[R.O. 1997 § 235.090; Ord. No. 1230 § 1, 10-24-2005]
Show courtesy for other trail users at all times.
Keep dogs on leash, maximum length six (6) feet.
Obey all trail signs and regulations.
When entering or crossing a trail at an uncontrolled point, yield to traffic already on the trail.
No group of trail users shall occupy more than half of the trail as to impede the normal movement of trail users.
Motor vehicles are not allowed on City of Wildwood trail corridors.
Being sensitive to how others perceive you will ensure a positive image for your sport and minimize the restrictions that follow negative encounters.
The trail surface may become slippery and muddy when wet; ride or walk around ruts and puddles or you'll just make them worse.
Be alert for debris and low light conditions through wooded areas.
Notify a park security officer about fallen trees or large limbs across trail.
Animals occasionally wander onto the trail. Use caution to avoid accidents with wildlife.
An adult should supervise small children using these multi-use trails.
[R.O. 1997 § 235.100; Ord. No. 1230 § 1, 10-24-2005]
Listen for audible signals and help faster trail users pass safely.
Joggers must yield to walkers. Use caution when passing other trail users.
Avoid jogging or walking in large groups. Large groups create a hazard by crowding the trail.
[R.O. 1997 § 235.110; Ord. No. 1230 § 1, 10-24-2005]
Cyclists are required to wear safety helmets on all trails in the City of Wildwood.
Yield to pedestrians.
Always give an audible (voice, bell, horn) warning before passing another trail user.
Always yield, pass with care and keep to a slow, safe speed.
Approach each bend as if someone were just around the corner. Preparation is the key to a successful and enjoyable ride. Prepare by reviewing trail regulations, wearing the proper equipment, being alert for the unexpected and understanding your personal ability.
[Ord. No. 2816, 9-11-2023]
Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 235.090(F) of this Code of Ordinances to the contrary, E-bikes which shall mean a two- or three-wheeled vehicle with fully operable pedals and an electric motor of no greater than seven hundred fifty (750) watts [one (1) horse power], whose maximum speed on a paved level surface, when powered solely by such a motor, is no more than twenty (20) miles per hour.
E-Bikes shall have no more than one (1) rider at a time.
The minimum age of an E-Bike operator is sixteen (16) years, unless accompanied and supervised by an adult.
The operation of E-Bikes shall not be in a dangerous or reckless manner that may jeopardize the safety of the operator, employees, or the general public or that may cause damage to public property or trail area.
The operator of the E-Bike must abide by all rules of the City's Trail Etiquette cycling policy requirements of the City's Park and Trail Regulations.
City reserves the right to limit E-Bike use on any trail corridor or component, or on park roadways, if such limitation is required to protect the public health, safety, and welfare of park users.
City accepts no responsibility for transporting the E-Bike to and from any trail.
The operator of the E-Bike is responsible for ensuring the device works properly, per manufacturer's instructions and all safety enhancements are operable during its use.
City accepts no responsibility for providing battery or emergency retrieval of E-Bikes under any circumstances, including, but not limited to, failed power of the device.
City accepts no liability for damages to the E-Bike or injury to the operator, whether caused by operator, another trail user, or any other circumstance.
City accepts no liability for damages caused by the operator of the E- Bike or injury to others caused by the operator of the E-Bike.
The operation of E-Bikes shall not exceed trail speeds relative to existing trail conditions but, in no instance, exceed a speed limit of fifteen (15) miles per hour, unless posted at a lower rate for safety considerations associated with that location(s).
The operators of E-Bike shall obey all traffic laws.
The allowance for E-Bikes is limited to all trails open to cycling and identified as the same by sign, placard, or as application of general policy herein.
To protect natural-surface trails from damage, the City shall have the authority to close its trails to all users in times of inclement or wet weather.
All trailheads and other major points of entry and use to the City's trail corridors shall be posted with information regarding these E-Bike regulations.
[R.O. 1997 § 235.120; Ord. No. 2169 § 1, 4-11-2016]
With an inch of measurable precipitation, the natural surface trail network would be closed for a minimum of twenty-four (24) hours thereafter. For each additional inch of precipitation, the natural surface trails would remain closed for another twenty-four-hour period of time, i.e., two (2) inches of precipitation in forty-eight (48) hours, three (3) inches of precipitation in seventy-two (72) hours, etc.
The City's wet weather policy regarding trail use is applicable year-round, with particular focus during spring and fall seasons.
The determination of natural surface trail closures relative to this policy will also be based upon field inspections, whenever possible, by City staff. Otherwise, if no field inspection is completed, the described precipitation, time frames, and on-site conditions will be used for the purposes of protecting the trail from undue damage.
The City will use a combination of private consultants and the National Weather Service's station at Spirit of St. Louis Airport (KSUS) to gauge the extent of rainfall relative to its decision to close the trail to use. The use of private consultants is intended to refine precipitation amounts to the highest level of accuracy to the specific trail locations.
The City will place information pertaining to all trail closures on its website, Facebook, and Twitter accounts, along with posting the park entry areas, when capable of such.
The closures will be applied to all users.
The notice of the opening of the trail, after a weather-related closure, will be placed on the City's website, Facebook, and Twitter accounts.
The enforcement of this policy can be undertaken by the City's Code Enforcement staff, St. Louis County Police Department Officers, and St. Louis County Park Rangers, with penalties set forth in Section 100.140, General Penalty, of the City of Wildwood Municipal Code.