[Ord. 6-97-429, 6/12/1997, § 9.1]
Deadline. The applicant shall record the final or preliminary/final plan approved by the Board of Commissioners or the Planning Commission, as the case may be, in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds of Lehigh County within 90 days of the release of such approved final or preliminary/final plan by the Township. An extension of the ninety-day period may be granted by the Township approving body following a written request for an extension by the applicant.
The applicant shall notify the Board of Commissioners in writing of the date of such recording and the plan book and page wherein such plan is recorded.
Such notification shall include a copy of the County Recorder's receipt.
Failure to Record. If the plan is not recorded, or if a written extension has not been granted by the Township approving body within the required time period, the approval of the final or preliminary/final plan shall lapse and become void.
[Ord. 6-97-429, 6/12/1997, § 9.2]
The record plan shall be a clear and legible blue or black line print on mylar or paper, and shall be an exact copy of the approved final or preliminary/final plan on a sheet of the size required for final or preliminary/final plans. After the final or preliminary/final plan has been recorded, one reproducible copy thereof and two prints, on a stable base material, shall be supplied to the Township for its permanent files.
[Ord. 6-97-429, 6/12/1997, § 9.3]
Official Map. After a subdivision or land development has been duly recorded, the streets, parks, and other public improvements shown thereon shall be considered to be part of any official map of the Township.
Dedication of Improvements. Every street, park or other improvement shown on a subdivision or land development plan that is recorded as provided herein, shall be deemed to be a private street, park, or improvement until such time as:
It has been offered for dedication to the Township and accepted by the Township by ordinance or resolution, and recorded.
It has been condemned by the Township for use as a public street, park, or improvement.
[Ord. 6-97-429, 6/12/1997, § 9.4]
As-built plans shall be prepared by the developer's engineer from information recorded by the developer's contractors during construction. Such plans shall be submitted to the engineer upon the completion of construction. Following are the as-built plan submission and drawing requirements:
Submission Requirements. The developer shall be required to provide one mylar reproducible plan and three blue line prints of the final as-built plan. Prior to submitting these plans, one blue line print of the as-built plan(s) shall be submitted to the Township Engineer for review and approval.
Drawing Requirements. All construction changes shall be noted by drawing a line through the design data and adding the record data adjacent thereto. The following specific information shall also be noted:
Water Distribution System. Stationing of each gate valve, bend, tee, cross, plug, and lateral. Each curb stop and valve box shall be stationed and defined with reference ties when necessary. The location of the water main with respect to the street center line or utility easement line shall be shown and dimensioned.
Sanitary Sewerage System. Depth, length, and station of each lateral. In the case of skewed laterals additional reference ties shall be provided. Stationing shall be based on the commonly accepted practice of applying Station 0+00 to the center line of the nearest downstream manhole base slab.
Storm Sewerage System. Invert elevations, sewer lengths, slopes, pipe diameters, and types.
Roads. As-built curb and/or pavement grades for intersections. Any significant deviations in the center line profile shall be noted on the plan.
Other Underground Utilities. Location and depth of electric, telephone, cable TV, and gas lines within the rights-of-way. The utility locations and depths should be shown where they cross other utilities or cross under streets. Any encasement of the above utilities should be identified.