[Amended 12-15-1987 by Ord. No. 31-87]
(Neb. RS 16-308, 16-309, 35-102, 81-506, 81-512, 81-522, 81-531)
The Fire Chief and Assistant Fire Chief shall be appointed by the Mayor, with the approval of a majority of the Council. Said officials shall hold office for a period of two years or until removed by the Mayor. The Fire Chief shall be appointed the first Tuesday in December of every even year. The Assistant Fire Chief shall be appointed on the first Tuesday in December of every odd year.
The Fire Chief shall, on the first day of April and October of each year, furnish or cause the secretary to furnish to the Municipal Clerk a copy of the roster of the members of the Fire Department in good standing; and from month to month thereafter he shall report any proposed additions or changes in the roster for proper action so that all members of the Fire Department shall be at all times covered by insurance or by such other lawful protection and benefits as may be provided under state or municipal law.
The Chief of the Fire Department shall have under his control the property, implements, and apparatus used by the Fire Department, subject to the general and specific directives of the governing body. He shall use all proper means for the extinguishment of fires, the protection of property, the preservation of order, and the enforcement of all laws relating to fires and fire protection which govern the municipality.
During a time of fire or great public danger, he shall have and exercise the powers and duties of the Chief of Police.
Upon the written consent and directive of the governing body, the Fire Chief shall cause the repair, improvement, or maintenance of the property of the Fire Department and shall personally supervise and approve of the same.
No obligation, except in an emergency or when the expenditure is of a minor nature, shall be incurred on behalf of the Fire Department by the Fire Chief unless the obligation was previously authorized in writing by the governing body.
The Assistant Fire Chief shall be under the direct supervision and control of the Fire Chief.