[Adopted 10-13-1976 by Ord. No. 38]
Any person, firm or corporation who or which shall file any application, motion, or request for any action of any kind before the Town Council, Planning Board, Zoning Board, Probate Court, Tax Assessors Board of Review, Police Department, Building Official or any and all other bodies of the Town government shall be required to pay all reasonable costs and expenses thereof, including, but not limited to, advertising, notices, all mailings, taking and reproducing of stenographic records, costs of all hearings, and all other incidental costs related thereto, in addition to all other filing fees required by statute, ordinance or law.
Compliance with the above shall be required prior to any action to be taken by such governmental body, and no action shall proceed until compliance shall have been made by such person, firm or corporation.
Such person, firm or corporation shall pay to the appropriate Town body or Town officer all such costs which are ascertainable at the time of the application, motion, or request for action plus the estimated costs of those which are not; provided, however, that such person, firm or corporation shall also execute a written promise to pay forthwith, upon notice, any sums which exceed estimates; but shall be refunded all excess advances.