[Ord. 2-1994, 9/6/1994, § 1]
This article shall be known and may be cited as the "Township Property Ordinance."
These rules and regulations are created to cover the use, operation and conduct of the public parks, playgrounds and property of the Township of Thornbury and include all parks, property and playgrounds owned, used or leased by the Township of Thornbury, as well as those jointly used by the Township of Thornbury and others.
[Ord. 2-1994, 9/6/1994, § 2; as amended by Ord. 4-1997, 6/4/1997, § 1; by Ord. 4-2002, 5/15/2002; and by Ord. 3-2007, 11/21/2007, § 1]
No person shall be allowed in a park playground or on Township property except between the daylight hours of dawn to dusk unless a permit for such use has been obtained from the Township permitting such use in accordance with this Part.
No vehicle shall enter or leave a park except by entrances or exits provided for such purpose.
No intoxicated persons, alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs shall be permitted in a park.
No gambling or any obscene or indecent act or any abusive, threatening, indecent or profane language or any conduct that may annoy others shall be allowed in a park.
No person shall solicit alms, donations or subscriptions in a park.
No person shall park any vehicle in any portion of a park except in spaces definitely set apart and marked for parking purposes. No vehicle parking during night time hours except for Township events. Athletic teams, guests and fans to park in assigned areas.
No person shall carry or use firearms or other weapons or throw stones or other missiles nor hunt in a park.
No person shall scatter, drop or leave any paper, rag, garbage, dead flowers or plants, glass, tin cans or other rubbish anywhere in a park, except in receptacles provided for such purpose. No garbage or trash from outside of park shall be deposited.
No person shall injure, damage or deface any building, structures, fences, bridges, playground equipment or other property in a park, nor climb any tree or break, cut down, trample upon, remove or in any manner injure or damage any ornament, rock, stone, tree, plant, shrub, fern, blossom, flower or turf, nor foul nor contaminate any stream of water.
No person shall injure, deface or destroy any public signs or notices posted in a park.
No advertisement, placard or notice, except public notices approved by the Township, shall be posted or distributed in a park.
No person shall light or permit a fire to burn in a park except in Township supplied devices approved by the Board of Supervisors and designed for such purposes.
No person shall operate minibikes, dirt cycles and/or other motor driven all-terrain vehicles on Township property except for the purpose of park maintenance and upon written permission of the Township.
No person shall allow a dog or other domesticated animal or pet to occupy Township property or parks unless under a visible leash or other direct visible control of the owner. All owners or persons in control shall clean up after their animal and properly dispose of the waste.
A softball or baseball team using the infield is required to "drag" the infield subsequent to each use.
No cutting, picking or digging of vegetation.
[Ord. 2-1994, 9/6/1994, § 3; as amended by Ord. 4-2002, 5/15/2002; and by Ord. 3-2007, 11/21/2007, § 1]
The use of a park or other property, except for Township governmental use, for any of the following purposes is prohibited unless a permit is first obtained from the Department of Public Works as hereinafter provided:
Sale of merchandise or commercial activities.
Use or display of fireworks.
Musical or theatrical entertainments.
Overnight camping, erection of tents or large umbrellas.
Parties or gatherings in excess of 25 persons for any purpose whatsoever. Pavilion use shall be limited to 100 persons.
Use by any organization or group other than Township governmental function.
Any function or activity prohibited by local, state or federal laws.
[Ord. 2-1994, 9/6/1994, § 4]
The distribution or consumption of beer, ale, wine or any other intoxicating liquor is prohibited within the area of any playfield, park or public property or in any building erected thereon.
[Ord. 2-1994, 9/6/1994, § 5]
The Board of Supervisors shall have the general responsibility for all parks and Township property and may delegate specific responsibility from time to time to the Township Park and Recreation Board. The Department of Public Works shall have responsibility for all maintenance, repairs, replacement of property and equipment therein and shall be charged with the duty of keeping the parks in a clean and sanitary condition at all times.
[Ord. 2-1994, 9/6/1994, § 6; as amended by Ord. 4-2002, 5/15/2002; and by Ord. 3-2007, 11/21/2007, § 1]
Permits for the use of parks shall be issued by the Department of Public Works upon application. No charge shall be made for such a permit. No permit shall be issued, however, unless an application therefore is made to the said Department, in writing, not more that 90 days nor less than 48 hours before the applicant intends to use the same. The Township shall use its best efforts to ensure that the use of playing fields are permitted in a fair and equitable manner. The application shall be in the name of the Township adult resident, organization or group, who or which shall be responsible for the conduct of the group and disposition of all refuse created. Any person or organization to whom a permit is issued shall be liable for any loss, damage or injury sustained by any person or persons or to park property by reason of the negligence, conduct or fault of the applicant, his of its servants, agents or employee.
Permits shall be issued to persons or organizations upon the posting with the Township Treasurer of a security bond in an amount not less than $100 as determined by resolution of the Board of Supervisors of Thornbury Township.
Any person, group, informal or formal organization requesting a permit shall be required to demonstrate by appropriate documentation, if requested by Township, evidence of property damage and personal liability insurance in the amount not less than $500,000 or other approved evidence in case of self insurance.
Permits shall be issued by the Department of Public Works in accordance with this Part and the rules, regulations, procedures and policies adopted by the Board of Supervisors.
[Ord. 2-1994, 9/6/1994, § 7; as amended by Ord. 7-1996, 8/7/1996, § XI(11); by Ord. 2-2005, 7/6/2005; and by Ord. 3-2007, 11/21/2007, § 1]
Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any provision of this article, upon conviction thereof in an action brought before a magisterial district judge in the manner provided for the enforcement of summary offenses under the Pennsylvania Rules of Criminal Procedure, shall be sentenced to pay a fine of not more than $1,000 plus costs and, in default of payment of said fine and costs, to a term of imprisonment not to exceed 30 days. Each day that a violation of this article or any section continues.