[Added 6-11-1984 by Ord. No. 84-06-11-1]
All trucks and commercial vehicles having a gross weight, including the weight of the vehicle and its load, in excess of 16,000 pounds shall be prohibited from operating, standing, or going upon any streets or alleys within the Village except those designated as truck routes in this article and subsequent ordinances.
The following streets are hereby designated "truck routes" and all trucks and commercial vehicles having a gross weight in excess of 16,000 pounds are to use these truck routes only:
Name of Street
Alley south of East South Main Street
Between Oakwood Street and Olmstead Street;
East North Main Street
From the East Village limit to the West Village limit
East South Main Street
East of Olmstead Street
Oakwood Street
From the south Village limits to the north Village limits
Olmstead Street
Between the alley south of East South Main Street and East North Main Street
The Superintendent of Public Works is hereby authorized and directed to designate by appropriate sign such streets within the Village over which the operation of vehicles in excess of 16,000 pounds is prohibited and permitted.
Deliveries. Nothing herein shall be construed as prohibiting trucks and commercial vehicles of all weights from going upon any posted or designated street within the Village for the purposes of loading or unloading cargo, merchandise or refuse at an address thereon.
Trucking businesses. Nothing herein shall be construed as prohibiting trucks and commercial vehicles having a gross weight, including the weight of the vehicle and its load, of 30,000 pounds or less from going upon any posted or designated street or alley within the Village for the purpose of entering or exiting the premises of a trucking business. For purposes of this section, a "trucking business" is defined as a business which regularly houses, repairs, or dispatches trucks and commercial vehicles.
Emergency vehicles. Nothing herein shall be construed as prohibiting emergency vehicles operated by the Village or any other unit of government, including but not limited to fire trucks and ambulances and rescue vehicles, from going upon any posted or designated street within the Village for any official purpose.
Fuel deliveries. Nothing herein shall be construed as prohibiting single-axle bulk fuel delivery trucks from going upon any posted or designated street within the Village for the purpose of loading or unloading fuel within the Village or being prepared to do so.
Any person violating any of the provisions of this article shall, upon conviction thereof, be subject to a fine of not more than $750 for each offense.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).