[Adopted 4-13-2015 by Ord. No. 15-4-13-1 (Title 2, Ch. 2.32, of the 1980 Code); amended in its entirety 8-24-2017]
Editor's Note: Ord. No. 23-12-18-2, adopted 12-18-2023, provided that: "Pursuant to 820 ILCS 192/15, the Village hereby adopts its current paid leave policy for all Village employees as set forth in the Village's Code of Ordinances, Employee Handbook, Annual Salary Ordinances, existing employment policies adopted in its minutes and/or practice any collective bargaining agreements to which the Village is a party and all other binding legislative actions governing paid leave adopted by the Village President and Board of Trustees of the Village and Board of Trustees of the Town, as the same may be amended from time to time. However, in no event shall the Village, as an employer, provide less than one day of paid leave per year to any Village employee."
All full-time regular employees shall be eligible to earn annual vacation time as set forth herein:
Employees who have completed one year but less than five years of service shall be eligible for 10 workdays of vacation.
Employees who have completed five to 10 years of service shall be eligible for 15 workdays of vacation.
Employees who have completed 10-plus years of service shall be eligible for 20 workdays of vacation.
Vacation eligibility for employees shall be based on the length of continuous service, starting with the first day of full-time employment with any department of the Village. Absence from work resulting from an on-the-job injury covered by the Village workers' compensation shall not be deemed to be an interruption of service. Absence from work due to layoff, or off-the-job injury or illness for a period of one year or more shall be deemed an interruption in service. Re-employment after retirement, voluntary separation or dismissal from employment with the Village shall be deemed as a new start for the purposes of vacation eligibility.
Vacations shall be scheduled with the employee's department head or the Village President at least 14 days prior to the requested time off, unless otherwise approved by the department head and Village President, and so as not to disrupt the services provided by such department. Each day of vacation eligibility shall represent eight hours of time off available to the employee. Employees shall schedule vacation time off in no less than half-day (four-hour) increments, and shall not use their vacation eligibility for illness or injury until they have fully used their then-current sick leave. Vacations must be approved by the employee's department head or, if designated, by his immediate supervisor.
No vacation leave shall be taken prior to the first 12 months of employment, and earned vacation time must be taken by the employee within one calendar year from the date it is earned. Vacation time cannot be accumulated and carried from one twelve-month period to the next, except in cases where the employee is asked to delay his vacation at the request of the department head. For vacation purposes, the employee's anniversary of his date of hire shall be used. The Village Treasurer shall maintain all official records of vacation eligibility.
Any employee who quits, retires, dies, or is otherwise terminated from his employment with the Village shall be paid for any earned and unused current vacation entitlement as of the date of separation.
Sick leave. Regular full-time employees shall accrue 12 paid sick leave days per year, at the rate of one day per month.
Unused sick leave shall accumulate to a maximum of 36 days, including the leave of the current year.
Sick leave includes personal illness or, as it may be deemed necessary in other cases, quarantine at home.
An employee shall notify his supervisor or the Village President at the earliest reasonable time of his need to take sick leave.
The Village Treasurer shall monitor the use of employee sick leave and maintain the official records of such leave.
After five consecutive working days' absence for personal illness or injury, the employee shall furnish a physician's or practitioner's certificate of treatment as a basis for pay and as a basis for return to work.
An employee shall not be paid for accumulated sick leave time upon separation from the Village.
Vacation time earned by an employee shall not be used for illness until the employee's current and accumulated sick leave time is exhausted, unless otherwise approved by the department head and Village President.
An employee who becomes ill, injured, or disabled as a result of non-job-related occurrences shall be entitled to first use accumulated sick leave, and then earned vacation leave. Five days after all accumulated sick leave and earned vacation leave have been used, the ill, injured or disabled employee may be removed from the Village payroll. If a terminated employee wishes to resume employment with the Village, he/she may apply and, if hired, be considered as a new employee.
On-the-job disability leave.
Any employee who becomes ill, injured or disabled on the job shall report this to his supervisor or the Village President immediately.
All employees who become ill or are injured on the job must file an injury report with Village Hall on the day of the accident, if reasonably practicable. The department head shall report the same to the Village President within 24 hours, and the Board of Trustees may require the injury to be examined by a licensed physician and a release to work obtained.
Family funeral leave. A maximum of up to three days with pay shall be granted to a regular full-time employee, depending on funeral and travel arrangements, in the event that a death occurs in the immediate family. Available vacation time may be used if additional leave time is needed by the employee.
Maternity leave. Maternity leave shall be treated the same as non-job-related disability leave. The employee who requests maternity leave shall be entitled to first use accumulated sick leave and then earned vacation leave. Additional maternity leave without pay, not to exceed two months, may be allowed to regular full-time employees if advised by the employee's physician. Five days after the expiration of such additional period, the employee may be removed from the payroll. If the terminated employee wishes to resume employment with the Village, she may apply and, if hired, be considered as a new employee.