[R.O. 2008 §170.150; Ord. No. 62, 8-7-1945; Ord. No. 1602, 11-22-1988]
A. It
shall be unlawful to paint, post, place, hang, suspend or affix any
advertisement, card, poster, sign, banner or streamer of any nature
or for any purpose on or to any curbstone or portion of any street
or sidewalk or upon any tree or lamppost standing or upon any pole
erected on any public street, alley or public place to carry telephone
wires or cables, electric light wires or other electric conductors
or to any hydrant, bridge or any public structure within the City
of Olivette; provided however, that nothing herein shall apply to:
1. Any official notice or sign required by law or ordinance to be posted
by public officers; or
2. Any sign authorized pursuant to Section
415.100 of the Olivette Municipal Code pertaining to signs indicating that property for sale or rent is open for public inspection.