[Res. 2-2004, 1/-/2004, Part I]
Under and subject to the rules and procedures hereunder, Board of Supervisors shall afford Township of North Fayette residents and taxpayers a reasonable opportunity to be heard on matters of concern, official action or deliberation which are or may be before the Board of Supervisors:
Public Comments on Agenda Items about Which Official Action Is Contemplated. With regard to items specifically listed on the meeting agenda as matters about which a call for a motion for official action will or may take place at that same meeting, Township of North Fayette residents and taxpayers may address comments thereon during the "Resident and Taxpayer Comments — Agenda Items Only" portion of said public meeting, which shall normally occur at the commencement of the meeting following the Pledge of Allegiance and other such ceremonial or other perfunctory proceedings.
Public Comments on Other Matters. With regard all matters not covered by the foregoing subsection hereof, Township of North Fayette residents and taxpayers may address comments thereon during the "Resident and Taxpayer Comments — Other Matters" portion of said public meeting, which shall normally occur at the conclusion of the meeting prior to adjournment thereof.
Additional Comments Period as May Be Required. To the extent that a matter may come before Board of Supervisors for official action during the course of a public meeting upon a motion duly made and seconded, which matter was not specifically identified on the meeting agenda as one for which official action would or might take place at that same meeting, and concerning which those in attendance at such meeting were not made aware by Board of Supervisors prior to the conclusion of the "Resident and Taxpayer Comments — Agenda Items Only" portion thereof, Board of Supervisors shall to the extent necessary provide such other reasonable opportunity for public comment on said matter, prior to taking official action thereon, under such circumstances and under such conditions as may be determined by a majority of Board of Supervisors present.
[Res. 2-2004, 1/-/2004, Part II]
Township of North Fayette residents and taxpayers wishing to address comments to Board of Supervisors during the course of public meetings may do so in accordance with the following rules and procedures:
Township of North Fayette residents and taxpayers who wish to address Board of Supervisors during the course of the public meeting must first sign the public roster located near the entrance of the meeting place at every public meeting.
Township of North Fayette residents and taxpayers shall state their name and address for the record, and shall briefly set forth the subject matter about which they wish to address Board of Supervisors, prior to commencing their comments thereon.
Township of North Fayette residents and taxpayers shall limit their remarks to matters of concern, official action or deliberation which are or may be before the Board of Supervisors, and shall present same in accordance with the procedures set forth in § 1-701 hereof.
Township of North Fayette residents and taxpayers shall at all times direct their comments to the Chair and shall at all times refrain from using offensive or abusive language and from inciting others to violence or disorder, and shall otherwise observe such norms of propriety and decorum as the Board of Supervisors may determine to be necessary to maintain good order during the continued conduct of said meeting. The Board of Supervisors shall not allow the continued comment by, and shall retake the floor from, any speaker who refuses to abide by foregoing norms and, if necessary to maintain order as required to conduct the meeting, shall cause any person who refuses upon warning to cease and desist from violating these rules or from otherwise disrupting the meeting to be removed from the meeting place.
Township of North Fayette residents and taxpayers wishing to present papers to Board of Supervisors shall, unless otherwise directed by the Chair, deliver same to the Township Manager, who shall accept and transmit or otherwise dispose of same as directed by the Board.
Township of North Fayette residents and taxpayers shall limit their remarks to five minutes or less, unless permission to extend their remarks is granted by a majority vote of Board of Supervisors members present upon motion duly made and seconded.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, Township of North Fayette residents and taxpayers may be asked to limit the extent of comment on points that are redundant, repetitive, or which serve only to reiterate remarks already presented by others at the meeting, and the Board of Supervisors reserves the right, when the number of speakers or other circumstances require, to limit remarks which are redundant, repetitive, or which serve only to reiterate remarks already presented by others at the meeting.
The Board of Supervisors may, by majority vote upon a motion duly made and seconded, defer resident and taxpayer comments to the next regular meeting or to a special meeting occurring in advance of the next regular meeting, to the extent that it determines that there is not sufficient time at a meeting for residents or taxpayers to comment.
The Board of Supervisors may invoke such other temporary rules and procedures as may become necessary during the course of a public meeting to maintain good order or to otherwise facilitate the efficient conduct of such meeting.
Written Comments and Questions. Township of North Fayette residents and taxpayers are encouraged to submit written comments and questions to the Township Manager's office in advance of public meetings to supplement or in lieu of public comments. Township residents and taxpayers are also encouraged to first communicate comments, concerns, and questions concerning administrative matters, as well as requests for use of public spaces, to the Township Administration office for resolution prior to presenting such matters to the Board of Supervisors.