[Adopted 2-25-2015 by Ord. No. 317 as Ch. 14, Art. II, of the 2015 Pittsfield Charter Township Code]
The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this article, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:
A recreational piece of equipment with small wheels fixed in a single line along the sole of a boot, shoe, or frame that would attach to a shoe, which is used for gliding on a hard surface such as a floor, sidewalk, concrete, asphalt and the like.
A recreational piece of equipment with small wheels near the toe and near the heel of shoe, boot or frame that would attach to a shoe, which is used for gliding on a hard surface such as a floor, sidewalk, concrete, asphalt and the like.
The act of using roller skates, in-line skates, and skateboards.
A recreational piece of equipment consisting of a short, oblong board with small wheels at each end that is to be ridden on a hard surface such as a floor, sidewalk, concrete, asphalt and the like.
No person shall roller-skate, in-line skate, skateboard or use any other type of skating device within the Township without complying with the terms of this section.
Whenever any person is roller-skating, in-line skating, or skateboarding upon a sidewalk or other paved surfaces intended for use by pedestrians, such person shall yield the right-of-way to any pedestrian and shall not approach, overtake or pass such pedestrian in a reckless or careless manner, and shall not pass such pedestrian except in single file if such person is roller-skating, in-line skating, or skateboarding with other such skaters or skateboarders.
It shall be unlawful to roller-skate, in-line skate, or skateboard on any bench, planter, wall, retaining wall, porch, steps, railing, or other device or structure located on public property, or to jump or step on or off such device or structure in the process of using roller skates, in-line skates, or skateboards.
The Township Board of Trustees may, at its discretion, by resolution, authorize the erection of signs on any Township-owned property or in any other place of the Township prohibiting the use of roller skates, in-line skates, and skateboards on such place. It shall be unlawful to perform such acts on any Township-owned property or within such Township area when such place is posted. No person shall roller-skate, in-line skate, or skateboard on any sidewalk or other paved surface intended for pedestrians in a reckless or careless manner or in a manner that is likely to result in injury or harm to any person or property.
Violation of this article shall be a municipal civil infraction subject to the penalties established in Chapter 2, Article V, Municipal Civil Infractions; Civil Fines and Penalties, of this Code.
Any person responsible for a violation of this article shall also be subject to civil proceedings for damages and/or injunctive relief by the Township or any person injured or damaged by such violation.