This article is entitled the "Town of New Glarus Noxious Weed
Ordinance." The purpose of this article is to provide for the control
of noxious weeds in the Town.
The Town Board of the Town of New Glarus, Green County, Wisconsin,
has the specific authority under §§ 60.22, 66.0407
and 66.0517, Wis. Stats., to adopt this article.
This article, adopted by a majority of the Town Board on a roll
call vote with a quorum present and voting and proper notice having
been given, provides for the regulation of noxious weeds in the Town.
The following are designated as noxious weeds within the Town:
Canada Thistle, Leafy Spurge, and Field Bindweed (Creeping Jenny),
Purple Loosestrife as provided by § 66.0407(1)(b), Wis.
A. Musk Thistle, Shatter Cane, Hill Mustard, Bull Thistle and Plumeless
Thistle as provided by Chapter 2, 7-2-1 of the Green County Code.
B. Poison Hemlock as designated by the Town of New Glarus.
C. The Town Chairperson shall include those weeds designated as noxious
weeds in the noxious weed notice given annually under § 66.0407(4),
Wis. Stats.
The Town Chairperson having appointed a Town Weed Commissioner
under § 66.0517(2)(a), Wis. Stats., and the Weed Commissioner
having the powers and duties to investigate and destroy noxious weeds
in the Town as provided in § 66.0517(2)(a), Wis. Stats.,
the following provisions are established in regard to the performance
of the office of Weed Commissioner:
A. The Weed Commissioner shall receive compensation for investigating
the existence of and destroying noxious weeds, including any clerical
or administrative activities performed in relation to the performance
of those activities, at the rate of $10 per hour plus the mileage
at a rate as set by the state, upon presenting to the Town Treasurer
an account of noxious weed investigation and destruction activities
performed by the Weed Commissioner, verified by oath and approved
by the Town Chairperson. The account shall specify by separate items
each activity of investigation and destruction performed and for each
activity of destruction the amount chargeable to each piece of land,
describing the land.
B. After the account of the Weed Commissioner is paid by the Clerk-Treasurer under Subsection
A, the Clerk-Treasurer shall then enter the amount chargeable for the destruction of weeds to each tract of land in the next tax roll in a column headed, "For the Destruction of Weeds," as a tax on the lands upon which the weeds were destroyed. The tax shall be collected under Ch. 74, Wis. Stats., except in case of lands that are exempt from taxation, railroad lands, or other lands for which taxes are not collected under Ch. 74, Wis. Stats.