Except as may otherwise be required by law, all monies to which the County Clerk may be entitled under and by virtue of the laws of the State of New York, or which the County Clerk may receive for services rendered by him/her or his/her office, shall apply to or be for the benefit of the County and shall be collected and accounted for by him/her and paid over to the Commissioner of Finance without deduction at such times and on such conditions as the latter may prescribe. Within five days after the expiration of each month, the County Clerk shall make, certify and deliver to the Commissioner of Finance a full and true statement for each calendar month of all such monies received each day by him/her, or his/her employees, in their official capacity and shall transmit and deliver such certified statement to the Commissioner of Finance within five days after the expiration of each month in the form he/she shall prescribe. At the time of rendering any such statement, such County Clerk shall pay to the Commissioner of Finance for the benefit of the County the whole amount or the balance of all such moneys received by him/her since making his/her last preceding monthly report. Other funds or fees collected by the County Clerk shall be collected, paid over, deposited and reported in accordance with the law applicable thereto.
The County Clerk, and such of his/her deputies, officers and employees as the County Legislature shall require, shall give a surety bond to the County in a sum fixed by the County Legislature conditioned for the faithful performance of his/her duties. Such bond shall be approved as to form by the County Attorney and filed in the office of the County Clerk. It shall be a charge on the County.
It shall be the responsibility of the County Clerk to advise and assist the County Executive in all matters concerning the preservation, storage, reduction, reproduction, administration and disposal of County records.
Editor's Note: See also Ch. 88, Records Management.
The Seal of the County of Dutchess shall also be the Seal of the County Clerk, and the County Clerk shall affix or imprint such Seal upon any and all instruments requiring the same.