Building permits. The Pittsfield Township Building Inspector shall not issue permits for the building of houses or other structures intended for human occupancy or any portion thereof until the preliminary plat has received final approval as provided in the Land Division Act, and until the inspector has been officially notified of such approval by the Township Board of Trustees. No building permits shall be issued for a tract of land between the time that the preliminary plat is filed for tentative approval and the preliminary plat has received final approval. The Township Clerk shall immediately notify the Building Inspector that such process has been initiated.
Occupancy permits. The Building Inspector shall not issue permits for the occupancy of structures or any parts thereof until the Township Board of Trustees approves the final plat and all improvements required by this chapter, and agreed to in the preliminary plat as finally approved, have been completed or the Township has accepted a financial security for completion as provided for according to this chapter, and until the Building Inspector has been notified by the Township Clerk of completion or provision has been provided to the Township to guarantee the completion of the improvements.
Penalties for failure to comply with the provisions of this chapter shall be as provided in the Land Division Act.