This organization shall be called "The Board of Library Trustees of the South Hadley Public Library," (hereafter referred to as the "Board"), existing by virtue of the provisions of MGL c. 78, §§ 10 through 13 and 21, and exercising the powers and authority and assuming the responsibilities delegated to it under said statute.
The Board shall consist of nine members, three of whom shall be elected at each annual Town election for a term of three years. Prior to assuming the position of Trustee, newly elected members must take and subscribe to the official statutory oath prescribed by the General Code of Massachusetts.
Any member of the Board may resign by written notice filed with the Chair and the Town Selectboard. The Town Selectboard, in consultation with the Board, shall fill any vacancy, regardless of cause, for the unexpired term of the vacancy.
Any member who fails to attend three consecutive regular monthly meetings without a valid excuse will be contacted by the Chair in writing and then by phone. The Chair will encourage the member to show interest in the Board by faithfully attending meetings in the future or to submit his or her resignation from the Board.
The officers of the Board shall consist of a Chair, Vice-Chair and a Secretary. In accordance with laws of the commonwealth, the Treasurer of the community shall fill the position of Treasurer.
The officers shall be nominated and elected by the Board at the first meeting following the annual Town election. They shall hold office until after the next annual Town election, and until their successors are elected.
Duties of the Chair:
To preside at all meetings of the Board.
To call and preside over special meetings of the Board.
To make decisions for the Board which are not in conflict with parliamentary rules of order. A majority vote of the Board can override the Chair's decision.
To create committees to pursue the work of the Board and to serve as an ex-officio member of each. Appointed sub-quorum committees are subject to the Open Meetings Law.
To prepare an annual report on the library's status for inclusion in the overall Annual Town Report prepared for the citizenry.
Duties of the Vice-Chair:
To perform the duties of the Chair at his or her request or absence.
Duties of the Secretary:
To keep true and accurate records of all Board meetings.
To ensure posting of all regular and special meeting agendas on the Town website.
To ensure posting of all regular and special meeting minutes on the Town website.
Committees will only have advisory power unless action has been previously approved by a majority vote of the Board. Appointed sub-quorum exploratory and/or advisory committees are subject to the Open Meetings Law. Informal gatherings of non-appointed and non-advisory sub-quorum numbers of Trustees are not subject to the Open Meetings Law.
A committee or advisory group shall be considered discharged upon completion of the work for which it was appointed and after the final report has been made to the Board.
Regular meetings. Regular meetings shall be held the first Monday of each calendar month (except July and August) at 7:00 p.m. in the Trustees' Meeting Room at the South Hadley Public Library or such other time or place as the Board may determine. Notice of regular meetings and corresponding agendas should be posted on the Town website at least 48 hours prior to the meeting schedule, Sundays and legal holidays excluded.
Special meetings may be called by the Chair or any two members of the Board, provided that written or oral notice is received by all Trustees at least 48 hours before that scheduled meeting. Notice of all special meetings must be posted on the Town website at least 48 hours prior to the meeting or as soon as possible after the Trustees have been notified. Notice shall include the reason for requesting the special meeting.
A quorum for transaction of business at any meeting shall consist of at least five Trustees. A vote of Trustees present at a meeting shall be sufficient to approve outstanding bills, provided they are covered by the budget.
The Open Meetings Law (MGL c. 30A, §§ 18 through 25) shall apply to all meetings of the Board. It states that all meetings shall be open to the public unless held under executive session under terms of the law. Minutes of all meetings will be retained at the library and on the Town website, available for public perusal.
If parliamentary procedure is called for by the Chair, then Robert's Rules of Order as prescribed in Parliamentary Procedure At A Glance, New Edition by O. Garfield Jones will be used.
The order of business shall consist of:
Call to order.
Approval of minutes of previous meeting(s).
Disposition of bills.
Acknowledge visitors.
Public comments.
Committee reports.
Director's report.
Unfinished business.
New business.
Amendments to these bylaws may be proposed at any meeting. Vote on the amendment will follow at the next regular meeting and will require a simple majority for passage.
Copies of these bylaws will be provided to all members of the Board. The Chair, in concert with the Director, will conduct orientation sessions for newly elected Trustees to ensure their familiarity with the bylaws. This orientation may include a brief discussion of library operations and parliamentary procedures most commonly used during Board proceedings.