Ord. 3
Extending the Social Security System to employees and officers of the Township of North Fayette; authorizing the Township Secretary to establish a system of payroll deduction; providing for the payment from the general Township fund into the contribution fund of the Social Security Act
Ord. 4
Reappropriating out of unappropriated revenue available for the fiscal year commencing on the first Monday of January, 1952, sums estimated to be required for the several specific purposes of Township government, by increasing the amount of appropriation 1, general government, appropriation 4, highways, appropriation 5, miscellaneous, appropriation 6, unpaid bills of prior years, as contained in the annual budget for the year 1952, adopted February 21, 1952
Res. 6-1956
Changing the name of said Authority from North Fayette Township Authority to Western Allegheny County Municipal Authority
Ord. 79
Establishing a Police Pension Fund of the Township of North Fayette pursuant to the provisions of Act No. 600, approved the 29th day of May, 1956, P.L. 1804, as amended; pursuant to the provisions of such Act establishing an account in the depository bank of the Township therefore; and for the authorizing and empowering the proper officers of the Township of North Fayette to execute and deliver on behalf of said Township of North Fayette such documents as the board of supervisors of the said Township with the approval of the Solicitor shall determine to be necessary and proper to effectuate and implement the police pension fund hereby established
Res. 4-1968
Authorizing to execute a release and indemnification, whereby the Township of North Fayette agrees to hold the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania harmless and to indemnify the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, its agents, servants, employees from any claim or liability arising from the performance of the work or from the failure to have included in the said release and indemnification persons having an interest in the premises involved in the work
Res. 4-1975
Directing the municipal treasurer to pay all monies received from the Fire Insurance Tax Fund as a result of this resolution to the treasurer of North Fayette Township's Firemen's Relief Association
Ord. 152
Establishing a Police Pension Fund for regularly employed members of the police force of the Township of North Fayette; specifying sources of revenue for the establishment and maintenance of said fund; providing for the management thereof and for the purchasing of insurance annuity — contracts to provide the required pension amounts; establishing minimum total service and age for retirement requirements; requiring annual payments into said fund by members thereof and by the Township of North Fayette; establishing participants' benefits in the police pension fund; establishing mandatory retirement provisions; and repealing inconsistent ordinances
Ord. 155
Amending Ord. 152 of Township, establishing procedures for the Police Pension regulations and maintenance thereof, and repealing inconsistent ordinances
Res. 7-1981
Pertaining to the Township of North Fayette's membership in the Char-West Council of Governments and adoption of the by-laws of said Council of Governments
Res. 19-1981
Authorizing membership in the Municipal Risk Management Corporation created by the Allegheny League of Municipalities to provide joint self-insurance safety programs to save tax dollars for participating member municipalities
Ord. 180
Providing for the compensation of Supervisors of the Township pursuant to Commonwealth of Pennsylvania House Bill 1648
Ord. 181
Authorizing the Board of Supervisors to enter into a Municipal Cooperative Agreement with the Township of Robinson, Washington County, Pennsylvania for the purpose of sharing the services of the North Fayette Township Police Department
Res. 5-1989
Authorizing the referendum question regarding small games of chance to be placed on the election ballot
Res. 6-1990
Designating the Western Allegheny Community Library to be the agent of the Township of North Fayette for certain purposes
Ord. 227
Adopting a Municipal Drug Task Force Agreement with the Office of Attorney General of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to enforce narcotics and illegal drug laws and thereby to preserve the safety and welfare of the community
Ord. 237
Creating the North Fayette Transportation Authority, giving the Authority the powers of municipal authorities including the power to accept contributions of real estate taxes, providing for the management of the authority by a board of directors of five individuals
Ord. 239
Creating the North Fayette Transportation and Business Improvement Authority, giving the Authority the powers of municipal authorities including the power to accept contributions of real estate taxes, providing for the management of the Authority by a Board of Directors of five individuals
Res. 14-1991
Adopting Articles of Incorporation of the North Fayette Transportation and Business Improvement Authority
Res. 15-1991
Endorsing the concept of utilizing the abandoned Montour Railroad right-of-way for an interim use as a biking and walking trail
Ord. 254
Authorizing participation in the Municipal Risk Management Workmen's Compensation Pooled Trust
Res. 1-1992
Recognizing North Fayette Township Volunteer Fire Department as a civic and/or service association under the Local Options Small Games of Chance Act.
Res. 4-1993
Designating the Township Manager as the Chief Administrative Officer for the Township with regard to municipal pension system State aid and foreign fire insurance tax distribution under Act 205 of 1984 of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Ord. 267
Authorizing the designation of a Business District to correspond with the area previously certified as the North Fayette Planned Business District Certified Area
Res. 11-1993
Resolving, that all regular and special meetings of North Fayette Township shall be conducted according to the following order of business: Call to Order, Pledge of Allegiance, Roll Call, Minutes of Previous Meeting, Administrative Actions, Staff Reports, Old Business, New Business, Public Comment, Adjournment
Ord. 272
Amending Res. 2-1981, so as to provide a cost of living increase for members of the police force receiving retirement benefits
Ord. 275
Amending and completely restating the Police Pension Plan to set for the provisions thereof in a single document
Ord. 277
Establishing a budgetary reserve account for revenues received in 1994 from Act 77 sales tax for use in unanticipated fiscal emergencies
Ord. 280
Amending Ord. 275 revising Article VI, Death Benefits associated with the North Fayette Township Police Pension Plan
Ord. 288
Increasing the annual compensation of newly elected Supervisors in accordance with Act 60 of 1995
Res. 16-1996
Agreeing to comply with the requirements of the Keystone Community Grant Program and the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources for the purposes of obtaining grant funds to implement this PITA grant project
Ord. 302
Amending Ord. 275, Police Pension Plan, which amendment reduces members contributions from 7.25 percent to 5 percent and eliminates the cost of living benefit
Res. 7-1997
Supporting an amendment to the Pennsylvania Wiretapping and Electronic Surveillance Control Act authorizing uniformed police officers to audio record their activities
Res. 1-1998
Adopting an amendment to the Articles of Incorporation of Western Allegheny County Municipal Authority
Res. 8-1999
Supporting the Redevelopment Authority of Allegheny County to pursue a tax incremental financing proposal for US Airways and related projects
Res. 1-2001
Establishing the compensation of the elected Township Tax Collector commencing with the term of office beginning January 1, 2002
Ord. 338
Amending and restating the Pension Plan for the benefit of the Township's service employees, continuing a pension fund and providing for its management and maintenance, continuing administrative procedures, and continuing requirements and criteria for coverage, benefits, vesting and rights of participants
Ord. 339
Amending and restating the Pension Plan for the benefit of the Township's service employees, continuing a pension fund and providing for its management and maintenance, continuing administrative procedures, and continuing requirements and criteria for coverage, benefits, vesting and rights of participants
Ord. 342
Establishing and maintaining the police employees' pension, annuity, insurance and benefit fund or funds, to amend certain provisions of the pension plan or program applicable to the police of said Township and to amend the plan to comply with Act 30 of 2002 of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Res. 7-2003
Authorizing the Township Chairman to execute a mutual aid agreement for mutual police aid and assistance between North Fayette Township Police and neighboring community police forces in the County of Allegheny, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Ord. 353
Authorizing adoption of intergovernmental cooperation agreement pertaining to mutual police aid pursuant to 53 Pa.C.S.A. § 2305
Res. 14-2003
Amending Local Tax Enabling Act based on Act 166 of 2002 for 2003 and subsequent tax years
Ord. 362
Establishing and maintaining the police employees' pension, annuity, insurance and benefit fund or funds, to amend certain provisions of the pension plan or program applicable to the police of said Township to modify the normal retirement age under the plan
Res. 1-2005
Establishing the compensation of the elected Township Tax Collector commencing with the term of office beginning January 1, 2006
Ord. 363
Increasing the annual compensation of newly elected Supervisors in accordance with Act 60 of 1995
Res. 2-2005
Authorizing participation in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development's Keystone Innovation Zone Program to develop a Joint Keystone Innovation Zone partnership
Ord. 370
Establishing and maintaining the service employees' pension, annuity, insurance and benefit fund or funds, to amend certain provisions of the pension plan or program applicable to the service employees of said Township to modify the normal retirement age under the plan
Ord. 371
Establishing and maintaining the service employees' pension, annuity, insurance and benefit fund or funds, to amend certain provisions of the pension plan or program applicable to the service employees of said Township to modify the normal retirement age under the plan
Ord. 376
Establishing and maintaining the police employees' pension, annuity, insurance and benefit fund or funds, to amend certain provisions of the pension plan or program applicable to the police of said Township to provide for the purchase of service credit for prior military service and to update the plan's Internal Revenue Code provision regarding minimum distribution rules
Ord. 380
Signifying the intent and desire of the Board of Supervisors of the Township of North Fayette, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, to establish an area within said Township as a Neighborhood Improvement District under the provisions of the "Neighborhood Improvement District Act," Act of December 20, 2000, P.L. 949, No. 130, 73 P.S. § 831 et seq., as amended and supplemented, to be known as the "imperial business park neighborhood improvement district"; approving the Neighborhood Improvement District plan including the rate and method of apportionment of special assessments; designating the Imperial Business Park Neighborhood Improvement District Management Association to administer the Neighborhood Improvement District; and authorizing the taking of all such action as may be necessary or appropriate to carry out the intent of this ordinance
Res. 3-2008
Establishing a Drug and Alcohol Personnel Policy for employees required to have CDL's
Res. 5-2008
Establishing a Drug and Alcohol Testing Personnel Policy for administration employees
Res. 6-2008
Establishing a Drug and Alcohol Testing Personnel Policy for Public Works and Sanitation Department employees
Res. 9-2008
Recognizing the Western Allegheny Community Library as a civic and service association under the Local Options Small Games of Chance Act
Ord. 394
Amending and restating the pension plan for the benefit of the Township's service employees, continuing a pension fund and providing for its management and maintenance, continuing administrative procedures, and continuing requirements and criteria for coverage, benefits, vesting and rights of participants
Ord. 395
Amending and restating the pension plan for the benefit of the Township's full-time police officers, continuing a pension fund and providing for its management and maintenance, continuing administrative procedures, and continuing requirements and criteria for coverage, benefits, vesting and rights of participants
Res. 2-2009
Establishing the compensation of the elected Township Tax Collector commencing with the term of office beginning January 1, 2010
Res. 11-2009
Requesting a grant from the Department of Economic Development and designating George Scarborough as the official to file all applications, documents, and forms between the Township and the Allegheny County Department of Economic Development
Res. 12-2009
Voicing support for the proposed Local Fiscal Assistance Act
Ord. 398
Establishing and maintaining the municipal police pension, annuity, insurance and benefit fund or funds, to amend certain provisions of the pension plan or program applicable to the police of said municipality to amend the pension plan to repeal the killed-in-service benefit in order to comply with Pennsylvania Act 51 of 2009
Res. 13-2009
Acknowledging and expressing the concerns raised by residents regarding the proposed Beech Hollow Energy Project to be located in Robinson Township, Washington County
Res. 14-2009
Setting forth in formal resolution form the allocation of State aid pension funds received under Act 205 the "General Municipal Pension System State Aid Program" and authorizing other and further action with regard thereto
Res. 15-2009
Formally requesting a grant from the CITB and designating Robert T. Grimm as the official to file all applications, documents, and forms between the Township and the CITB
Res. 16-2009
Certifying that said municipality is willing to participate in an energy audit as part of Allegheny County's Energy Program for municipalities financed by a block grant through the U.S. Department of Energy
Res. 17-2009
Establishing an Impact Fee Advisory Committee and authorizing the preparation and public advertisement of the Township's notice of intention to adopt an impact fee ordinance pursuant to act 209 of 1990 and further providing for the application of a fee for up to 18 months during the adoption of the program
Res. 18-2009
Participating with the West Hills DUI Task Force for the purpose of promoting safer highways in the Commonwealth by educating and enforcing driving under the influence of alcohol or drug statutes
Ord. 399
Establishing and maintaining of municipal police pension, annuity, insurance and benefit fund or funds, to amend certain provisions of the pension plan or program applicable to the police of said municipality to add a Deferred Retirement Option Program (DROP)
Res. 1-2010
Authorizing to execute for and in behalf of the Township, Robert T. Grimm, all required forms and documents for the purpose of obtaining financial assistance under the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act
Res. 2-2010
Naming and appointing James Morosetti, Chairman of the Board of Supervisors, or Robert Grimm, Township Manager, as their authorized representatives to sign and transact any and all documents related to the North Fayette Township Park project with respect to MBE/WBE Solicitation Compliance
Res. 3-2010
Designating James Morosetti as the official to file all applications, documents, and forms between the Township and the RAAC
Res. 4-2010
Opposing any measure, initiative, or plan that mandates the forced merger or consolidation of local governments
Ord. 405A
Joining with other local government units as a settlor of the Pennsylvania Local Government Investment Trust for the purpose of purchasing shares of the trust
Res. 6-2010
Approving the land use assumptions report dated July 2010, submitted by the North Fayette Township Impact Fee Advisory Committee
Res. 7-2010
Authorizing the Township's participation in the submission of a proposal to 3 Rivers Wet Weather to evaluate options for regional municipal sewer system management
Res. 8-2010
Setting forth in formal resolution form the allocation of State aid pension funds received under Act 205 the "General Municipal Pension System State Aid Program" and authorizing other and further action with regard thereto
Res. 9-2010
Voicing its strenuous opposition to any legislative efforts that may operate to repeal, restrict or otherwise limit the rights of local municipalities to enact and enforce reasonable zoning and land use regulations relating to oil and gas drilling and associated activities within the Township
Res. 11-2010
Placing the North Fayette Transportation and Business Improvement Authority on inactive status
Res. 12-2010
Updating and amending the Township of North Fayette Personnel Policies Manual
Res. 13-2010
Addressing nepotism in the hiring and employment processes of the Township, prohibiting the appointment or employment of persons closely related by blood, marriage, or other significant relationship, excepting therefrom existing appointments and employment, and providing penalties for the violation thereof
Res. 1-2011
Certifying that said municipality is willing to participate in the Energy Conservation Measure (ECM) Retrofit Phase as part of Allegheny County's Energy Program for municipalities financed by a block grant through the U.S. Department of Energy
Res. 4-2011
Adopting Roadway Sufficiency Analysis
Res. 5-2011
Approving, adopting and placing into immediate effect the Emergency Operations Plan of North Fayette Township
Res. 7-2011
Determining and declaring that such structures individually and collectively constitute blighted property in the Township as defined by the Urban Redevelopment Law (1945, May 24, P.L. 991; 1978, June 23, P.L. 556, No. 94; as amended, 1988, March 30, P.L. 304, No. 39)
Res. 8-2011
Procuring of professional services for the Municipal Pension System(s) sponsored by the Township based on the requirements of Act 44 of 2009
Res. 9-2011
Having on record a statement confirming that the applicant has formally requested a grant, has designated an official to perform the required duties between the applicant and the Department of Economic Development and has assured, where applicable, the provision of local matching funds. In addition, the applicant will comply with all other provisions of the CDBG application
Res. 10-2011
Authorizing the execution and delivery of a lease agreement and related instruments, and determining other matters in connection therewith
Res. 11-2011A
Authorizing the Chairman and Township Manager to execute a Municipal Snow Maintenance Agreement with the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation for a 5-year period expiring in 2016
Res. 11-2011B
Setting forth in formal resolution form the allocation of State Aid Pension Funds received under Act 205, the General Municipal Pension System State Aid Program and authorizing other and further action with regard thereto
Ord. 407
Establishing and maintaining service employees' pension, annuity, insurance and benefit fund or funds, amending certain provisions of the pension plan or program applicable to the service employees of said Township to amend the plan as required by the Internal Revenue Service to comply with the Internal Revenue Code
Ord. 408
Establishing and maintaining police employees' pension, annuity, insurance and benefit fund or funds, amending certain provisions of the pension plan or program applicable to the police employees of said Township to amend the plan as required by the Internal Revenue Service to comply with the Internal Revenue Code
Res. 14-2011
Closing out Community Conservation Partnerships Grant Project (BRC-TAG-13-200)
Res. 1-2012
Approving, adopting and placing into immediate effect the Emergency Operations Plan of North Fayette Township. This plan shall be reviewed every 2 years to make certain that it conforms to the requirements of the Allegheny County Emergency Operations Guidelines
Res. 2-2012
Expressing opposition to the ongoing court-ordered reassessment and asking the Court of Common Pleas to stop the process immediately; calling upon the Governor and General Assembly to impose a Statewide moratorium on singled-out, court-ordered county reassessments; and calling upon the Governor and General Assembly to enact comprehensive legislation that provides for a uniform Statewide system for establishing property values among all counties in the Commonwealth, so that all residents, businesses, governments and school districts are afforded stability, certainty and fairness
Res. 3-2012
Adopting the Allegheny County 2011 Hazard Mitigation Plan as the official Hazard Mitigation Plan of North Fayette Township
Res. 4-2012
Implementing the National Incident Management System
Res. 6-2012
Urging the Pennsylvania General Assembly to eliminate or amend the State Prevailing Wage Act (Act 442 of 1961)
Ord. 411
Authorizing the execution of an intergovernmental cooperation agreement and amendments thereto with the Borough of Oakdale, the Township of Findlay and the West Allegheny Community Library, for the purpose of providing funding to the library to expand and upgrade its facilities, pursuant to 53 Pa.C.S.A. § 2305
Res. 7-2012
Acknowledging the Township's consideration of the current preferred alternative(s) relative to the Wet Weather Plan
Res. 8-2012
Amending the Nepotism Policy previously adopted by the Township, to allow for the Township, in certain circumstances, to hire immediate family or persons in a personal relationship
Ord. 412
Establishing and maintaining police employees' pension, annuity, insurance and benefit fund or funds, amending certain provisions of the pension plan or program applicable to the police employees of said Township to amend the plan as required by the Internal Revenue Service to comply with the Internal Revenue Code
Ord. 413
Establishing and maintaining service employees' pension, annuity, insurance and benefit fund or funds, amending certain provisions of the pension plan or program applicable to the service employees of said Township to amend the plan as required by the Internal Revenue Service to comply with the Internal Revenue Code
Res. 9-2012
Setting forth in formal resolution form the allocation of State Aid Pension Funds received under Act 205 the General Municipal Pension System State Aid Program and authorizing other and further action with regard thereto
Res. 10-2012
Establishing a Fund Balance Policy in accordance with the Governmental Accounting and Financial Standards Board Statement No. 54, Fund Balance Reporting and Governmental Fund Type
Res. 12-2011
Confirming that the applicant has formally requested a grant, has designated an official to perform the required duties between the applicant and the Redevelopment Authority of Allegheny County ("RAAC"), has authorized the execution and delivery of any and all agreements between the applicant and RAAC, and has assured, where applicable, the provision of local matching funds
Res. 11-2012
Assigning funds to the Committed Fund Balance in accordance with the North Fayette Township Fund Balance Policy
Res. 1-2013
Establishing the compensation of the elected Township Tax Collector commencing with the term of office beginning January 1, 2014
Ord. 414
Establishing and maintaining municipal police pension, annuity, insurance and benefit fund or funds, amending certain provisions of the pension plan or program applicable to the police of said Township to amend the pension plan to revise the definition of normal retirement age for participants hired on or after January 1, 2012
Res. 2-2013
Adopting a revised and restated Non-Uniform Employee Personnel Policies Manual, dated January 22, 2013, effective immediately, superseding and replacing all prior policies and procedures in the previous manual enacted January 1, 2011
Res. 3-2013
Approving, adopting and placing into immediate effect the Emergency Operations Plan of North Fayette Township. This plan shall be reviewed every 2 years to make certain that it conforms to the requirements of the Allegheny County Emergency Operations Guideline.
Ord. 423
Ensuring the gender neutrality of any gender references in any documents and/or official papers of the Township
Res. 3-14
Authorizing the use of a combined environmental services invoice for sanitary sewage and solid waste removal services
Res. 6-14
Requesting a grant from the Redevelopment Authority of Allegheny County ("RAAC") for the Hans Road Bridge Replacement Project
Res. 7-14
Requesting a grant from the Redevelopment Authority of Allegheny County ("RAAC") for the Donaldson Park Memorial Walk Project
Res. 11-14
Adopting Financial Management Policy 13 (Anti-Fraud Policy) and Policy 19 (Credit Cards)
Res. 12-14
Authorizing an agreement with Kansas State Bank of Manhattan
Res. 13-14
Applying for a grant for the Municipal Complex trail project
Res. 15-14
Requesting a grant from the Redevelopment Authority of Allegheny County ("RAAC") for the renovation and expansion of the North Fayette Township Public Safety Building, Municipal Building, and Police Station project
Res. 16-14
Accepting and dedicating as a public improvement the Pointe West Plan stormwater detention facility and associated easement (Phase 1, Plan of Lots)
Res. 17-14
Accepting and dedicating as a public improvement the Pointe West Plan stormwater detention facility and associated easement (Phase 6, Plan of Lots)
Res. 18-14
Accepting and dedicating as a public improvement the Pointe West Plan stormwater detention facility and associated parcel (Phase 9, Plan of Lots)
Res. 21-2014
Authorizing the signing of an agreement
Res. 25-14A
Accepting and dedicating as a public improvement Parcel B for stormwater management, as laid out in the recorded Seabright Plan of Lots No. 2
Res. 25-14B
Accepting and dedicating as a public improvement Parcel D for stormwater management, as laid out in the recorded Seabright Plan of Lots, Phases 3 and 4
Res. 25-14C
Accepting and dedicating as a public improvement Parcel C for stormwater management, as laid out in the recorded Seabright Plan of Lots, Phases 3 and 4
Res. 29-14
Requesting a Multimodal Transportation Fund grant for the Summit Park Drive Complete Streets Improvement Project
Res. 30-14
Requesting a Multimodal Transportation Fund grant for reconstruction of McWreath Road Bridge
Res. 31-14
Agreeing to work cooperatively with the Live Well Allegheny Campaign through the establishment of "Live Well North Fayette Township"
Res. 32-14
Applying for a CDBG grant in the amount of $26,400
Res. 33-14
Authorizing application for funds through the CDBG program for demolition of vacant and dilapidated structures
Res. 34-14
Allocating state aid pension funds
Ord. 424
Authorizing the Township to join with other political subdivisions as a member of the Pennsylvania Municipal Health Insurance Cooperative (PMHIC)
Ord. 425
Authorizing the Township's participation in the PSATS Unemployment Compensation Group Trust
Res. 3-15
Amending the Personnel Policies Manual to set policies concerning the use of social media and electronic devices, as well as setting vacation policies for part-time employees
Res. 4-15
Declaring intent to follow the schedules and procedures for the disposition of records as set forth in the retention and disposition schedule for records of the Pennsylvania Municipal Records Manual
Res. 5-15
Requesting a grant from the Redevelopment Authority of Allegheny County ("RAAC") for the North Fayette Township Community Center
Res. 6-15
Approving disposition of certain records as set forth in the Pennsylvania Municipal Records Manual
Res. 8-15
Authorizing the application for a grant from the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources to find the Municipal Complex Trail
Res. 9-15
Approving disposition of certain records as set forth in the Pennsylvania Municipal Records Manual
Res. 10-15
Requesting a grant from the Redevelopment Authority of Allegheny County ("RAAC") for the Community Center/LifeSpan Center
Res. 11-15
Opposing a proposed change to the term limits of Second-Class Township Supervisors in Pennsylvania
Res. 12-15
Authorizing the execution and delivery of a lease agreement and related instruments
Ord. 430
Amending certain provisions of the Police Pension Plan to establish normal retirement age for participants hired on or after January 1, 2012
Ord. 431
Amending certain provisions of the Service Employees' Pension Plan to ensure that full-time employees serving their probationary period begin participating in the plan on their employment commencement date
Res. 18-15
Allocating state aid pension funds
Res. 19-15
Amending the Personnel Policies Manual to adopt policies concerning insubordination and leaving work without authorization, as well as further defining seasonal workers
Res. 22-15
Requesting a grant from the Allegheny County Department of Economic Development
Res. 24-15
Appointing Maher Duessel to replace the elected auditors to audit the accounts for the Township for fiscal year 2015
Res. 25-15
Requesting a Multimodal Transportation Fund grant of $271,862 from the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation to be used for reconstruction of McWreath Road Bridge
Res. 26-15
Requesting $725,000 in funding through the Transportation Alternatives Program (TAPS), Department of Transportation, to be used for the Summit Park Drive Complete Streets Improvement Project
Res. 6-16
Recognizing Pittsburgh Botanical Garden as a civic and/or service organization under the Local Options Small Games of Chance Act
Res. 8-16
Amended and revising the Transportation Capital Improvement Plan
Res. 9-16
Authorizing representatives on behalf of a lessee to negotiate, enter into, execute, and deliver one or more property leases
Res. 14-16
Requesting a Multimodal Transportation Fund grant of $493,000 from the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation to be used for the Mahoney Road Bridge Replacement Project
Res. 15-16
Appointing Maher Duessel to replace the elected auditors to audit the accounts for the Township for fiscal year 2016
Res. 2-17
Establishing the compensation of the elected Township Tax Collector commencing with the term of office beginning January 1, 2018
Ord. 440
Amending certain provisions of the Police Pension Plan to restate the final monthly average salary
Res. 5-17
Declaration of intent to follow the schedules and procedures for the disposition of records as set forth in the Pennsylvania Municipal Records Manual
Res. 6-17
Approving disposition of certain records as set forth in the Pennsylvania Municipal Records Manual
Res. 7-17
Declaring Local Government Week April 10 - 14, 2017
Ord. 441
Authorizing the Township Chairperson to enter into intergovernmental agreements with other local municipalities regarding the provision, exchange and use of specialized equipment, operators and support personnel to complete mutually beneficial public works projects within their respective municipalities
Ord. 442
Authorizing the Township to enter into an intergovernmental agreement with other local municipalities to establish the "Robinson Run-Chartiers Creek Watershed Alliance"
Res. 8-17
Authorizing the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to approve a project financing by the Washington County Industrial Development Authority for DWH Properties, LLC, and Hennemuth Metal Fabricators, Inc.
Res. 10-17
Agreement by the Township to remain included in the Allegheny County Community Development Block Grant and Home Investment Partnerships Program for the program years 2018, 2019, and 2020
Res. 12-17
Authorizing the Township to enter into a Keystone Grant agreement with the Pennsylvania Department of Education relative to the Western Allegheny Community Library and authorizing the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors and Township Manager as approved signatory representatives
Res. 13-17
Opposing the elimination of the Community Development Block Grant Program
Res. 14-17
Amending the Township's Personnel Policies Manual to define holiday pay, clarify eligibility for Township-provided insurance, specify unacceptable workplace behaviors and make other needed updates
Res. 15-17
Requesting funding through the Transportation Alternatives Set-Aside Program from the Department of Transportation to be used for the Summit Park Drive Complete Streets Improvement Project in the amount of $775,750, and appointing Robert Grimm as the designated official to execute all documents and agreements
Res. 16-17
Allocation of state aid pension funds received under Act 205, the General Municipal Pension System Update Aid Program, and authorizing other and further action with regard thereto
Res. 17-17
Request of CDBG funds in the amount of $20,000
Ord. 448
Authorizing the Township Chairperson to enter into an intergovernmental agreement regarding the collection of refuse and recyclable materials
Ord. 449
Authorizing the Township to enter into an intergovernmental cooperation agreement with the Township of Findlay for the maintenance of McClaren Road
Res. 19-17
Joining with other municipal bodies within the Alcosan Service Area to create a unified approach to source reduction efforts and adopting a source reduction study
Res. 20-17
Opposing House Bill 1620, entitled "Wireless Infrastructure Deployment Bill"
Res. 21-17
Signing of utility relocation clearance report for manhole grade adjustments
Res. 22-17
Appointing Maher Duessel to replace elected auditors to audit Township accounts for 2017
Res. 2-18
Requesting PA Small Water and Sewer Program grant of $500,000 to be used for North Road sewer line extension
Res. 4-18
Establishing annual criteria to be certified under the Volunteer Service Credit Program to claim local tax credits
Res. 5-18
Adopting and approving additions to the Agricultural Security Area
Res. 6-18
Recognizing West Allegheny Aqua Club is in good standing with the Township and community
Res. 8-18
Declaring Local Government Week
Res. 12-18
Adopting financial management policy "Policy 11 - Debt Management"
Res. 13-18
Lease purchase agreement for dump truck mounting
Res. 16-18
Issuing building permits for 13 lots in Phase 8 of the Fayette Farms development
Res. 18-18
Adopting Stormwater Fee Credit Manual
Res. 19-18
Creating window benefit for eligible employees and establishing the benefits, enrollment period, criteria and process for the window benefit
Res. 20-18
Amending Personnel Policies Manual to allow the Township discretion during the hiring process to adjust the benefit structure offered
Res. 23-18
Request of CDBG funds in the amount of $20,000
Res. 24-18
Request of CDBG funds in the amount of $44,000
Res. 25-18
Declaration of blighted property
Res. 26-18
Creating window benefit for eligible employees and establishing the benefits, enrollment period, criteria and process for the window benefit
Ord. 465
Establishment and maintenance of service employees' pension, annuity, insurance and benefit fund or funds, to amend certain provisions of the pension plan or program applicable to the service employees of said Township to amend the plan as required by the Internal Revenue Service to comply with the Internal Revenue Code.
Ord. 467
Authorizing the Township Chairperson and Township Manager to enter into an intergovernmental cooperative agreement regarding the collection of refuse and recyclable materials
Ord. 469
Implementing drop pension plan enrollment procedures for Officer Bryan Greco commencing on March 25, 2020
Res. 2-19
Appointing Maher Duessel to replace the elected auditors to audit the accounts of the Township for fiscal year 2018
Res. 3-19
Restating the 2011 rate schedule for sanitation services
Res. 4-19
Adopting investment policy statements for the Township of North Fayette nonuniformed pension plan and the Township of North Fayette police pension plan and adopting an investment option election form for participants in the Township of North Fayette nonuniformed employees pension plan
Res. 6-19
Amending and revising the schedule of fees per Township ordinances
Res. 7-19
To reimburse Penn DOT for the design, construction, and inspection costs associated with curb ramps on S.R. 3066 at the intersections of Hankey Farms Drive (west) and Hankey Farms (east) in the Township of North Fayette
Res. 8-19
Adopting a procedure to sell and dispose of personal property
Res. 9-19
Recognizing tricounty chapter of the Friends of NRA as a civic and/or service association under the Local Options Small Games of Chance Act, as amended
Res. 10-19
Accepting for public dedication those certain "as built" sanitary sewers and associated easements, as constructed in the Fayette Farms PRD, phase no. 9
Ord. 464
Authorizing the incurring of nonelectoral debt by the issuance of general obligation bonds
Res. 12-19
Authorizing and directing the interim Township Manager to execute an agility agreement with the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation
Res. 14-19
Amending the Township's personnel policies manual to implement a policy for eligible Township employees to respond to emergency calls while at work
Res. 15-19
Seeking grant funding under the Allegheny County Sanitary Authority Green Revitilization of Our Waterways Program to USESD to help fund the Hankey Farms sewer lining project
Res. 16-19
Requesting a Multimodal Transportation Fund grant of $950,000from the Commonwealth Financing Authority to be used for West Allegheny road traffic signal and turning lanes
Res. 17-19
Authorizing the appointment of a Township Manager and further authorizing the execution of a contract with the Township Manager pursuant to the Second Class Township Code
Res. 18-19
Amending and revising the schedule of fees per Township ordinances
Res. 19-19
Authorizing the filing of an application for funds with the Redevelopment Authority of Allegheny County (RAAC) for the purpose of implementing a stormwater PRP project at Lafayette Plaza.
Res. 20-19
Authorizing the filing of an application for funds with the Redevelopment Authority of Allegheny County (RAAC) for the purpose of replacing the Township salt storage building roof
Res. 21-19
Authorizing the filing of an application for funds with the Redevelopment Authority of Allegheny County (RAAC) for the purpose of police station renovations
Res. 22-19
Authorizing the filing of an application for funds with the Redevelopment Authority of Allegheny County (RAAC) for the purpose of the North Road sanitary sewer extension project
Res. 23-19
Authorizing the filing of an application for funds under the 2020 Dirt, Gravel and Low Volume Road Program (DGLYR) with the Allegheny County Conservation District for the purpose of repair and stabilization to Gene Mine Road
Res. 24-19
Authorizing the filing of an application for funds with the Redevelopment Authority of Allegheny County (RAAC) for the purpose of the Kelso Road sanitary sewer extension project
Res. 27-19
Adopting the use of an asset smoothing method to determine the actuarial value of assets for the North Fayette Township police pension plan
Res. 28-19
Authorizing the appointment of a Township Manager pursuant to the Second Class Township Code
Res. 29-19
Authorizing the acceptance of grant funding from the Allegheny County Sanitary Authority (ALCOSAN) to fund the Hankey Funds sewer-lining project
Res. 30-19
Authorizing the filing of an application for CDBG funds with the Allegheny County Economic Development
Res. 31-19
Amending the Township's personnel policies manual to establish a sick leave bank and a committee to establish procedures and criteria for same
Res. 34-19
Authorizing the Chairman and the Township Manager to execute all documents and agreements between North Fayette Township and the Commonwealth Financing Authority to assist in obtaining a grant in the amount of $425,000 under the Pennsylvania Small Water and Sewer Program to be used for the North Road sanitary sewer extension project
Res. 35-19
Authorizing the Chairman and the Township Manager to execute all documents and agreements between North Fayette Township and the commonwealth financing authority to assist in obtaining a grant in the amount of $425,000 under the Pennsylvania Small Water and Sewer Program to be used for the Kelso Road sanitary sewer extension Phase I project
Res. 36-19
Authorizing the Chairman and the Township Manager to execute all documents and agreements between North Fayette Township and the commonwealth financing authority to assist in obtaining a grant in the amount of $3,339,000 under the H2O Pennsylvania Water Supply, Sanitary Sewer, and Storm Water Program to be used for the Kelso Road sanitary sewer extension, Phase II project
Res. 37-19
Authorizing the Chairman and the Township Manager to execute all documents and agreements between North Fayette Township and the commonwealth financing authority to assist in obtaining a grant in the amount of $425,000 under the Pennsylvania Small Water and Sewer Program to be used for the PRP retrofits project at The Pointe in North Fayette Township
Res. 38-19
Appointing Maher Duessel to replace the elected auditors to audit the accounts of the tTownship for fiscal year 2019
Res. 40-19
Appropriating specific sums estimated to be required for the general operational purposes of the municipal government, hereinafter set forth during the year 2020
Res. 2-20
Approving an intergovernmental agreement with the Township of Moon, the Township of Collier and the Township of Crescent for the purpose of pursuing a joint bid for 2020 road milling and paving services
Res. 6-20
Authorizing an action plan in response to the recent outbreak of COVID-19 (coronavirus)
Res. 7-20
Declaring Local Government Week: April 6 - 10, 2020
Ord. 477-A
Authorizing execution of a cable franchise agreement between the Township and Verizon Pennsylvania LLC
Res. 11-20
Adopting a procedure to sell and dispose of personal property
Res. 12-20
Allowing for temporary outdoor dining areas
Res. 13-20
Establishing an application fee for easement encroachment agreements
Res. 14-20
Authorizing the submission of an application to the Active Allegheny Grant Program and allocating funding for the local share of the project cost
Res. 15-20
Approving and agreeing to stipulations set forth between the County of Allegheny and the Township in regard to the Coronavirus Relief Fund (CARES Act)
Res. 16-20
Approving that the acquisition and subsequent disposition of a parcel of vacant property known as Block and Lot Number 684-S-21 is in accord with the 2014 North Fayette Township Comprehensive Plan
Res. 17-20
Approving the transfer of a restaurant liquor license No. R-2497 from the Borough of Mckees Rocks into the Township to transferee Eaton Pizza Inc., d/b/a Angelia’s Pizza
Res. 18-20
Authorizing the Township Manager to approve and execute easement encroachment agreements on behalf of the Township upon the recommendation of the Township Engineer, the Township Solicitor, and the Community Development Director
Res. 19-20
Authorizing the Chairman and the Township Manager to execute all documents and agreements between North Fayette Township and the Commonwealth Financing Authority to assist in obtaining a grant in the amount of $1,061,500.00 under the Multimodal Transportation Fund Program to be used for the Donaldson Road Intersection Improvements Project
Res. 20-20
Authorizing the Chairman and the Township Manager to execute all documents and agreements between North Fayette Township and the Commonwealth Financing Authority to assist in obtaining a grant in the amount of $1,118,900.00 under the Multimodal Transportation Fund Program to be used for the Summit Park Drive Improvementsp
Res. 22-20
Appointing Code.sys to provide third party code enforcement services as to commercial plan review, electrical inspections, and support to in-house code officers
Res. 23-20
Appointing Plans Examiners, Inc. to provide third party plan code enforcement services as to commercial review, electrical inspections, and support to in-house code officers
Res. 25-20
Demolition Slums And Blight Resolution
Res. 26-20
Authorizing the filing of an application for CDBG funds with the Allegheny County Economic Development
Res. 27-20
Authorizing the Township Manager or his designee to commence operations of the North Fayette Township Employee Sick Bank and to declare an open enrollment for Township employees from December 1, 2020, through December 31, 2020
Res. 29-20
Appointing Maher Duessel to replace the elected auditors to audit the accounts of the Township for fiscal year 2020
Res. 30-20
Appropriating specific sums estimated to be required for the general operational purposes of the municipal government during the year 2021
Res. 01-21
Authorizing the Chairman and the Township Manager to execute all documents and agreements between North Fayette Township and the Commonwealth Financing Authority to assist in obtaining a grant in the amount of $300,000.00 under the Watershed Restoration Protection Program to be used for the Prp Retrofits project at The Pointe
Res. 02-21
Establishing the compensation of the elected Township Tax Collector commencing with the term of office beginning January 1, 2022
Res. 03-21
Approving, adopting, and placing into immediate effect the Emergency Operations Plan
Res. 05-21
Revising Res. 20-20 and authorizing the Chairman and the Township Manager to execute all documents and agreements between the Township of North Fayette and the Commonwealth Financing Authority to assist in obtaining a grant in the amount of $1,440,700.00 under the Multimodal Transportation Program to be used for the Summit Park Drive improvements
Res. 07-21
Authorizing the condemnation, through the use of eminent domain, for acquisition of a temporary easement, permanent easement, and legal rights-of-way of certain property owned by Tina Marie Bucci, for the purpose of reconstructing a driveway and the installation, maintenance, and repair of a master signal alarm in connection with the West Allegheny Widening Project, and directing the proper Township officers and its solicitor to take such lawful actions as necessary for said condemnation, to create necessary documents, to institute any attendant proceedings, and to have authority to offer just compensation, if any
Res. 08-21
Authorizing the filing of an application for funds with the RAAC in the amount of $250,000.00 for the Chauvet Drive Sidewalk Improvements project
Res. 10-21
Authorizing the Township Manager to execute and submit the Traffic Signal Maintenance Agreement to the Department of Transportation, and to authorize the Township Manager to execute and submit future applications for traffic signal approval to the Department of Transportation
Res. 11-2021
Adopting the official logo for the municipality
Res. 13-21
Adopting Allegheny County 2020 Hazard Mitigation Plan
Res. 14-21
Providing authorization to enter into a cooperation agreement with Western Allegheny County Municipal Authority and setting forth the terms and conditions with respect to invoicing for residential and commercial utility services
Res. 15-21
Authorizing the condemnation, through the use of eminent domain, for acquisition of a permanent easement, and legal rights-of-way of certain property owned by Tina Marie Bucci, for the purpose of the installation, maintenance, and repair of a master signal alarm in connection with the West Allegheny Widening Project, and directing the proper Township officers and its solicitor to take such lawful actions as necessary for said condemnation, to create necessary documents, to institute any attendant proceedings, and to have authority to offer just compensation, if any
Res. 16-21
Authorizing the submission of agreement to authorize electronic access to PENNDOT systems to the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation
Res. 17-21
Declaring Local Government Week: April 12th — 16th, 2021.
Res. 19-21
Authorizing the filing of an application for Act 152 funds with Allegheny County Economic Development and to designate an official to perform the required duties between the Township and Allegheny County Economic Development and to assure, where applicable, the provision of local matching funds and compliance with all other provisions of the Act 152 application
Res. 20-21
Authorizing the demolition of certain blighted and dilapidated structures under the provisions of Act 152
Res. 21-21
Requesting a Multimodal Transportation Fund grant from the Commonwealth Financing Administration for safety improvements to the Donaldson Road intersection and appointing the Township Manager as the official to execute all documents and agreements between the Township and the Commonwealth Financing Administration to facilitate and assist in obtaining such grant
Res. 22-21
Requesting a Greenways, Trails And Recreation Program (GTRP) grant from the Commonwealth Financing Administration for the Donaldson Park Sidewalk Improvements project and appointing the Township Manager as the official to execute all documents and agreements between the Township and the Commonwealth Financing Administration to facilitate and assist in obtaining such grant
Res. 23-21
Requesting a Multimodal Transportation Fund grant from the Commonwealth Financing Administration for the Summit Park Drive Improvements project and appointing the Township Manager as the official to execute all documents and agreements between the Township and the Commonwealth Financing Administration to facilitate and assist in obtaining such grant
Res. 26-21
Authorizing the purchase of a 2021 Chevrolet Tahoe, specifically, VIN# 1GNSKLED4MR286959 under COSTARS contract COSTARS-13 emergency responder vehicles, from Whitmoyer Ford, Inc. / Whitmoyer Buick-Chevrolet, Inc. d/b/a Whitmoyer Auto Group
Res. 28-21
Authorizing the filing of an application for funds with the Redevelopment Authority of Allegheny County (RAAC) for the purpose of implementing a stormwater PRP project at Lafayette Plaza
Res. 29-21
Approving the transfer of a restaurant liquor license no. R-12796 from Shaler Township into the Township of North Fayette, to transferee Bhc Oakdale, LLC d/ b/a The Goose Express
Res. 35-21
Authorizing the appointment of a Township Manager pursuant to the Second Class Township Code
Res. 36-21
Authorizing adoption of a mutual aid agreement for mutual police aid and assistance between North Fayette Township, Pittsburgh Technical College, and neighboring municipalities which are members of the Char-West Council Of Governments ("Char-West COG").
Res. 37-21
Authorizing the opening and maintaining of a bank account with Huntington National Bank
Res. 38-21
Approving an emergency operations plan
Res. 39-21
Entering into an agreement with the Allegheny League of Municipalities Public Partners Program to provide financial consulting services on an as-needed basis
Res. 41-21
Authorizing the submission of an application to the Redevelopment Authority of Allegheny County (RACC) for the Gaming Economic Development Tourism Fund (GEDTF) program for the North Fayette Boulevard Extension Project and to authorize the Township Manager to execute any required agreements
Res. 42-21
Authorizing the submission of an application to the Redevelopment Authority of Allegheny County (RACC) for the Gaming Economic Development Tourism Fund (GEDTF) program for the Park Lane Improvements Project and to authorize the Township Manager to execute any required agreements
Res. 43-21
Authorizing the submission of an application to the Redevelopment Authority of Allegheny County (RACC) for the Gaming Economic Development Tourism Fund (GEDTF) program for the PRP Stormwater Improvements Project and to authorize the Township Manager to execute any required agreements
Res. 44-21
Declaring, pursuant to the reimbursement regulations, the Township's official intent to reimburse itself with the proceeds of obligations in the reasonably anticipated amount of $4,000,000 for the purpose of capital expenditures for a project consisting of the design, acquisition and construction of North Fayette Boulevard and other various capital improvements to Township facilities which may occur prior to the issuance of the obligations
Res. 45-21
Recognizing certain third party agencies to perform electrical inspections and issue permits for such, and perform commercial plan reviews within the Township
Res. 46-21
Authorizing the Chairman and the Township Manager to execute all documents and agreements between the Township and the Pennsylvania Drepartment of Transportation to assist in obtaining a grant in the amount of $415,000.00 under the Multimodal Transportation Fund Program to be used for the Park Lane Sidewalk Improvements project
Res. 47-21
Authorizing the Chairman and the Township Manager to execute all documents and agreements between the Township and the Pennsylvania Drepartment of Transportation to assist in obtaining a grant in the amount of $966,000.00 under the Multimodal Transportation Fund Program to be used for the Donaldson Road Intersection Improvements project
Res. 49-21
Authorizing the filing of an application for CDBG funds with Allegheny County Economic Development for the Pointe West Neighborhood Ada Improvement Project
Res. 50-21
Authorizing the Township Manager to enter into a winter maintenance services agreement with PENNDOT
Res. 54-21
Adopting the Township of North Fayette Active Transportation Plan
Res. 55-21
Approving an agreement with the Southwestern Pennsylvania Corporation and the Township of Robinson for the Multi-Municipal Summit Park Drive/ Robinson Town Centre Drive SINC-UP project
Res. 56-21
Authorizing the opening and maintaining of a bank account with Huntington National Bank
Res. 01-22
Appointing Maher Duessel to replace the elected auditors to audit the accounts of the Township for fiscal year 2021
Res. 02-22
Establishing certain offices and classifications of employment, and fixing the salaries or hourly wages thereof for administrative and non-bargaining unit Township employees for calendar year 2022
Res. 03-22
Making certain appointments for the Township for calendar year 2022
Increasing property tax rebate for eligible taxpayers
Res. 05-22
Authorizing the submission of an application to the Redevelopment Authority of Allegheny County (RACC) for the Site Development Fund Grant Program for the North Fayette Boulevard Extension Project
Authorizing the Chairman and the Township Manager to execute all documents and agreements between the Township of North Fayette and the Commonwealth Financing Authority to assist in obtaining a grant in the amount of $1,000,000.00 under the statewide local share assessment to be used for the North Fayette Boulevard Improvements Project
Authorizing the Chairman and the Township Manager to execute all documents and agreements between the Township of North Fayette and the Commonwealth Financing Authority to assist in obtaining a grant in the amount of $700,000.00 under the statewide local share assessment to be used for the Hans Road Bridge Replacement Project
Authorizing the Chairman and the Township Manager to execute all documents and agreements between the Township of North Fayette and the Commonwealth Financing Authority to assist in obtaining a grant in the amount of $670,000.00 under the statewide local share assessment to be used for the Mahoney Road Bridge Replacement Project
Authorizing the Chairman and the Township Manager to execute all documents and agreements between the Township of North Fayette and the Commonwealth Financing Authority to assist in obtaining a grant in the amount of $1,000,000.00 under the statewide local share assessment to be used for the North Fayette Municipal Complex Improvements Project
Appointing members of the Building, Fire, and Property Maintenance Codes Appeals Board of the Township of North Fayette
Amending the Township of North Fayette Minimum Construction Standards and Details
Appointing members of the Planning Commission
Authorizing the submission of an application to DCNR for a C2P2 grant for the Donaldson Road Sidewalk Improvements Project
Authorizing the submission of an application to DCNR for a C2P2 grant for the Hankey Farms Park Improvements, Phase 1 Project
Making certain appointments for the Township for calendar year 2022.
Authorizing the Township to enter into an agreement with the Huntington National Bank for commercial credit card services and to authorize the Township Manager to execute such agreement
Approving that the acquisition and subsequent disposition of a parcel of vacant property known as Block and Lot Number 584-N-19 is in accord with the 2014 North Fayette Township Comprehensive Plan
Granting preliminary and final land development plan approval with conditions to SL Imperial Business Park, LLC for the Revised Imperial Business Park — Lot 11 Land Development Application
Authorizing the Chairman and the Township Manager to execute all documents and agreements between the Township and the Commonwealth Financing Authority to assist in obtaining a grant in the amount of $3,000,000.00 under the Multimodal Transportation Fund Program to be used for the North Fayette Boulevard Improvements Project
Authorizing the Chairman and the Township Manager to execute all documents and agreements between the Township and the Commonwealth Financing Authority to assist in obtaining a grant in the amount of $750,000.00 under the Multimodal Transportation Fund Program to be used for the Steuben Street (Sr 22/30) Intersection Improvements Project
Declaring intent to follow the schedules and procedures for disposition of records as set forth in the Municipal Records Manual approved on December 16, 2008
Authorizing the disposition of specific public records
Authorizing the disposition of specific public records
Approving that the acquisition and subsequent disposition of a parcel of vacant property known as Block and Lot Number 584-P-50 is in accord with the 2014 North Fayette Township Comprehensive Plan
Amending and revising the Schedule of Fees
Adopting the policy and procedure for consultant selection for engineering firms for Pennsylvania Department of Transportation-related projects
Approving the transfer of a restaurant liquor license No. R-3413 from Sewickley Township into the Township of North Fayette, to transferee CBOCS Pennsylvania, LLC
Recognizing the PTC Education Foundation as a civic and/ or service organization under the Local Options Small Games Of Chance Act, as amended
Authorizing the submission of an application to the Redevelopment Authority of Allegheny County (RACC) for the Gaming Economic Development Tourism Fund (GEDTF) Program for the North Fayette Boulevard Project and to authorize the Township Manager to execute any required agreements
Granting preliminary and final approval with conditions to DB Data Center Pittsburgh, LLC. for the PIT3 Databank Center expansion major land development application
Granting final approval with conditions to Databank Holdings LTD. for the 35 Summit Data Center – 2ND floor additional load minor land development application
Res. 45-22
Implementing Act 57 of 2022 by directing the Tax Collector to waive additional charges for real estate taxes in certain situations
Res. 49-22
Authorizing the submission of an application to DCNR for a C2P2 grant for the Hankey Farms Park Improvements, Phase 1 Project
Res. 50-22
Authorizing the filing of an application for CDBG funds with Allegheny County Economic Development for the Pointe West Neighborhood ADA Improvement Project
Res. 51-22
Designating Township Manager and Assistant Township Manager as signatories for PennDOT reimbursement agreement R22110026 and all other attendant documents to the agreement regarding Summit Park Drive Bridge repairs
Res. 53-22
Reforming the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) Section 125 Cafeteria Plan for the premium opt-out and documenting in one place a number of Township benefits requiring a Section 125 Cafeteria Plan
Res. 54-22
Authorization to execute all documents and agreements between the Township and the Commonwealth Financing Authority to assist in obtaining a grant in the amount of $3,000,000 under the Multimodal Transportation Fund Program to be used for the North Fayette Boulevard Improvements Project
Res. 56-22
Requesting an H2O PA grant from the Commonwealth Financing Authority for the North Fayette Boulevard Utility Extension Project
Res. 61-22
Requesting an H2O PA grant from the Commonwealth Financing Authority for the North Branch Road Interceptor Upsizing Project
Res. 01-23
Appointing Maher Duessel to replace the elected auditors to audit the accounts of the Township for fiscal year 2022
Res. 02-23
Establishing certain offices and classifications of employment, and fixing the salaries or hourly wages thereof, for administrative and non-bargaining unit Township employees for calendar year 2023
Res. 03-23
Making certain appointments for the Township for calendar year 2023
Res. 04-23
Appointing member to the Planning Commission
Res. 05-23
Appointing member to the Building, Fire, and Property Maintenance Codes Appeals Board
Res. 06-23
Appointing members to the Zoning Hearing Board
Res. 10-23
Requesting a PA Small Water and Sewer grant from the Commonwealth Financing Authority for the North Fayette Boulevard Utility Extension Project
Res. 14-23
Authorizing Township Manager to execute reimbursement agreement R22110026 and all other attendant documents, on behalf of the Township, with respect to the necessary Summit Park Drive Bridge repairs
Res. 15-23
Authorizing Township Manager to execute reimbursement agreement R22110025 and all other attendant documents, on behalf of the Township, with respect to the Summit Park Drive Complete Streets Improvement Project
Res. 16-23
Authorizing the execution of an easement encroachment agreement to allow for construction of an accessory structure within the sanitary sewer easements located on the property at 129 Horseshoe Lane
Res. 17-23
Authorizing the execution of an agreement with TRAISR, LLC, for the establishment of an online permit and payment portal
Res. 18-23
Authorizing the execution of a memorandum of understanding between the Township and the Chief of Police outlining the terms governing his position as Chief of Police
Ord. 508
Increasing property tax rebate for eligible taxpayers
Res. 20-23
Authorizing Township Manager to execute reimbursement agreement R23110004 and all other attendant documents, on behalf of the Township, with respect to the Summit Park Drive Complete Streets Improvement Project
Res. 24-23
Authorizing the Township Manager to execute an agreement with Redwood Estates in regard to the demolition of a fire-damaged and dangerous structure
Res. 25-23
Authorizing the submission of an application to DCNR for a C2P2 grant for the Hankey Farms Park Improvements, Phase 2 Project
Res. 26-23
Making and revising certain appointments for the Township for calendar year 2023
Res. 27-23
Adopting an applicant privacy policy for the Township
Res. 28-23
Authorizing the exercise by police officers employed by the Township of the power of arrest without warrant pursuant to 42 Pa.C.S.A. § 8902 and adopting guidelines to be followed by such officers when making such arrests
Res. 29-23
Appointing the law firm of Dillon McCandless King Coulter & Graham, LLP, as Solicitor for the Building, Fire, and Property Maintenance Codes Appeals Board
Res. 30-23
Repealing Resolution No. 28-23 in its entirety
Res. 31-23
Authorizing an intergovernmental cooperation agreement with the Borough of Oakdale authorizing the Borough to utilize the Township's Building, Fire, and Property Maintenance Codes Appeals Board
Res. 32-23
Supporting the Pennsylvania Commission for the United States Semiquincentennial
Res. 35-23
Adopting a capitalization policy to establish procedures for capitalizing assets
Res. 36-23
Authorizing the Chairman and the Township Manager to submit an application and business plan with the Pennsylvania Office of the Budget for the North Fayette Boulevard RACP Award
Res. 37-23
Authorizing the Township to enter into the settlement agreements with McKesson Corporation, Cardinal Health, Inc., AmerisourceBergen Corporation, Johnson & Johnson, Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Ortho-Mcneil-Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Inc., and Janssen Pharmaceuitca, Inc., and agree to the terms of the Pennsylvania Opioid Misuse and Addiction Abatement Trust
Res. 38-23
Authorizing the submission of an application for a grant to the Commonwealth Financing Authority for the Greenways, Trails, and Recreation Program (GTRP) for the Hankey Farms Park Improvements, Phase 2 Project
Res. 39-23
Authorizing an intergovernmental cooperation agreement with the Township of Collier whereby the Township of Collier consents to allowing a portion of the North Fayette Connector Trail to be located within its municipality
Res. 40-23
Authorizing an intergovernmental cooperation agreement with the Township of Findlay whereby the Township of Findlay consents to allowing a portion of the North Fayette Connector Trail to be located within its municipality
Res. 41-23
Declaration of vacant and dilapidated structures as blighted property in the municipality as defined by the Urban Redevelopment Law
Res. 42-23
Authorizing the execution of an easement encroachment agreement to allow for construction of accessory structures within the sanitary sewer easement located on the property at 1004 Fairfield Lane
Res. 43-23
Authorizing the execution of an easement encroachment agreement to allow for construction of accessory structures within the sanitary sewer easement located on the property at 174 Saddle Ridge Drive
Res. 44-23
Authorizing the filing of an application for Act 152 funds with Allegheny County Economic Development
Res. 46-23
Establishing certain offices and classifications of employment and fixing the salaries or hourly wages thereof for administrative and non-bargaining unit Township employees for calendar year 2023
Res. 47-23
Making certain appointments for the Township for calendar year 2023
Res. 48-23
Authorizing the execution of an easement encroachment agreement to allow for construction of accessory structures within the sanitary sewer easement located on the property at 116 Village Circle
Res. 54-23
Authorizing the Chairman and Township Manager to execute all documents and agreements between the Township of North Fayette and the Commonwealth Financing Authority to assist in obtaining a grant in the amount of $3,000,000 under the Multimodal Transportation Fund to be used for the North Fayette Boulevard Improvements Project
Res. 55-23
Recognizing the North Fayette Volunteer Fire Department for 50 years of service to the Township
Res. 56-23
Authorizing the execution of an easement encroachment agreement to allow for construction of accessory structures within the sanitary sewer and storm sewer easements located on the property at 100 Hollyberry Circle
Res. 57-23
Authorizing the execution of an easement encroachment agreement to allow for construction of accessory structures within the sanitary sewer and storm sewer easements located on the property at 105 Persian Drive
Res. 62-23
Authorizing the execution of an easement encroachment agreement to allow for construction of accessory structures within the sanitary sewer easement located on the property at 203 Dupont Drive
Res. 63-23
Authorizing the execution of an intergovernmental cooperation agreement with the Western Allegheny County Municipal Authority to provide billing of residential and commercial utility services by the Authority on behalf of the Township
Res. 65-23
Authorizing the submission of an application to the Redevelopment Authority of Allegheny County (RACC) for the Gaming Economic Development Tourism Fund (GEDTF) Program for the Mohoney Road Bridge Replacement Project and to authorize the Township Manager to execute any required agreements
Res. 66-23
Authorizing the execution of the term sheet with ALCOSAN
Res. 70-23
Appointing member to the Planning Commission
Res. 71-23
Authorizing the execution of an easement encroachment agreement to allow for construction of accessory structures within the storm sewer easement located on the property at 122 Holly Hill Drive
Res. 73-23
Appointing members to the Traffic Impact Fee Advisory Committee
Res. 74-23
Authorizing the filing of an application for CDBG funds with Allegheny County Economic Development for the Pointe West Neighborhood ADA Improvement Project
Res. 76-23
Creating a window benefit for eligible employees and establishing the benefits, enrollment period, criteria, procedure, and process for the window benefit
Res. 79-23
Authorizing the Chairman and the Township Manager to execute all documents and agreements between the Township of North Fayette and the Commonwealth Financing Authority to assist in obtaining a grant in the amount of $1,000,000 under the statewide local share assessment to be used for the North Fayette Boulevard Improvements Project
Res. 80-23
Accepting the destruction of records maintained by the North Fayette Township Police Department
Res. 81-23
Authorizing the Chairman and the Township Manager to execute all documents and agreements between the Township of North Fayette and the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation to assist in obtaining a grant in the amount of $3,000,000 under the Multimodal Transportation Fund to be used for the North Fayette Boulevard Improvements Project
Ord. 520
Authorizing the Township to enter into an intergovernmental cooperation agreement for technology upgrades to the traffic light at Cliff-Mine Road and Summit Park Drive
Res. 84-23
Appointing Campbell Durrant, P.C., as counsel for pension-related services
Res. 87-23
Authorizing and directing the payment of a stipend to the members of certain boards and commissions
Res. 88-23
Authorizing the submission of an application to the Keystone Communities Program through the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) for the North Fayette Township IT Upgrades Project
Res. 92-23
Authorizing the Chairman and the Township Manager to execute all documents and agreements between the Township of North Fayette and the Commonwealth Financing Authority to assist in obtaining a grant in the amount of $800,000 under the statewide local share assessment to be used for the Parkway West Bricklayers Building Project
Establishing certain offices and classifications of employment and fixing the salaries or hourly wages thereof for administrative and non-bargaining unit Township employees for calendar year 2024
Making certain appointments for the Township for calendar year 2024
Appointing members to the Planning Commission
Appointing members to the Building, Fire, and Property Maintenance Codes Appeals Board
Appointing member to the Zoning Hearing Board
Appointing Jordan Tax Service, Inc., as tax collector for the Township's amusement tax, beginning January 1, 2024