[Ord. 134, 6/15/1909; as amended by Ord. 810, 12/17/2007]
From and after the adoption of this Part, it shall be the duty of the Public Works Committee of the Borough Council to have all of the poles erected and maintained by any telegraph or telephone company, electric light, power or heating company, any trolley or traction company or any other company or corporation, upon any of the streets, lanes, alleys or highways of the Borough, inspected and examined at stated times at least twice during each and every year, and to promptly report to the owners thereof any found in an unsafe or dangerous condition.
[Ord. 134, 6/15/1909; as amended by Ord. 420, 2/10/1969]
In order to defray the expense of the inspections provided for in § 13-401, the various companies or corporations erecting, maintaining or owning such poles, including the crossarms and wires suspended thereon, shall pay annually to the Borough Treasurer a sum for each and every pole so erected and maintained upon any such street, lane, alley or highway within the Borough limits as established and revised from time to time by resolution of the Borough Council and set out in a fee schedule on file in the office of the Borough Manager. Where two or more companies use the same pole or poles, the inspection fee shall only be charged against and collected from the company erecting and controlling such poles.
[Ord. 134, 6/15/1909; as amended by Ord. 420, 2/10/1969]
The said pole inspection fee shall be due and payable to the Borough Treasurer on the first day of January of each and every year, and if not paid within 30 days thereafter, the Borough Treasurer is hereby authorized to collect the same by action of assumpsit or otherwise as is provided by law.