[Adopted 6-9-2015]
A Department of Health and Human Services is created. The Department shall oversee all public health and human service related issues. Its staff shall be comprised of personnel from the following departments and divisions: Library, Council on Aging, Veterans, and the former Health Department. Pursuant to the Plan E form of government, the Department of Health and Human Services and all of its departments and divisions shall serve under the jurisdiction of the City Manager. The Department shall operate pursuant to the attached Table of Organization (Attachment A) and its accompanying list of all department personnel (Attachment B). Both attachments are incorporated into this article.[1]
[Amended 6-4-2024]
Editor's Note: Attachments A and B are on file in the City offices.
In order to reflect ongoing changes to organizational responsibilities and staff titles reflective of their functions, the City Manager shall have the authority to modify staff titles and the Table of Organization in said Department. It is further understood that any future changes of staff titles and/or the Table of Organization shall not result in any added or deleted positions, without prior approval by ordinance by the City Council.
Transitional provisions.
All positions formally of the Health Department are transferred to the Department of the Health and Human Services.
The Department of Council on Aging and its staff are placed under the direction and control of the Department of Health and Human Services.
The department and staff of the Pollard Memorial Library are placed under the direction and control of the Department of Health and Human Services.
Editor's Note: Former Subsection C(4), regarding the Recreation Division, was repealed 6-4-2024. See now § 20-18.3, Division of Recreation.
The Division of Veterans' Services and its staff are placed under the direction and control of the Department of Health and Human Services.
Pursuant to MGL, Chapter 43, § 105, the following positions and salary are created within the Department of Health and Human Services. Appointments to these positions will start at the salary step and provide a benefit package as determined by the City Manager.
Director of Health and Human Services shall have a salary range as set forth and amended from time to time by the salary grid of the Personnel Ordinance (Chapter 56 of the Code). The Director shall serve as the department head for the Department of Health and Human Services and shall be responsible for all the duties as set forth in the position's job description, as may be amended from time to time by the City Manager.
Deputy Director of Administration and Finance for Health and Human Services shall have a salary range as set forth and amended from time to time by the salary grid of the Personnel Ordinance. The Deputy Director shall serve at the direction of the Director and shall be responsible for all the duties as set forth in the position's job description, as may be amended from time to time by the City Manager. In the absence or vacancy of the Director, the Deputy Director will assume the duties of the Director.
Editor's Note: The current salary schedule is on file at the office of the City Clerk and the Human Relations Department.