Compliance. No person shall divide any land located within the jurisdictional limits of these regulations which results in a subdivision, land division, condominium or a replat as defined herein; no such subdivision, land division or replat shall be entitled to be recorded. This chapter supplements, but does not replace or supersede, the Dodge County Land Use Code, Subdivision provisions of Chapter 7. No street shall be laid out or improvements made to land without compliance with all requirements of this chapter, and the following:
The provisions of Ch. 236 and § 82.12, Wis. Stats.
The rules of the Department of Safety and Professional Services contained in Ch. SPS 385, Wis. Adm. Code, for subdivisions not served by public sewer, regulating the size and lot elevation if the land to be subdivided is not served by a public sewer and provisions for such service have not been made.
The rules of the Department of Transportation contained in Ch. Trans 233, Wis. Adm. Code, for subdivisions which abut a state trunk highway or connecting street.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II)]
The rules of the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources contained in the Wis. Adm. Code for Floodplain Management Program, setting water quality standards, preventing and abating pollution and regulating septic systems.
Comprehensive Plans or components of such plans prepared by state, regional, county or municipal agencies duly adopted by the Town Board.
All applicable Town and county regulations, including zoning, sanitary, building and official mapping ordinances.
The Town of Lowell Comprehensive Plan, regional plans or county plans, or components thereof, and applicable ordinances of any city or village whose extraterritorial jurisdiction extends into the Town.
Applicable provisions of the County Zoning Code applicable in the Town.
All applicable rules contained in the Wisconsin Administrative Code not listed in this subsection.
Jurisdiction. Jurisdiction of these regulations shall include all lands within the corporate limits of the Town of Lowell. The provisions of this chapter, as they apply to divisions of tracts of land into less than five parcels, shall not apply to:
Transfers of interests in land by will or pursuant to court order;
Leases for a term not to exceed 10 years, mortgages or easements;
The sale or exchange of parcels of land between owners of adjoining property if additional lots are not thereby created and the lots resulting are not reduced below the minimum sizes required by this chapter or other applicable laws or ordinances.
Certified survey. Any minor land division shall be surveyed and a certified survey map prepared as provided in § 236.34, Wis. Stats.
Building permits. The Town of Lowell shall not issue any building permit relating to any parcel of land forming all or any part of lands included in a subdivision, land division, replat or certified survey originally submitted to the Town of Lowell on or after the effective date of this chapter until the applicant has complied with all of the provisions and requirements of this chapter.
Applicability to condominiums. This chapter is expressly applicable to condominium developments within the Town's jurisdiction, pursuant to § 703.27(1), Wis. Stats. For purposes of this chapter, a condominium unit and any associated limited common elements shall be deemed to be equivalent to a lot or parcel created by the act of subdivision.
Density. In order to safeguard the Town's production agriculture assets, new residential lots shall be created at a density no less than one lot per 25 acres. Upon the creation of such a lot(s), the remainder parcel shall be deed-restricted to denote its agricultural use and that additional lots may not be created.
Suitability. No land shall be subdivided for residential, commercial or industrial use which is held unsuitable for such use by the Town Board for reason of flooding, inadequate drainage, adverse soil or rock formation, unfavorable topography or any other feature likely to be harmful to the health, safety, or welfare of the future residents of the proposed subdivision or of the community. The Town Board, in applying the provisions of this section, shall in writing recite the particular facts upon which it bases its conclusion that the land is not suitable for residential use and afford the subdivider an opportunity to present evidence regarding such unsuitability if he so desires. Thereafter, the Town Board may affirm, modify, or withdraw its determination of unsuitability.
Existing flora. The subdivider shall make every effort to protect and retain all existing trees, shrubbery, vines, and grasses not actually lying in public roadways, drainageways, building foundation sites, private driveways, soil absorption waste disposal areas, paths, and trails. Such trees are to be protected and preserved during construction in accordance with sound conservation practices, possibly including the preservation of trees by well islands or retaining walls whenever abutting grades are altered, pursuant to a landscaping plan filed by the subdivider.
Additional considerations.
Areas of archaeological and/or historical interest shall be designated by the State Historical Society.
Areas of geological interest shall be designated by the State Geological and Natural History Survey.
Suitability of land for private sewerage systems shall be determined in accordance with Ch. SPS 383, Wis. Adm. Code.
The Town Board hereby finds that certain issues arise in condominium developments that require limited applicability of this chapter to condominium developments. The State Legislature has recognized that subdivision ordinances may apply to condominiums, but that subdivision ordinances shall not impose burdens upon condominiums that are different from those imposed on other property of a similar character not subject to a declaration of condominium.
The factor that makes this chapter applicable to a condominium development is the creation of multiple, distinct property entities at or near the ground surface, subject to property taxation as separate parcels, with each property entity having different ownership and management. The Town determines that this factor makes a condominium development dissimilar, both physically and in ownership, from developments in which the land and improvements are under unitary ownership, management and control.
Thus, the Town Board hereby finds that new condominium developments can place impacts on community resources in the same manner as other new developments which are characterized by division of land into lots. These impacts include:
Additional population density;
Possibility of use of particular land in a manner unsuitable to the land's characteristics;
Additional demands upon Town area parks, recreation areas, utility facilities and schools;
Additional traffic and street use.
Portions of chapter applicable to condominium developments. The following sections of this chapter shall apply to condominium developments:
Section 250-7, relating to land suitability and construction practices;
Sections 250-9 through 250-11, relating to preliminary plat approval. This stage of approval shall be the only approval required for a condominium development. The technical requirements for preliminary plats set forth in § 250-15 shall not apply, since condominiums have separate technical standards set forth in Chapter 703, Wis. Stats.;
Section 250-13, relating to fees for review;
Article VI, relating to required improvements;
Article VII, relating to design standards for improvements;
Article VIII, relating to dedication requirements.
This section shall not apply to the following condominiums:
Any condominium plat recorded prior to the effective date of this chapter;
Any conversion of a structure or structures in existence on the effective date of this chapter to a condominium after the effective date of this chapter.