Off-Street Parking
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Land Use
Required Parking
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Residential Uses
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2 for each family dwelling unit
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Multistory multiple-family
1 indoor and 1 outdoor per dwelling unit
| |
Single-family attached
2 for each family dwelling unit
| |
Single-family detached
2 for each family dwelling unit
| |
Two-family dwelling
2 for each family dwelling unit
| |
Nonresidential Uses
| ||
Artist and photography studio
Parking or storage space for all vehicles used directly in the
conduct of the business, plus 2 for each person regularly employed
on the premises
| |
Automobile fuel station
Parking or storage space for all vehicles used directly in the
conduct of the business, plus 1 space for each gas pump, 3 spaces
for each grease rack or similar facility and 1 space for every 2 persons
employed on the premises at maximum employment on a single shift
| |
Automobile laundry
Parking or storage space for all vehicles used directly in the
conduct of the business, plus 1 space for every 2 persons employed
on the premises at maximum employment on a single shift
| |
Automobile service and repair
Parking or storage space for all vehicles used directly in the
conduct of the business, plus 1 space for each gas pump, 3 spaces
for each grease rack or similar facility and 1 space for every 2 persons
employed on the premises at maximum employment on a single shift
| |
Bar or nightclub
1 for each table or booth, plus 1 for every 2 stools at the
bar or counter, plus 1 for every 2 employees on peak shift
| |
| |
Building and landscape materials sales or storage yard
Parking or storage space for all vehicles used directly in the
conduct of the business, plus 2 for each person regularly employed
on the premises; plus 1 space for each 250 square feet of total floor
area devoted to sales
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Parking or storage space for all vehicles used directly in the
conduct of the business, plus 2 for each person regularly employed
on the premises. For every 25 employees, there shall be at least 2
parking spaces provided for visitors
| |
Communications facility
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Parking or storage space for vehicles used directly in the conduct
of such business, both owned or operated by the business itself or
by the customers or users of the facility, plus 2 spaces for each
employee regularly employed on the premises during peak shift; 1 for
every 2,000 square feet of total floor area in the structure, whichever
results in the greater number of spaces; or 1 parking space shall
be provided for each employee or each 1,500 square feet of floor area
in manufacturing establishments or 2,500 square feet of floor space
in other types of establishments. The formula providing the greater
number of parking spaces shall be enforced; however, in computing
the number of employees, those of maximum day shifts shall be counted.
For each 25 employees, there shall be at least 1 parking space provided
for visitors
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Day care or day nursery
1 for each employee on peak shift, plus 1 for every 5 students/children
that can be accommodated in the facility
| |
Dry cleaning (retail)
Parking or storage space for all vehicles used directly in the
operation of such establishment, plus 1 space for each 250 square
feet of total floor area
| |
Dry cleaning facility
Parking or storage space for vehicles used directly in the conduct
of such business, both owned or operated by the business itself or
by the customers or users of the facility, plus 2 spaces for each
employee regularly employed on the premises during peak shift; 1 for
every 2,000 square feet of total floor area in the structure, whichever
results in the greater number of spaces; or 1 parking space shall
be provided for each employee or each 1,500 square feet of floor area
in manufacturing establishments or 2,500 square feet of floor space
in other types of establishments. The formula providing the greater
number of parking spaces shall be enforced; however, in computing
the number of employees, those of maximum day shifts shall be counted.
For each 25 employees, there shall be at least 1 parking space provided
for visitors
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Entertainment facility
1 for every 6 seats available at maximum capacity
| |
Essential services
| |
Parking or storage space for all vehicles used directly in the
conduct of the business, plus 2 for each person regularly employed
on the premises
| |
Financial institution, with drive-through
1 for every 4 customers computed on the basis of maximum servicing
capacity at any 1 time, plus 1 additional space for every 2 persons
regularly employed during peak shift on the premises
| |
Financial institution, without drive-through
1 for every 4 customers computed on the basis of maximum servicing
capacity at any 1 time, plus 1 additional space for every 2 persons
regularly employed during peak shift on the premises
| |
Funeral home
Parking or storage space for all vehicles used directly in the
conduct of the business, plus 1 space for every 2 persons regularly
employed on the premises at any 1 time, plus 1 space for every 25
square feet of floor area in the parlors of the establishment
| |
Garden center
Parking or storage space for all vehicles used directly in the
conduct of such business, plus 1 parking space for each 250 square
feet of total area, or 150 square feet of floor space used for retail
trade or 250 square feet of gross floor area, whichever is greater
| |
1 for each 4 beds intended for patients, excluding bassinets,
plus 1 per doctor, plus 1 per 2 employees on peak shift, plus 1 per
hospital vehicle
| |
Institutional home
1 for each 3 beds intended for patient occupancy, plus 1 space
for each doctor, plus 1 space for every 2 employees regularly employed
during peak shift, plus 1 space for each vehicle used in the conduct
of the business
| |
Library or museum
1 for every 4 customers computed on the basis of maximum servicing
capacity at any 1 time, plus 1 additional space for every 2 persons
regularly employed during peak shift on the premises
| |
Parking or storage space for all vehicles used directly in the
conduct of such industrial use, plus 1 parking space for every 3 employees
on the premises at maximum employment on the peak shift, or 1 parking
space per 2,000 square feet of floor space, whichever results in the
greater number of spaces; or 1 parking space shall be provided for
each employee or each 1,500 square feet of floor area in manufacturing
establishments or 2,500 square feet of floor space in other types
of establishments. The formula providing the greater number of parking
spaces shall be enforced; however, in computing the number of employees,
those of maximum day shifts shall be counted. For each 25 employees,
there shall be at least 1 parking space provided for visitors
| |
Mixed-use or live/work building
2 for each family dwelling unit; for offices, 1 for each 300
square feet of gross floor area exclusive of the area used for storage,
utilities and building service areas; for other non-residential uses,
parking or storage space for all vehicles used directly in the conduct
of such business, plus 1 parking space for each 250 square feet of
total area
| |
Mobile home park
2 for each family dwelling unit
| |
1 for each sleeping room offered for tourist accommodation,
plus 1 space for each dwelling unit on the premises and plus 1 additional
space for every 2 persons regularly employed on the premises during
peak shift; or 1 off-street parking space for each separate sleeping
unit in addition to 5 off-street visitor parking spaces per 100 units
or fraction thereof and 1 off-street parking space for each employee.
If the motel-hotel facility also has related uses such as restaurants
or public meeting facilities, additional parking shall be provided
in accordance with the requirements for restaurants, meeting places,
| |
Municipal facilities
As determined by the Borough
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Personal care residence, large
1 for each 3 beds intended for patient occupancy, plus 1 space
for each doctor, plus 1 space for every 2 employees regularly employed
during peak shift, plus 1 space for each vehicle used in the conduct
of the business
| |
Personal care residence, small
1 for each 3 beds intended for patient occupancy, plus 1 space
for each doctor, plus 1 space for every 2 employees regularly employed
during peak shift, plus 1 space for each vehicle used in the conduct
of the business
| |
Personal services
Parking or storage space for all vehicles used directly in the
operation of such establishment, plus 1 space for each 250 square
feet of total floor area
| |
Private outdoor recreation
1 for every 4 customers computed on the basis of maximum servicing
capacity at any 1 time, plus 1 additional space for every 2 persons
regularly employed during peak shift on the premises
| |
Professional office
2 for each doctor or dentist, plus 1 space for every 2 regular
employees, plus 1 space for each 250 square feet of total floor area
For other offices, 1 for each 300 square feet of gross floor
area exclusive of the area used for storage, utilities and building
service areas
| |
Public administration or education facility
1 for every 6 seats available at maximum capacity in the assembly
hall, auditorium, stadium or gymnasium of greatest capacity on the
school grounds or campus. If the school has no assembly hall, auditorium,
stadium or gymnasium, 1 space shall be provided for each person regularly
employed at such school plus 2 additional spaces for each classroom;
or 20 students in elementary schools; 10 classroom seats in other
schools or each 125 square feet of auditorium space provided or for
every 3 fixed auditorium seats, whichever is greater
| |
Public recreation
As determined by the Borough
| |
Public utility service buildings, structures or facilities
As determined by the Borough
| |
Religious establishment
1 for every 6 seats available at maximum capacity
| |
Restaurant, with drive-through
1 for each table or booth, plus 1 for every 2 stools at the
bar or counter, plus 1 for every 2 employees on peak shift
| |
Restaurant, without drive-through
1 for each table or booth, plus 1 for every 2 stools at the
bar or counter, plus 1 for every 2 employees on peak shift
| |
Retail, large
Parking or storage space for all vehicles used directly in the
conduct of such business, plus 1 parking space for each 250 square
feet of total area, or 150 square feet of floor space used for retail
trade or 250 square feet of gross floor area, whichever is greater
| |
Retail, small
Parking or storage space for all vehicles used directly in the
conduct of such business, plus 1 parking space for each 250 square
feet of total area, or 150 square feet of floor space used for retail
trade or 250 square feet of gross floor area, whichever is greater
| |
Self-service laundry
Parking or storage space for all vehicles used directly in the
conduct of such business, plus 1 parking space for each 250 square
feet of total area, or 150 square feet of floor space used for retail
trade or 250 square feet of gross floor area, whichever is greater
| |
Sexually oriented businesses
1 for every 2 customers computed on the basis of maximum servicing
capacity at any 1 time, plus 1 additional space for every person regularly
employed during peak shift on the premises
| |
Uses not listed
Subject to the parking standards for the similar use as determined
by the Zoning Hearing Board
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Veterinarian facility
2 for each veterinarian, plus 1 space for every 2 regular employees,
plus 1 space for each 250 square feet of total floor area