[Ord. 2015-691, 3/10/2015]
It is the specific intent of this Part to promote the safety, morals and general welfare of the inhabitants of West Norriton Township in their person and property by permitting group homes in the Township, subject to the requirements of this Part. Additionally, permitting group homes by special exception in residential districts will increase the availability of housing and access to valuable services for Township residents with disabilities without altering the essential character of the neighborhood or district in which the group home is located.
[Ord. 2015-691, 3/10/2015; as amended by Ord. No. 2018-725, 10/9/2018]
Group homes are permitted in all residential districts as a use by special exception pursuant to Chapter 27, Part 18, § 27-1805, and the requirements and regulations herein. Prior to obtaining a permit and a special exception approval for a group home use, the applicant shall provide evidence of the following:
The lot upon which the group home or institutional residence is situated shall meet the minimum area requirements established in the zoning district regulations for the zoning district in which the use is to be located. The group home shall not be located in an accessory building or unit unless the primary building or dwelling unit is used for the same purpose. Additionally, and in order to integrate group homes into a neighborhood and create a deinstitutionalized setting for the residents of group homes, no group home may be located within 625 feet of another group home as measured from the property line.
Residents of a group home shall maintain a single household unit with shared use of living areas, eating areas, bathrooms and food preparation and serving areas, and shall share mealtimes and housekeeping responsibilities.
Accommodations in a group home shall be provided for no more than the maximum number of occupants or residents as permitted by the applicable building code, fire code, and any other similar code that sets forth a maximum occupancy limit for a dwelling or building. Applications for group homes shall specify the maximum number of residents or occupants to be housed or cared for at the facility.
Applicants for group homes shall indicate the type of care, counseling or treatment to be provided at the site to the extent permitted by law. In each instance, medical care shall be incidental in nature and shall not be a major element of the care being provided at the facility.
Evidence shall be provided with the application for a group home indicating that all applicable federal, state and/or county certification and licensing requirements have been met for the particular type of care provided. In the event an applicant is not subject to any such licensing and certification requirements, the applicant shall provide evidence that the applicant would be in compliance if subject to the same health, safety and welfare standards as required by the applicable federal, state and/or county agency.
Sewage and water facilities shall be sufficient to handle the anticipated loading created by the proposed facility and shall meet all requirements of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection and/or the applicable public or community Sewer and Water Boards or Authorities.
Arrangements for the collection, storage and disposal of solid waste generated by the facility shall be made by the applicant and submitted to the Township for approval as part the application for such a use.
Notwithstanding any provisions of the West Norriton Township Building Code, the group home shall have the following installed throughout the building and any attached accessory building(s):
A fire sprinkler system which complies with NFPA 13D, Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems in One- and Two- Family Dwellings and Manufactured Homes, or the current corresponding section of the NFPA as may be amended from time to time; and
A fire alarm system which complies with Chapter 11 of NFPA 72, National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code, or the current corresponding section of the NFPA as may be amended from time to time.
The group home must comply with the West Norriton Township Building Code, and an applicant seeking group home use shall provide with its application evidence that the building's(s') size and layout are in compliance with the applicable building codes for maximum number of individuals intended to be housed in the building(s). To satisfy this requirement, the Zoning Hearing Board may request that an applicant provide a dimensioned floor plan indicating the size of each room, including sleeping rooms, and identifying the maximum number of residents who will occupy each sleeping room, to demonstrate that the group home will not be overcrowded.
Off-street parking must be adequate to accommodate the needs of the residents and staff. At a minimum, the group home must meet the minimum requirements for the district in which it is located.
The group home will not alter the essential character of the neighborhood or district in which the group home is located.
To the extent not already addressed above, the property, including all buildings located thereon, must be in compliance with all applicable federal, state and local laws, including, but not limited to, the Pennsylvania Uniform Construction Code, the International Fire Code and the International Fuel Gas Code as may be adopted and in effect by the Township.
[Ord. 2015-691, 3/10/2015]
The owner, operator or agent of a group home shall permit inspections thereof by the Code Enforcement Officer annually. If the owner, operator or agent does not permit such inspection by the Code Enforcement Officer, the Township may seek any appropriate legal or equitable relief to compel access to such property for such inspection.
[Ord. 2015-691, 3/10/2015; as amended by Ord. No. 2018-725, 10/9/2018]
The group home shall register with the Township, in writing, the following: its location, general type of treatment/care, maximum number of residents and sponsoring agency.
Any other registration of group home residents with any state and/or county agency for emergency preparation purposes and to the extent permitted by law shall also be provided to the Township, including any updates in accordance with the applicable state and/or county regulations.
[Ord. 2015-691, 3/10/2015]
All caretakers, administrators and staff must be duly licensed and/or certified by, the Department of Public Welfare, Department of Health and other federal, state or county agency, as may be required for the particular type of care provided and the nature of the employee's responsibilities. Every employee of the group home must have valid criminal background clearances, licensure and/or certification with the issuing agency or agencies while in employed by the group home.
The owner, operator or agent of any group home shall provide the Township with a register of all employees and furnish proof of all required licenses, certifications and criminal background clearances for each employee prior to commencing operation in the Township. Thereafter, an updated register and proof of licensure, certifications and criminal background clearances shall be provided on at least an annual basis.
For every new person employed by the group home, the name of the employee, along with proof of all required licenses, certifications and criminal background clearances, shall be submitted to the Township prior to the commencement of the employment.