[Amended 11-27-2023 by Ord. No. 421-2023]
The following line officers shall be elected for a term of one year at the regular Department meeting in the month of November:
Two Deputy Chiefs.
Two Captains.
Three Lieutenants, one for each company (Engine Co. Ladder Co. Rescue Co./Special Unit).
[Amended 11-27-2023 by Ord. No. 421-2023]
At the Chief's Report meeting held in the month of October, active members in good standing shall nominate members to fill the offices of Chief, two Deputy Chiefs, two Captains and three Lieutenants in accordance with the requirements of this code and subject to the qualifications set forth in § 18-27 of this Code.
No nomination will be considered after the close of the October Chief's Report meeting.
The incumbent Deputy Chief shall be permitted to run for the office of Chief without the need of a formal nomination from other active members in good standing.
Members shall not run for more than one office. A member must accept his or her nomination by letter submitted to the Chairman of the Board or in person at the October Chief's Report meeting. Nominations not accepted at the conclusion of the nominations portion of the Chief's Report meeting shall be disregarded.
The Board shall notify all Department members of the date, time and place of said election at least five days prior to the election.
All elections shall be by a plurality of ballots cast and shall be by secret ballot. Absentee ballots may be cast according to rules prescribed by the Board of Fire Officers.
If any office shall be vacated by death, resignation or otherwise, the Board of Fire Officers shall call a special election. Nominations shall be made to the Board of Fire Officers at a meeting to be held at least five days before the date set in the notice of the special election meeting.
If no candidate for an office receives a plurality of ballots cast, an immediate rerun election shall be held between all candidates receiving an equal number of votes. Absentee ballots will be considered on all rerun elections.
[Amended 11-27-2023 by Ord. No. 421-2023]
No member shall be eligible to hold office of Chief or Deputy Chief, unless he/she shall have at least five years of active fire duty, including at least one year in office as Chief, Deputy Chief, or Captain, and has successfully obtained all necessary municipal, county, state, and federal qualifications that are outlined for the position of Chief or Deputy Chief.
No member shall be eligible to hold the office of Captain unless he/she shall have served satisfactorily as a Lieutenant at least one-year active fire duty, and has successfully obtained all necessary municipal, county, state, and federal qualifications that are outlined for the position of Captain.
No member shall be eligible to hold the office of Lieutenant unless he/she shall have at least two years active fire duty, said period to include all probationary periods, and has successfully obtained all necessary municipal, county, state, and federal qualifications that are outlined for the position of Lieutenant.
Members running for office must be qualified drivers of any apparatus operated by such office for a period of at least six months prior to running for office.
The Board of Fire Officers may appoint, in the event of a vacancy in office, a member not fully qualified to fill said office for a period of 90 days. The Board of Fire Officers can continue to reappoint a member not fully qualified until the vacancy is filled through regular or special election.