[Ord. 2010-3, 12/16/2010, § 1]
For any of the activities regulated by this Part and not eligible for the exemptions provided in § 26-117, the final approval of subdivision and/or land development plans, the issuance of any building or occupancy permit, or the commencement of any land disturbance activity, may not proceed until the applicant has received written approval of a SWM site plan from Hummelstown Borough.
[Ord. 2010-3, 12/16/2010, § 1]
The SWM site plan and SWM site report shall consist of all applicable calculations, maps, and plans. All SWM site plan materials shall be submitted to Hummelstown Borough in a format that is clear, concise, legible, neat and well organized; otherwise, the SWM site plan shall be rejected.
Appropriate sections from the Hummelstown Borough Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance [Chapter 22], and other applicable local ordinances, shall be followed in preparing the SWM site plan.
SWM site plan shall include (but not limited to):
Plans no larger than twenty-four-inch by thirty-six-inch sheets and in a form that meets the requirements for recording in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds of Dauphin County.
The name of the development; name and location address of the property site; name, address, and telephone number of the applicant/owner of the property; and name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, and engineering seal of the individual preparing the SWM site plan.
The date of submission and dates of all revisions.
A graphical and written scale on all drawings and maps.
A north arrow on all drawings and maps.
A location map at a minimum scale of one inch equals 1,000 feet.
Metes and bounds description of the entire tract perimeter.
Existing and final contours at intervals of two feet.
Existing water bodies within the project area including streams, lakes, ponds, field delineated wetlands or other bodies of water, sinkholes, flood hazard boundaries (FEMA delineated floodplains and floodways), areas of natural vegetation to be preserved, the total extent of the upstream area draining through the site, and overland drainage paths.
The location of all existing and proposed utilities, on-lot wastewater facilities, water supply wells, sanitary sewers, and water lines on and within 50 feet of property lines.
A key map showing all existing man-made features beyond the property boundary that may be affected by the project.
Soil names and boundaries with identification of the Hydraulic Soil Group classification.
The proposed limit of disturbance line and associated proposed disturbed acres.
Proposed structures, roads, paved areas, and buildings, including plans and profiles of roads and paved areas and floor elevations of buildings.
Horizontal alignment, vertical profiles, and cross sections of all open channels, pipes, swales and other BMPs.
The location and clear identification of the nature of permanent stormwater BMPs.
The location of all erosion and sedimentation control facilities.
A minimum twenty-foot wide access easement around all stormwater management facilities that would provide ingress to and egress from a public right-of-way. In lieu of providing an easement to the public right-of-way, a note may be added to the plan granting Hummelstown Borough or their designees access to all easements via the nearest public right-of-way.
Construction details for all drainage and stormwater BMPs.
Construction details of any improvements made to sinkholes.
Identification of short-term and long-term ownership, operations, and maintenance responsibilities.
Notes and statements:
A statement, signed by the landowner, acknowledging that the stormwater BMPs are fixtures that cannot be altered or removed without prior approval by Hummelstown Borough.
A statement referencing the operation and maintenance (O&M) agreement and stating that the O&M agreement is part of the SWM site plan.
A note indicating that record drawings will be provided for all stormwater management facilities prior to occupancy, or the release of financial security.
The following signature block for the qualified professional preparing the SWM site plan:
"I, __________, hereby certify that the (stormwater management site plan meets all design standards and criteria of the Hummelstown Borough's Stormwater Management Ordinance."
The following signature block for the qualified professional preparing the SWM site plan as applicable:
"I, __________, hereby certify that there (are/are (not) wetlands on the subject property, the proposed project (will/will not) impact off-site wetlands, and permits (are/are not) required from the state or federal government."
SWM site report shall include (but not limited to):
The name of the development; name and location address of the property site; name, address, and telephone number of the applicant/owner of the property; and name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, and engineering seal of the individual preparing the SWM site report.
Project description narrative including expected project time schedule.
Location map showing the project site.
Drainage area maps for all watersheds and inlets depicting the time of concentration paths.
A detailed description of the existing site conditions in accordance with the "Pennsylvania Stormwater Best Management Practices Manual." A detailed site evaluation shall be completed for projects proposed in areas of carbonate geology or karst topography, and other environmentally sensitive areas, such as brownfields.
[Amended by Ord. No. 2022-4, 10/13/2022]
Complete hydrologic, hydraulic and structural computations, calculations, assumptions, and criteria for the design of all stormwater BMPs.
Description of, justification, and actual field results for infiltration testing with respect to the type of test and test location for the design of infiltration BMPs.
Calculations showing the total drainage area and impervious area loading rates to each BMP.
The effect of the project (in terms of runoff volumes, water quality, and peak flows) on surrounding properties and aquatic features and on any existing Borough stormwater collection system that may receive runoff from the project site.
Description of the proposed changes to the land surface and vegetative cover including the type and amount of impervious area to be added.
All applicable worksheets from Chapter 8 of the BMP manual when establishing volume controls.
Identification of short-term and long-term ownership, operation, and maintenance responsibilities as well as schedules and costs for inspection and maintenance activities for each permanent stormwater or drainage BMP, including provisions for permanent access or maintenance easements.
Supplemental information to be provided prior to recording of the SWM site plan, as applicable:
Signed and executed operations and maintenance agreement (Appendix A).
Signed and executed easements, as required for all on-site and off-site work.
An erosion and sedimentation control plan and approval letter from the Dauphin County Conservation District.
A NPDES permit.
Permits from PADEP and ACOE.
A geologic assessment.
A wetland delineation report.
A highway occupancy permit from PennDOT when utilization of a PennDOT storm drainage system is proposed or when proposed facilities would encroach onto a PennDOT right-of-way.
[Ord. 2010-3, 12/16/2010, § 1]
The applicant shall submit the SWM site plan and report for the regulated activity.
Three copies of the SWM site plan and report shall be submitted to Hummelstown Borough and may be distributed as follows:
Two copies for Hummelstown Borough accompanied by the requisite municipal review fee, as specified in this Part.
One copy for the Borough Engineer.
Additional copies shall be submitted as requested by Hummelstown Borough, TriCounty Regional Planning Commission, Dauphin County Conservation District or PADEP.
[Ord. 2010-3, 12/16/2010, § 1]
Hummelstown Borough shall require receipt of a complete SWM site plan and report as specified in this Part. Hummelstown Borough shall review the SWM site plan and Report for consistency with the purposes, requirements, and intent of this Part.
Hummelstown Borough shall not approve any SWM site plan and report that is deficient in meeting the requirements of this Part. At its sole discretion and in accordance with this Part, when a SWM site plan and report is found to be deficient, Hummelstown Borough may disapprove the submission and require a resubmission, or in the case of minor deficiencies, Hummelstown Borough may accept submission of modifications. All revised SWM site plans and reports must be accompanied by a comment response letter, indicating how each of the Borough's comments was addressed.
Hummelstown Borough shall notify the applicant in writing within 45 calendar days whether the SWM site plan and report is approved or disapproved if the SWM site plan and report is not part of a subdivision or land development plan. Hummelstown Borough also may approve the SWM site plan with conditions and, if so, shall provide the acceptable conditions for approval in writing. If the SWM site plan and report involves a subdivision or land development plan, the timing shall following the subdivision and land development process according to the Municipalities Planning Code.
[Amended by Ord. No. 2022-4, 10/13/2022]
Hummelstown Borough shall not issue a building permit for any regulated activity if the SWM site plan and report has been found to be inconsistent with this Part, as determined by Hummelstown Borough. All required permits from PADEP must be obtained prior to issuance of a building permit.
[Ord. 2010-3, 12/16/2010, § 1]
A modification to a submitted SWM site plan and report for a development site that involves a change in stormwater management facilities or techniques, or that involves the relocation or re-design of stormwater management facilities, or that is necessary because soil or other conditions are not as stated on the SWM site plan as determined by Hummelstown Borough, shall require a resubmission of the modified SWM site plan in accordance with this Part.
[Ord. 2010-3, 12/16/2010, § 1]
A disapproved SWM site plan and report may be resubmitted with the revisions addressing Hummelstown Borough's concerns documented in writing, to Hummelstown Borough in accordance with this Part. The applicable municipal review fee must accompany a resubmission of a disapproved SWM site plan and report.
[Ord. 2010-3, 12/16/2010, § 1]
Hummelstown Borough's approval of a SWM site plan and report authorizes the regulated activities contained in the SWM site plan for a maximum term of validity of five years following the date of approval. Hummelstown Borough may specify a term of validity shorter than five years in the approval for any specific SWM site plan. Terms of validity shall commence on the date Hummelstown Borough signs the approval for a SWM site plan. If stormwater management facilities included in the approved SWM site plan have not been constructed, or if a record drawing of these facilities has not been approved within this time, then Hummelstown Borough may consider the SWM site plan disapproved and may revoke any and all permits or approvals.
[Ord. 2010-3, 12/16/2010, § 1]
The applicant shall be responsible for providing record drawings of all stormwater BMPs included in the approved SWM site plan. The record drawings and an explanation of any discrepancies with the approved SWM site plan shall be submitted to Hummelstown Borough.
The record drawings shall include a certification of completion signed by a qualified professional verifying that all permanent stormwater BMPs have been constructed according to the approved SWM site plan and report. The latitude and longitude coordinates for all permanent SWM BMPs must also be submitted, at the central location of the BMPs. If any licensed qualified professionals contributed to the construction plans, then a licensed qualified professional must sign the completion certificate.
[Amended by Ord. No. 2022-4, 10/13/2022]
After receipt of the record drawings and certification of completion, Hummelstown Borough may conduct a final inspection.