Enforcement of the provisions of this part shall be the responsibility of the Township Zoning Officer, Engineer, Health Department, Construction Code Official and any other officer or entity designated by the Township Administrator, Manager, or governing body, as applicable. Enforcement shall occur in the case of any activity, improvement, or development project that violates any provision of this part, whether or not subject to a permitting or approval process pursuant to this part, or the underlying municipal land use ordinances.
Site inspections. The Township Zoning Officer is authorized to and shall periodically inspect all project sites for compliance with development approvals pursuant to this part. The inspector shall in addition:
Verify baseline conditions in all areas designated for conservation easements, deed restrictions or other means of resource preservation.
Sequence compliance inspections to ensure the protection of on-site and off-site resources, achievement of site construction and environmental impact requirements, placement of conservation easement monuments, etc.
Verify "as built" conditions to ensure compliance with all approvals, conservation easements, deed restrictions or other required means of resource preservation.
The Zoning Officer shall be authorized to issue a stop-work order, revoke building permits, refuse to approve further work, or deny certificates of occupancy or approval, and to impose mandatory remedial and corrective measures including full restoration of any resources that are improperly disturbed.
Civil and criminal penalties for violations of this part shall be as established in accordance with the Code of Bethlehem Township.