of a copy of this Part to such owner, keeper, or custodian, or to someone in their household, or by mailing a copy of this Part, if the violator resides outside of the Borough, together with a written notice that no further warning shall be given and that any future complaints shall be prosecuted according to law.
A violation of this Part shall be deemed to have occurred upon a second or subsequent violation of § 3-102 of this Part which occurs after the date of delivery of the aforesaid warning.
[Ord. 445, 5/2/2012]
Any person who shall be convicted of violating any of the provisions of this Part before a District Magistrate shall be sentenced to pay a fine or penalty not exceeding $600, together with the costs of prosecution, including reasonable attorneys' fees and costs for each subsequent offense. A continuation of such violation for each successive day or days shall constitute a separate offense.
All are hereby expressly repealed to the extent necessary to give this Part full force and effect.
[Ord. 445, 5/2/2012]
The Borough Council of the Borough of Saxonburg is hereby authorized and directed to execute any and all documents necessary to effectuate the purposes of this Part.
[Ord. 459, 12/2/2015]
The purpose of this Part is to regulate the keeping of chickens for household usage.
[Ord. 459, 12/2/2015]
As used in this part, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Includes only the female of the species, whether adult or juvenile.
A coop, fenced area, or other similar structure designed to protect the chickens and restrict movement into neighboring yards. Enclosures must be enclosed on all sides and the top to prevent unauthorized entry or exit.
Conditions allowing chickens to roam freely upon the owner's property, the property of neighbors, or the sidewalks and streets of the Borough.
Includes only the male of the species.
[Ord. 459, 12/2/2015]
Each residential property shall hereby be allowed to keep no more than four chickens as pets, for egg production, or for food usage by the family. All usage of chicken products produced will be for the family keeping and maintaining the chickens. Roosters shall not be permitted within Borough limits.
[Ord. 459, 12/2/2015]
Chickens must be kept in appropriate pens at all times. Free-range conditions outside of a pen area are prohibited. Pens, coops, and other structures must be clean, dry and kept in a sanitary condition at all times in a manner that will not disturb the use and enjoyment of neighboring lots due to noise, odor, or other adverse impact. Excrement must be prevented from accumulating in the coop or on the property.
Pens must provide adequate ventilation and must provide protection from rodents, wild birds, and predators, including, without limitation, dogs and cats. No pen may be less than 20 feet from the property line, and no less than 30 feet from the occupied portion of any adjacent property.
Chicken pens must be located in the yard opposite the main roadway.
Storage of food and supplies outdoors must be in an enclosed structure and maintained in such manner as to prevent rodent harborage.
[Ord. 459, 12/2/2015]
The original permit for any structures will be handled as any other zoning permit for structures not requiring a building permit. Annual license renewals will be due by April 30 of each year. The license renewal fee shall be set as a part of the comprehensive fee schedule, herein initially set at $10 per year.
Any person obtaining a permit does authorize the Code Enforcement Officer or a Humane Society Officer to access the property upon reasonable notice to the landowner or permittee to inspect pens and/or investigate complaints.
A permit to keep chickens may be suspended or revoked where there is a risk to public health or safety or for any violation or failure to comply with the requirements of this Part. There is no vested right to keep chickens after the expiration of the annual permit.
[Ord. 459, 12/2/2015]
Any person who shall be convicted of violating any provision of Part 2 before a District Magistrate shall be sentenced to pay a fine or penalty not to exceed $600, together with the costs of prosecution, including reasonable attorneys' fees and costs for each subsequent offense. A continuation of such violation for each successive day or days shall constitute a separate offense.
[Ord. 459, 12/2/2015]
The Borough Council of the Borough of Saxonburg is hereby authorized and directed to execute any and all documents necessary to effectuate the purposes of this Part.