[Ord. 806, 6/11/1986, § 13622]
The Borough retains the tapping of the water mains, furnishing of ferrules and corporation cocks; all the work to be done under the supervision of the water system foreman at the charge of the current rate as established by the Water System Committee of Council.
[Ord. 806, 6/11/1986, § 13623]
Furnishing, Installation. All water meters shall be furnished and set by the Borough.
Charge. The charge for furnishing and installing water meters shall be based on the current cost of meters to the Borough, at the time of purchase, plus 50% of said purchase price.
Location. Meters shall be placed so as to be accessible at all times to the proper Borough agents and to be convenient for reading. Also, a proper place for the protection of the system must be provided by the applicant.
Main Disconnect. There shall be place in the water service line on the supply side of the meter a suitable stop cock.
Repair. Consumers shall notify the Borough Office or the Borough Manager of any damage to or nonworking of any meter as soon as the same comes to their knowledge.
[Ord. 806, 6/11/1986, § 13624]
All service pipes from point of union with the mains to the property to be supplied shall be seamless copper service pipe manufactured in accordance with and meeting the specifications of ASTM Class K Specifications and United States Government Type K Specifications W.T.-799. Swagged or flanged joints shall not be permitted.
[Ord. 806, 6/11/1986, § 13625]
Service lines for water supply shall in no case be allowed to run across lots, that is, from one lot to another, but must be taken from the main in front of the premises or at the nearest point adjacent thereto, and run at right angles to the main line as far as the inside of curb where the curb line stop will be set.
[Ord. 806, 6/11/1986, § 13626]
In no case will corporation cocks of a larger size than one inch inside diameter be inserted in any of the water mains without the consent of the Borough Manager, as approved by the Water System Committee. In all cases where corporation cocks of a larger size are asked for, permission shall only be granted to enter such cocks of extra size on condition that the party procuring such grant shall pay the expense of putting on a wrought-iron band of proper width and thickness to strengthen the main, the cock to be tapped into both the band and main in order to preserve the full strength of the main pipe. A saddle may be used also to strengthen the main pipe.
[Ord. 806, 6/11/1986, § 13627; as amended by Ord. 995, 12/10/2003]
The charge for ferrules or corporation cocks shall be in an amount as established from time to time by resolution of Borough Council.
[Ord. 806, 6/11/1986, § 13628]
Any plumber wishing to do work in connection with the water system shall file an application with the Borough Manager stating that he is a licensed plumber in accordance with the rules and regulations of Allegheny County and he is willing to be bound by all rules and regulations of the Borough water system. He also shall be held responsible for all damages sustained by the water system at his hand or on his account.
[Ord. 806, 6/11/1986, § 13629]
All streets or alleys excavated for laying or repairing water pipes shall be protected during the night, and shall be repaved without unnecessary delay; and any contractor or plumber having such work in charge shall be responsible for all damage that may occur by reason of said excavation being left open by him or them.
No person shall be permitted to open any paved street for the purpose of connecting to water mains or for repairing service lines without first complying with the provisions of Chapter 21, Street, Driveways, and Sidewalks, of this Code and any other orders issued by the Borough Manager for the protection and preservation of the streets and water system.
[Ord. 806, 6/11/1986, § 13630]
All connections and service lines for the supply of water and all fixtures inside the building supplied shall be maintained in good order by the owners or consumers, and all water meters shall be protected from frost at their own expense. Meters allowed to freeze by property owners will only be replaced at the expense of said owner. Failure to pay for said repairs or replacements shall be cause for the Borough Manager to have water shut off.
[Ord. 806, 6/11/1986, § 13631]
The Borough shall in no event be responsible for maintenance of water lines inside the building or water service lines out to the main lines, or for damages caused by water escaping therefrom; or for lines or fixtures on consumer's property; the Borough may shut off the service for any failure to carry out the provisions of this rule.