The form of government in the Township of Greenwich is the Township Form which comprises N.J.S.A. 40A:63-1 et seq. The Administrative Code has been drafted in conformity with the Township law and in many instances, provisions of the Township law have been restated in the code. Other enabling laws pertaining to the Administrative Chapter are N.J.S.A. 40A:14-118 et seq., Police Department; N.J.S.A. 2B:12-1 et seq., Municipal court; and N.J.S.A. 40:55B-1, Industrial Commission. For salary grades and ranges, wages, compensation and fees of all officers and employees of the Township, see annual salary ordinances of the Township. Such ordinances are not included in these Revised Ordinances, but are saved from repeal. See Adopting Ordinance. Other authority to regulate the internal affairs of the Township is contained in N.J.S.A. 40:48-2.
[Ord. No. 2000-7]
The Township Committee shall consist of five members, each of whom shall be elected at large for a term of three years. The Township Committee shall organize annually during the first seven days in January, at which time it shall elect a Mayor from among its members. The Township Committee shall also elect from among its members a Deputy Mayor, who, in the absence or disability of the Mayor, shall have all powers and duties of the Mayor.
[Ord. No. 2000-7]
The Mayor shall be the Chairman of the Township Committee and head of the municipal government. The Mayor shall preside at all meetings of the Township Committee and shall have the right to debate and vote on all questions before the Committee. The Mayor shall have the power to appoint subcommittees of the Township Committee with the consent of the Township Committee. He shall sign and execute documents and agreements on behalf of the Township. He shall have the power to make proclamations concerning holidays and events of interest in the Township. He shall exercise the ceremonial power of the Township and every other power placed in the Mayor by general law.
[Ord. No. 2000-7]
All legislative power of the Township shall be exercised by the Township Committee, except in matters of public health, which shall be exercised by the Board of Health. The Township Committee may, subject to general law and the provisions of N.J.S.A. 40A:63-1 et seq.:
Pass, adopt, amend and repeal any ordinance or, where permitted, any resolution for any purpose required for the government of the municipality or for the accomplishment of any public purpose for which the municipality is authorized to act under general law;
Control and regulate the finances of the municipality and raise money by borrowing and taxation;
Create such offices and positions as they deem necessary. The officers appointed thereto shall perform the duties required by law and the ordinances of the Township Committee. Other than the Township Attorney, Engineer, Building Inspector, the Clerk, Tax Collector and Tax Assessor who shall serve for terms as provided in N.J.S.A. 40A:9-1 et seq.; these officers shall serve at the pleasure of the Committee;
Investigate any activity of the municipality; and
Remove any officer of the municipality, other than those officers excepted by law, for cause.
The Township Committee shall have all the executive responsibilities of the municipality not placed by law in the office of the Mayor.
Regular meetings. The Township Committee shall meet annually within the first week in January. The Committee shall meet regularly thereafter except that the Committee may, by resolution, dispense with or change the date of a regular meeting.
Special meetings. A special meeting may be called at any time upon written request of a majority of the members of the Township Committee or by the Mayor. The request and call for a special meeting shall specify the purpose of the meeting and no business shall be transacted at any special meeting other than that specified. The call for a special meeting shall be filed with the Township Clerk and shall be served upon each Committee member as provided by law and such other notice shall be given as provided by law.
[Ord. No. 2000-7]
Subject to the provisions of the Open Public Meetings Act, N.J.S.A. 10:4-6 et seq., all regular and special meetings of the Township Committee shall be open to the public. The rules of procedure to be followed and rules for the consideration of nominations submitted by the Mayor and for the conduct of other business of the Committee shall be provided by resolution.
[Ord. No. 2000-7]
Subject to the provisions of the Open Public Meetings Act, N.J.S.A. 10:4-6 et seq., the Committee may meet at any time in executive session for the consideration of any Township business or to meet with any officer or employee of the Township or any other person on Township business. No person other than those specifically invited by the Committee shall be authorized to participate in any such executive session.
A majority of the whole number of members of the Township Committee shall constitute a quorum, and no ordinance shall be adopted by the Township Committee without the affirmative vote of a majority of the quorum of the Committee. If a quorum is not present 1/2 hour after the appointed time for any meeting, the presiding officer or the Clerk may declare the meeting adjourned.
The vote upon every ordinance, and upon every motion or resolution when requested, shall be taken by roll call, and the yeas and nays shall be entered on the minutes. The minutes of each meeting shall be signed by the Township Clerk.
All ordinances shall be introduced, read, heard and enacted in the manner provided by general law.
The Ordinance Book shall be signed by the Mayor and Clerk.
[Ord. No. 2000-7]
[Ord. No. 2000-7]
[Ord. No. 6-5-59]
A Municipal Court for the Township is established, as of June 5, 1959, pursuant to the provisions of N.J.S.A. 2B:12-1 et seq.
[Ord. No. 6-5-59]
The name of the Municipal Court shall be the "Municipal Court of Greenwich Township."
[Ord. No. 6-5-59]
The Municipal Court shall have a seal which shall bear the impression of the name of the court.
[Ord. No. 6-5-59]
There shall be a Judge of the Municipal Court who shall be appointed by the Township Committee and who shall serve for a term of three years from the date of his appointment and until his successor is appointed and qualified. The Judge shall receive an annual salary, as established in the annual Salary Ordinance, to be paid in the same manner as the salaries of other municipal officers are paid, and which shall be in lieu of all fees, costs and any other allowances whatsoever.
[Ord. No. 6-5-59]
The Municipal Court and the judge thereof shall have, possess and exercise all the functions, powers, duties and jurisdiction conferred by the provisions of N.J.S.A. 2B:12-1 et seq.
[Ord. No. 1997-20]
Position created; appointment; term. Pursuant to the provisions of P.L. 1997, c. 256, there is hereby established for the Township of Greenwich the position of Municipal Public Defender, which position shall serve at the pleasure of the Township Committee pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:63-6b(3). The Public Defender shall be an attorney at law licensed to practice law in the State of New Jersey in good standing. The Municipal Public Defender shall represent indigent persons in the Municipal Court of Greenwich Township as directed by the Judge of the Municipal Court. The term of office of the Municipal Public Defender shall be one year from the date of his appointment, and he may continue to serve in office pending reappointment or appointment of a successor.
Application fee. Each defendant applying for representation by the Municipal Public Defender or court approved counsel shall be required to pay an application fee of not more than $200, but only in an amount necessary to pay the costs of Municipal Public Defender services. In accordance with guidelines promulgated by the Supreme Court, the Municipal Court of Greenwich Township may waive any required application fee, in whole or in part, only if the court determines, in its discretion, upon a clear and convincing showing by the applicant, that the application fee represents an unreasonable burden on the person seeking representation. The Municipal Court of Greenwich Township may permit a person to pay the application fee over a specific period of time not to exceed four months.
Lien. Pursuant to P.L. 1997, c. 256, § 13, the Township of Greenwich shall have a lien on the property to which the defendant shall have or acquire an interest for an amount equal to the reasonable value of the services rendered to such defendant as calculated at the same rate as the Office of the Public Defender bills clients at that time.
[Ord. No. 2000-7]
The position of Deputy Court Administrator is hereby created and shall be filled by appointment of the Township Committee.
[Ord. No. 2000-7]
The position of Municipal Court Attendant is created with said attendant attending the sessions of the Municipal Court and performing other duties as prescribed by the Municipal Judge.
[Ord. No. 2000-7]
There is hereby created in and for the Township of Greenwich a Police Department which shall consist of a Chief of Police and such members and officers as shall be deemed necessary by the Township Committee which shall, from time to time, determine the number of persons, including temporary officers and members in an emergency, to be appointed to these positions, together with their compensation.
[Ord. No. 2000-7]
The Police Department shall preserve the public peace; protect life and property; detect, arrest and prosecute, offenders of the laws of the State of New Jersey and the ordinances of the Township of Greenwich; direct and control traffic; provide attendance and protection during emergencies; provide appearances in court; cooperate with all other law enforcement agencies; and provide training for the efficiency of its members and officers.
[Ord. No. 2000-7]
A Township Committeeman shall be designated by the Mayor as the appropriate authority as provided in the New Jersey Statutes, N.J.S.A. 40A:14-118. The Committeeman shall be responsible for the overall performance of the Police Department and shall adopt and promulgate rules and regulations for the government of the Police Department and for the discipline of its members.
[Ord. No. 2000-7]
The Chief of Police shall be the head of the Police Department and shall be directly responsible to the Committeeman for its efficiency and day-to-day operations. Pursuant to policies established by the Committeeman, the Chief of Police shall:
Administer and enforce the rules and regulations of the Police Department and any special emergency directive for the disposition and discipline of the Department and its members and officers;
Have, exercise, and discharge the functions, powers and duties of the Police Department;
Prescribe the duties and assignments of all members and officers;
Delegate such authority as may be deemed necessary for the efficient operation of the Police Department to be exercised under the control and direction of the Chief of Police; and
Report at least monthly to the Committeeman in such form as shall be prescribed on the operation of the Police Department during the preceding month and make such other reports as may be requested by the Committeeman.
No person shall be appointed to the Police Department who is not qualified as provided in the New Jersey Statutes. The Committeeman may also require that an applicant for appointment to the Police Department shall successfully complete a physical, mental and psychological examination.
[Ord. No. 2000-7]
The procedure for appointment to the Police Departments shall be as follows: The Committeeman shall cause to be placed an advertisement for the position being made available in at least two newspapers designated by the Township Committee as official newspapers of the Township of Greenwich. Such advertisement shall run at least twice in such newspapers. Applications shall be reviewed by the Committeeman who shall recommend the appointment to the Township Committee.
[Ord. No. 2000-7]
No person shall be given or accept a permanent appointment as a police officer in the Township unless this person has first been given a probationary appointment to such office for a period of one year and has successfully completed a police training course at a school approved and authorized by the Police Training Commission in the New Jersey Department of Law and Public Safety pursuant to N.J.S.A. 52:17B-66 et seq.
[Ord. No. 2000-7]
No member or officer of the Police Department shall be suspended, removed, fined or reduced in rank for any cause other than for incapacity, misconduct, or disobedience as provided by New Jersey statute and the rules and regulations of the Police Department.
[Ord. No. 2000-7]
The Township Committee may appoint from time-to-time special law enforcement officers in accordance with New Jersey statutes for terms not exceeding one year. They shall possess and exercise all the powers and duties provided by said statutes during their term in office, but shall not continue as regular members of the Police Department and shall not be entitled to tenure. The Police Chief may authorize special law enforcement officers when on duty to exercise the same powers and authority as regular members of the Police Department, including the carrying of firearms and the power of arrest.
[Ord. No. 2000-7]
The Township Committee may, in its discretion, appoint a physician to examine applicants of the Police Department and applicants for promotion within the Department. The physician appointed shall report in writing to the Township Committee on the physical fitness for police work of any person he examines at the request of the Township Committee.
The Police Physician shall be called 'whenever the services of a physician are required by the Police Department.
Compensation of a Police Physician shall be fixed by the Township Committee.
In case of the unavailability of the Police Physician, an alternate physician in the vicinity may act in his place with the discretion or direction of the Chief of Police or senior officer on duty.
[Ord. No. 2000-7]
Position created. There is hereby created the position of Matron. Said person shall be appointed, by the Township Committee and shall be designated as supporting personnel, in accordance with Subsection 2-3.1 of this chapter.
Duties of matron. The Matron shall assist members of the Police Department with female suspects and prisoners as directed by the Chief of Police or his designee.
Compensation. Compensation of the Matron shall be fixed by the Township Committee.
[Added 2-20-2020 by Ord. No. 102-2020]
Position created. The position of Police Chaplain for the Township of Greenwich Police Department is hereby created in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40A:14-141. The position will be a volunteer position. The position of Chaplain shall be under the direction and subject to the control of the Chief of Police.
Qualifications. Any person appointed as Chaplain shall be an ordained clergyman in good standing in the religious body from which he/she is selected. The Chaplain shall have basic Police Chaplain training and shall be a certified Police Chaplain credentialed in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Greenwich Township Police Department, as applicable.
Duties. The duties of Police Chaplain shall include but not be limited to providing spiritual and emotional support and counsel to members and staff of the Greenwich Township Police Department, coordinating with the Department Resiliency Officer, and assisting the Department in death notifications and any other appropriate duties that may be assigned by the Chief of Police.
Rank and salary. Any person appointed as Chaplain shall serve in that capacity without rank or salary and shall not be a member of the bargaining unit(s).
Term of office. A person appointed as Chaplain shall serve during the term of the Mayor and shall continue to serve until he/she is either replaced, reappointed or resigns.
Appointment. The Chief of Police may recommend to the Mayor persons that he/she believes meet the qualifications of N.J.S.A. 40A:14-141 as well as the rules and regulations of the Greenwich Township Police Department with reference to Chaplains, if any. All applicants for the position of Chaplain shall be reviewed by the Chief of Police, as applicable, to determine his/her qualifications in accordance with this article and shall make recommendations to the Mayor regarding the appointment as Chaplain. The Mayor shall appoint Chaplains in accordance with this article with the advice and consent of the Township Committee.
Editor's Note: Former § 2-3.12, Police Director, adopted by Ord. No. 2015-05, was repealed by Ord. No. 2015-08.
[Ord. No. 2-7-69]
There is hereby authorized and established the Greenwich Township Fire Department to be composed of the Stewartsville Volunteer Fire Company, No. 1, and such additional companies as the Township Committee may authorize and approve.
[Ord. No. 2-7-69; Ord. No. 11-4-77; Ord. No. 12-1-78; Ord. No. 1994-08 § 1]
No person shall hereafter become a member of the Fire Department of the Township of Greenwich, or any unit thereof unless that person is at least 18 years of age, but not more than 40 years of age, a citizen of the United States, who is in good physical condition and able to safely perform the duties of a firefighter, in accordance with a certificate to that effect made and signed by a properly licensed practicing physician of the State of New Jersey after due physical examination for that purpose, is of good moral character, has not been convicted of any criminal offense involving moral turpitude and meets the training and other requirements as set forth in the constitution and bylaws of the S.V.F.C. No. 1.
[Ord. No. 2-7-69]
Every member of the Fire Department shall, in each and every year, perform at least 60% duty to be composed of actual attendance and duty at fires and drills and a record shall be kept of such attendance and duty by the Chief of the Fire Department and reported to the municipal officers annually.
[Ord. No. 7-5-68]
Every person seeking to join the Fire Department shall make application to the company or unit which he desires to join, and upon his election to membership by vote of a majority of the unit present and voting, he shall become a member in good standing of the Fire Department after approval of his membership by the Chief and confirmation by the municipal officers and his name shall be entered on a roll of firefighters kept by the Township Clerk.
[Ord. No. 11-4-77; Ord. No. 12-1-78]
Exemption certificates may be issued to members of the Fire Department in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40A:14-56, its amendments thereof and supplements thereto.
[Ord. No. 1994-08 § 2]
No more than 10 nonresident individuals may become members of the Stewartsville Volunteer Fire Co. No. 1. Said individuals may not be active members with any other non-Township volunteer emergency response organization. All nonresident members must reside in municipalities which border the Township.
[Added by Ord. No. 2011-11]
When the Fire Department is present, it shall have exclusive jurisdiction and command at fire, emergency, rescue and hazardous-material-related incidents within the Township and shall have such other powers and duties as may be required to ensure the adequate fire protection of the Township.
[Added by Ord. No. 2011-11]
The operation of the Fire Department shall be governed by a constitution and the bylaws and amendments thereto which shall be adopted by the membership of the Fire Department upon approval of the governing body. Such constitution, bylaws, amendments thereto and other regulations of the Fire Department shall be consistent with this chapter and with general law regulating the performance of fire departments. The constitution, bylaws and any amendments thereto adopted by the membership of the Fire Department so approved by the governing body shall be filed with the Township Clerk.
[Added by Ord. No. 2011-11]
The ultimate responsibility for adequate fire protection within the Township shall be with the Township Committee; and to the extent required to ensure such protection, the Township Committee liaison to the Fire Department shall have responsibility for the Fire Department. The title to all fire equipment and apparatus purchased by the Township shall be held by the Township.
No fire apparatus shall be removed outside the limits of the Township without the express permission of the Fire Chief and the consent of the Township Committee liaison, except in an emergency. The Fire Chief shall have full control over the operation of the Fire Department and of its equipment and apparatus, subject to the Township Committee liaison, and shall be responsible for the maintenance, care and proper condition of all equipment and apparatus of the Fire Department and the management of the Fire Department. The Chief shall keep the Township Committee liaison to the Fire Department informed as to the condition of the apparatus and equipment and of such other matters as may affect the fire protection and the firesafety of the Township.
[Added by Ord. No. 2011-11]
Members of the Fire Department shall be chosen and admitted to membership or removed or expelled from membership in accordance with the constitution and bylaws of the Department. Categories of membership shall be established by the constitution and bylaws. Current membership lists shall be filed with the Municipal Clerk.
[Added by Ord. No. 2011-11]
Within the Stewartsville Volunteer Fire Company No. 1, there shall be the following line officers, who shall be the line officers of the Greenwich Township Fire Department: Chief, Assistant Chief, Captain, and four Lieutenants. The line officers shall be elected by the membership in accordance with the constitution and bylaws.
There shall be the following executive officers and trustees: President, Vice President, Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, and there shall be three Trustees. The executive officers and trustees shall be elected by the membership in accordance with the constitution and bylaws.
The duties of all officers shall be prescribed by the constitution and bylaws of Stewartsville Volunteer Company No. 1, this Code, and applicable state, county and federal statutes and regulations; and in the event of any conflict between the same, that of the higher authority shall control.
[Added by Ord. No. 2011-11]
The Chief shall be the chief operations officer. He/she shall:
Have authority, as prescribed by N.J.S.A. 40A:14-54.1, to supervise and direct operations at the scene of any fire within the established fire lines until said fire is declared out. The Greenwich Township Fire Chief shall be an active member of the Stewartsville Volunteer Fire Company and shall be the duly elected Chief of the Stewartsville Volunteer Fire Company by its membership.
Take command at fire, emergency, rescue and hazardous-material-related incidents within the jurisdiction of the Township when the Fire Department is present.
Take command at all meetings for exercise.
Grant leaves of absence from fires and drills.
Report all delinquents to the company.
Provide the Township Committee liaison to the Fire Department with current lists of officers and with current membership lists.
Prepare an inventory of equipment and apparatus which shall be submitted to the Township Committee liaison on or before December 1 annually.
Designate personnel to inspect annually all publicly owned buildings and all buildings open to the public within the Township for the purpose of determining the existence of any conditions constituting a fire hazard and to conduct plan review for the purpose of complying with the New Jersey Uniform Fire Code (N.J.A.C. 5:70, as may be amended and supplemented from time to time), subject to the Township's budget and appointment by the Mayor and Council of said personnel.
Prepare an annual report of inspections conducted, including recommendations for corrections of hazardous conditions, to be submitted to the liaison on or before December 1 annually.
With the Township Committee liaison, prepare an annual budget which shall be presented to the Township Committee in November of each year.
[Added by Ord. No. 2011-11]
The Chief shall utilize any equipment, property or personnel of the Fire Department which he/she deems necessary in the fighting of fires, performance of the Department in other emergencies and in drills and in providing outside aid. He/she shall formulate rules and regulations pertaining to signals of alarm, testing of alarms and procedures for answering alarms, and such other regulations as are deemed required for the efficient operation of the Department. The Chief may order the detachment of officers and of members to other fire companies with the approval of the members of the companies affected. Notice of such detachments shall be provided to the liaison.
[Added by Ord. No. 2011-11]
All firefighting equipment and apparatus purchased with Township funds, in whole or in part, is the property of the Township and is to be housed in a building owned and maintained by the Fire Department and/or the Township, except when removed for authorized purposes. The Township shall provide a meeting room for the use of the Fire Department, satisfactory to the Department. The equipment and apparatus and the housing of such equipment and apparatus provided by the Fire Department and/or the Township shall be sufficient to ensure adequate fire protection within the Township.
[Added by Ord. No. 2011-11]
The Township shall provide insurance and workers' compensation covering any member of the Fire Department killed or injured during the performance of his/her duties as a firefighter.
[Added by Ord. No. 2011-11]
In the event of the death, disability or resignation of any company officer or officer of the Fire Department, personnel below the officer affected will be promoted to fill the vacancy. All such replacements shall serve until the completion of the unexpired term of their predecessor, at which time officers shall be elected in accordance with the constitution and bylaws.
Vacancies produced by succession to higher office shall be filled as they occur by nomination and election by the company.
[Added by Ord. No. 2011-11]
In the absence of a chief officer at a fire, the first line officer to arrive at the scene shall assume command until the arrival of a chief officer. In the absence of a line officer, the first senior firefighter present shall assume command until the arrival of a line officer. The person in command at a fire or other emergency shall have full police authority and is authorized and directed to require and secure the removal of any and all obstructions in and around the danger zone and is authorized to request assistance from other municipal departments as may be required in the performance of the duties of the Fire Department.
[Added by Ord. No. 2011-11]
The members of the Fire Department shall be authorized to enter upon, without hindrance or fee, all premises, grounds, structures, buildings, vehicles and passages to acquire water from pools, ponds, lakes, rivers, streams, brooks or other water supplies whenever necessary in the performance of their duties. Authorized purposes for such entry shall include firefighting, inspection of public buildings, testing of fire alarms and firefighting equipment and fire investigations.
[Added by Ord. No. 2011-11]
The Chief or his/her designee shall investigate all cases of suspected arson. He/she shall cause all premises in which arson is suspected to have occurred to be secured and shall promptly report every case of suspicion of arson to the police, the County Prosecutor and the liaison.
[Ord. No. 2002-2]
[Ord. No. 1-1-77; Ord. No. 1990-2; Ord. No. 2005-01]
All requests for discovery in matters pending in the Greenwich Township Municipal Court shall be submitted through the Municipal Prosecutor.
The following fees shall be payable by the requestor to the Township of Greenwich for the discovery provided:
Seventy-five cents per page for each of the first 10 pages photocopied.
Fifty cents per page for each of the next 10 pages photocopied.
Twenty-five cents per page for each of the pages photocopied thereafter.
Actual postage for any discovery sent by mail.
Twenty-five cents for the envelope for any discovery sent by mail.
Photographs will be photocopied at the rates established herein. If requests are made for duplicate photographs, the actual cost of making the photographs shall be charged.
Duplication of videotapes constitute an extraordinary duplication process and will be charged at the rate of $5 per videotape.
On any item that cannot be photocopied on the Township copy machine or not otherwise provided for in this schedule, the actual cost incurred in making the copy shall be charged.
Where the discovery must be obtained from an entity other than the Township of Greenwich, e.g. another Police Department, the actual costs paid to the other entity shall be paid by the requestor.
[Ord. No. 1980-1; amended by Ord. No. 2014-02; 12-15-2022 by Ord. No. 109-2022]
The Township Committee has determined that the establishment of an Environmental Committee would aid in the protection, development and use of natural resources, including water resources, located within the territorial limits of Greenwich Township.
A Committee shall be established and such Committee shall be known as the Greenwich Township Environmental Committee that shall consist of no less than three but no more than seven members which shall be appointed by the Mayor. All members shall be residents of the municipality. All members shall serve without compensation.
The terms of office of the first Committee members shall be for one, two or three years, to be designated by the Mayor in making his appointments so that the terms of approximately 1/3 of the members will expire each year and their successor shall be appointed for terms of three years and until the appointment and qualifications of their successors. A vacancy on the Committee occurring otherwise than by expiration of a term shall be filled for the unexpired term in the same manner as in original appointment.
The Committee shall have power to conduct research into the use and possible use of the open land areas of the municipality and may coordinate the activities of unofficial bodies organized for similar purposes and may advertise, prepare, print and distribute books, maps, charts, plans, and pamphlets which in its judgment it deems necessary for its purposes. It shall keep an index of all open areas publicly or privately owned including open marshlands, swamps, and other wetlands in order to obtain information on the proper use of such areas. It may, from time to time, recommend to the municipal Land Use Board plans and programs for inclusion in a municipal master plan and the development and use of such areas. The Committee shall have power to study and make recommendations concerning open space preservation, water resource management, air pollution control, solid waste management, noise control, soil and landscape protection, and environmental appearance.
The Committee shall keep records of its meetings and activities and shall make an annual report to the governing body of Greenwich Township. The governing body may appropriate funds for the expenses incurred by the Committee. The Committee may appoint such clerks and other employees as it may, from time to time, require and shall be within the limits of funds appropriated to it.
[Ord. No. 1981-10 § 1]
Unless otherwise provided by law, all officers and employees employed by the Township of Greenwich after the effective date of this section (June 5, 1981) shall be bona fide residents therein. A bona fide resident for the purpose of this act is a person having a permanent domicile within the local unit and one which has not been adopted with the intention of again taking up or claiming a previous resident acquired outside of the local boundaries.
[Ord. No. 1981-10 § 2]
It shall be the duty of the hiring authority to insure that all employees hired after the effective date of this section shall remain bona fide residents of the Township of Greenwich. Failure of any such employee to maintain residency in the Township of Greenwich shall be cause for removal or discharge from service.
[Ord. No. 1981-10 § 3]
When the appointing authority of the Township of Greenwich has determined that there cannot be recruited a sufficient number of qualified residents for available specific positions or employments, the appointing authority shall advertise for other qualified applicants. Classification of qualified applicants in such instances shall be determined in the following manner:
Other residents of the county in which the municipality is situate.
Other residents of counties contiguous to the county in which the municipality is situate.
Other residents of the state.
All other applicants. All appointments shall be made in the order of preference established hereinabove, except subject to preferences granted pursuant to any other provisions of the law.
[Ord. No. 181-10 § 4]
Whenever the appointing authority shall determine that there are certain specific positions and employments requiring special talents or skills which are necessary for the operations of the Township of Greenwich and which are not likely to be found among the residents of the Township of Greenwich, such positions or employments so determined shall be filled without reference to residency.
Such provisions shall set forth the formal criteria pursuant to which such positions and employments shall be so determined. The criteria shall be established by the appointing authority as the need shall so exist from time to time.
[Ord. No. 181-10 § 5]
Promotion preference shall be given to a bona fide resident of the Township of Greenwich. When promotions are based upon merit, as properly determined, a bona fide resident shall be given preference over a nonresident in any instance when all other measurable criteria are equal. Such preference under this section shall in no way diminish, reduce or effect the preference granted pursuant to other law.
[Ord. No. 181-10 § 6]
Nothing contained in this section shall require residency in the Township where a state statute would allow otherwise.
[Ord. No. 1980-13; Ord. No. 1986-1]
This section shall be known and may be cited as the "Six Area Cooperative Pricing Program Ordinance of the Borough of Alpha, Town of Phillipsburg, Townships of Greenwich, Harmony, Lopatcong, and Pohatcong."
[Ord. No. 1980-13; Ord. No. 1986-1]
Pursuant to the provisions of N.J.S.A. 40A:11-11(5), the Manager and/or Mayor of the Borough of Alpha, Town of Phillipsburg, and Townships of Greenwich, Harmony, Lopatcong, Pohatcong, is hereby authorized to enter into cooperative pricing agreement with the lead agency of any other contracting unit within the County of Warren or adjoining counties for the purchase of work, materials, and supplies.
The lead agency entering into contracts on behalf of the Borough of Alpha, Town of Phillipsburg, and Townships of Greenwich, Harmony, Lopatcong, Pohatcong is responsible for complying with the provisions of the Local Public Contracts Law (N.J.S.A. 40A:11-1 et seq.) and all other provisions of the Revised Statutes of the State of New Jersey.
[Ord. No. 2000-7]
[Ord. No. 1984-4; Ord. No. 2002-11]
A Historical Commission is created with membership consisting of not more than 10 Township residents to serve for terms of three years for the purpose of preserving the history of the Township. The members previously appointed to the Historical Commission shall continue in office for the balance of their terms. The three additional members shall be appointed initially, one member for a three-year term, one member for a two-year term and one member for a one-year term. Thereafter, upon the expiration of the above terms, a newly appointed term shall be for three years.
[Ord. No. 2000-7]
[Ord. No. 1986-5]
The position of Deputy Tax Assessor is created.
[Added by Ord. No. 2011-03]
The position of Deputy Tax Collector is hereby established. The Deputy Tax Collector shall be appointed for a term of one year, ending on December 31. The Deputy Tax Collector shall operate under the supervision and control of the Tax Collector and shall exercise the powers and duties of the Tax Collector when so authorized by the Tax Collector or the Township Committee.
[Ord. No. 1982-11 § 1]
In the event of an emergency, any police officer of the Borough of Alpha, Townships of Pohatcong and Lopatcong or of the New Jersey State Police, acting in the performance of his duties, may request of the Chief of Police, or any police officer on duty, of this Township, police assistance in the Borough of Alpha, Townships of Pohatcong and Lopatcong.
[Ord. No. 1982-11 § 2]
Police of this Township may, upon such request in the event of emergency, respond to the request and render police assistance in the Borough of Alpha, Townships of Pohatcong and Lopatcong. Police of this Township shall not be obligated to respond to such request for assistance, and shall not respond if, in their judgment and discretion, responding would jeopardize public safety in this Township. Any police officer of this Township responding to such request and rendering police assistance in the Borough of Alpha, Townships of Pohatcong and Lopatcong shall:
While engaged in such assistance, have such rights and immunities as he may otherwise enjoy in the performance of his normal duties in this Township;
If he suffers a casualty or death while engaged in such assistance, be entitled to all salary, pension rights, worker's compensation and other benefits to which such officer would be entitled if such casualty or death occurred in the performance of his normal duties in this Township.
[Ord. No. 1982-11 § 3]
Upon passage and effective date of a reciprocal ordinance by the Borough of Alpha, Townships of Pohatcong and Lopatcong, there shall exist an agreement between this Township and such Township for the provision of mutual police aid in case of emergency upon the terms contained in this and such reciprocal ordinance. Such agreement may be terminated at any time by the repeal of this or such other reciprocal ordinance or may be altered by other reciprocal ordinance provisions adopted by the two municipalities.
[Ord. No. 1997-8]
The Chief of Police of the Greenwich Township Police Department is hereby authorized to support the concepts and procedures established by the Warren County Prosecutor for the Warren County Tactical Response Team. Each and every member of the Greenwich Township Police Department shall be afforded the full opportunity to participate in and to respond to requests for services and training in the Warren County Tactical Response Team under the command of the Warren County Prosecutor.
[Ord. No. 1997-8]
Police of this Township who become members of the Warren County Tactical Response Team may, upon request of the Warren County Prosecutor, respond to the request and render police assistance throughout the County of Warren. Police of this Township shall not be obligated to respond to such request for such assistance, and shall not respond, if, in their judgment and discretion, responding would jeopardize public safety in this Township. Each and every member of the Greenwich Township Police Department responding to such request of the Warren County Prosecutor shall:
While engaged in such assistance, have such rights and immunities as he may otherwise enjoy in the performance of his normal duties in this Township.
If he suffers a casualty or death while engaged in such assistance, be entitled to all salary, pension rights, worker's compensation and other benefits to which such officer would be entitled if such casualty or death occurred in the performance of his normal duties in this Township.
[Ord. No. 2004-16A]
The enforcement of the criminal laws from time to time requires the use of tactics enforced beyond the resources of small local police departments.
The Prosecutor of Warren County has, in order to meet such needs as they may arise, established certain Multi-Jurisdictional Specialized Teams as delineated herein.
The Prosecutor of Warren County, as Chief Law Enforcement Officer of Warren County, has determined that certain Multi-Jurisdictional Teams and Plan(s) including members of the Warren County Prosecutor's Office and, on a voluntary basis, local police departments, would best serve the needs of law enforcement in this county.
A member of a local police department within this county who desires to participate in a Warren County Multi-Jurisdictional Team or Plan must obtain the permission of his or her department, must meet the requirements established by the Warren County Prosecutor.
Upon acceptance into a Warren County Multi-Jurisdictional Team or plan, a member of a local police department will be required to meet the requirements established by the Warren County Prosecutor, properly maintain equipment, attend duty when required, attend training and obey all commands of the Prosecutor.
A Warren County Multi-Jurisdictional Team or Plan members as so constituted and under the direct supervision and tactical command of the Warren County Prosecutor, shall respond as may be necessary at the request of the Chief Law Enforcement Officer of any municipality within Warren County, or in the Prosecutor's own determination to such situations.
The expense of all necessary training and equipment for a Warren County Multi-Jurisdictional Team or Plan will be borne by the Warren County Prosecutor's Office.
N.J.S.A. 40A:14-152.1 provides that a municipal police officer shall have full power of arrest for any crime committed in his or her presence within this state.
N.J.S.A. 40A:14-152.2 confers upon municipal police officer acting under lawful authority beyond the territorial limits of his or her employing municipality with all of the immunities from tort liability and all of the pension, relief, disability, workmen's compensation, insurance and other benefits enjoyed while performing duties within said employment of municipalities.
The Prosecutor of Warren County and his assistants and investigators have authority to enforce laws throughout the county and the state.
A temporary exchange of law enforcement officers among the municipalities for the purpose of mutual aid is contemplated by N.J.S.A. 40A:14-156 and 40A:14-156.1; and while all participating jurisdictions should make every accommodation possible to allow their members the opportunity to assist with requests for services or corresponding training; this Agreement is strictly voluntary in nature and places no jurisdiction participating in it under any obligation to respond to a request for specialized services that is unable or unwilling to honor.
The Chief of the Police Department of Greenwich Township, Warren County, hereby agrees to support the concepts and procedures established by the Warren County Prosecutor for the Warren County Multi-Jurisdictional Teams and Plan below and further agree to make every possible accommodation to permit members of this Department full opportunity to participate therein and to respond to requests for services and training under the command of the Warren County Prosecutor.
[Ord. No. 2004-16A]
The Agreement provided for:
Warren County tactical response team. To provide a tactical alternative in life threatening situations including high risk warrant entry, dangerous arrests, riot, and other such extraordinary and dangerous situations through intensive training and provision of necessary equipment.
Warren County serious collision analysis and response team (SCART). To provide multi-jurisdictional investigation for fatal motor vehicle collisions, and collisions with serious bodily injury.
Warren County Rapid Response Plan (RRP). To provide a plan for mobilization of all Law Enforcement Resources within Warren County to respond to any critical incident and to provide additional manpower to assist any agency with security, crowd control, mass casualty situation, suspected terrorist incident and other situations where a requesting agency is in need of additional manpower.
Warren County multi-jurisdictional narcotics task force (NTF). A cooperative effort to coordinate all proactive narcotics or controlled dangerous substance investigations throughout Warren County by assisting local, state and federal law enforcement agencies with narcotics investigations and arrests.
[Ord. No. 1988-6 § 1]
Any applicant for a permit, license, approval or relief used or usable in connection with a designated parcel of real property located in the Township of Greenwich shall submit proof with such application that all real estate taxes assessed against such real property have been paid through the quarter in which the application is filed.
[Ord. No. 1988-6 § 2]
No permit, license, approval or relief used or usable in connection with a designated parcel of real property located in the Township of Greenwich shall be issued by any board, body, officer or employee of the Township of Greenwich unless all real estate taxes assessed against such real property have been paid through the then-current quarter.
[Ord. No. 1989-2]
Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 110, Public Law 1988, there is hereby established for the Township of Greenwich the position of Chief Financial Officer to carry out the responsibilities set forth under P.L. 1947, c. 151 (N.J.S.A. 52:27BB-26 et seq.), and further referenced in N.J.S.A. 40A:9-140.1 et seq.
[Ord. No. 1990-13]
Ordinance No. 1990-13 is hereby adopted to authorize a contract with the New Jersey Housing and Mortgage Finance Agency designating the Affordable Housing Management Service to administer affordable housing regulations within the Township.
The ordinance authorizes the Township to contract with the Affordable Housing Management Service to implement affordable housing regulations governing the Township's inclusionary housing project.
Pursuant to statute, any interested party may review the ordinance in detail, which is on file in the Municipal Clerk's office, at the Greenwich Township Municipal Building, 128 Greenwich Street, Stewartsville, New Jersey, during regular business hours.
Editor's Note: Former § 2-18, Affordable Housing Board, Housing Officer and Affordable Housing Trust Fund (Ord. No. 1990-12, as amended) was repealed 10-29-2018 by Ord. No. 2018-03.
[Ord. No. 1990-8]
Pursuant to the provisions of P.L. 1989, c. 3 (N.J.S.A. 52:17C-1 et seq.), there is hereby established for the Township of Greenwich the position of 911 Coordinator to implement a statewide 911 emergency telephone system in New Jersey.
Said position shall abide by the rules and regulations established by the State of New Jersey, County of Warren, and Township of Greenwich.
Editor's Note: Former § 2-20, Board of Recreation (Ord. No. 2008-04) was repealed 5-16-2019 by Ord. No. 101-2019.
[Added 5-16-2019 by Ord. No. 101-2019]
The Township Committee of the Township of Greenwich, deeming it necessary for the proper and efficient conduct of the affairs of the municipality and particularly so to create a system of recreation programs designed to amuse, entertain and improve the physical fitness and to bring into closer harmony and relationship the community of Greenwich as a whole, the neighborhoods making up that community and the families abiding therein, does, pursuant to the Revised Statutes of the State of New Jersey, hereby establish and create a Recreation Committee.
Appointments to the Recreation Committee shall be done by the Mayor, with advice and consent of the Township Committee. The Recreation Committee shall consist of nine members. The Recreation Committee shall appoint a Chairperson to be selected by majority vote of the members of said Committee.
Members of the Recreation Committee shall serve a term of three years, and the Chairman shall serve a term of two years. Any vacancies shall be appointed by the Mayor, with the advice and consent of the Township Committee.
The Recreation Committee shall have the full and complete authority and power to oversee the acceptance and processing of applications for the engagement of recreational and cultural activities within the Township's recreational fields and parks and public property. Said Committee shall have the power to charge and collect reasonable rental fees for such use. The Recreation Committee shall have the power to form subcommittees and appoint supervisors and assistants as may be necessary.
The Concession Stand Subcommittee, a subcommittee of the Recreation Committee, is hereby established. The Recreation Committee, through said Subcommittee, shall be responsible for the operation and maintenance of municipal concession stands. The Concession Stand Subcommittee shall be responsible for maintaining bookkeeping records detailing the profits earned by all municipal concession stands and shall make such bookkeeping records available for review by the Open Space and Parks Committee. The Recreation Committee shall maintain a bank account and deposit all profits earned from municipal concession stands therein.
The Mayor, with consent and consultation of the Township Committee, shall appropriate sums which, in their opinion, are satisfactory for the Recreation Committee to pay its expenses. Said Committee may solicit or receive any gifts or bequests, personal property, or any donation, which shall be applied toward temporary or permanent use of the Township's parks, playgrounds, and recreational facilities. All donations received by the Recreation Committee shall be turned over to the Greenwich Township Chief Financial Officer and be kept in a special fund dedicated for park and recreational facilities.
The Recreation Committee shall have the full and complete authority and scheduling of all events held at Greenwich Township's parks, playgrounds, and other recreation and leisure areas owned or controlled by the Township. Said Committee shall have the power to promulgate rules and regulations governing the conduct within public recreation facilities. Any rules and regulations promulgated by said Committee are subject to approval by the Mayor and the Township Committee. Said Committee shall have the power to charge and collect reasonable fees for such use.
The Recreation Committee shall have full power and authority over field and pavilion scheduling and reservations. The Committee shall promulgate rules governing scheduling and reservation procedures.
The Recreation Committee, with the consent of the Mayor and the Township Committee, may charge and collect fees for the usage of Greenwich Township's parks, playgrounds, and other recreation and leisure areas owned or controlled by the Township.
The Recreation Committee shall require all applicants for rentals of the Township's pavilions and park fields to submit a certificate of insurance and endorsement form naming Greenwich Township as an additional insured 30 business days before scheduled use. General liability must be at least $1,000,000. Organizations employing private trainers or coaches must submit proof of workers' compensation insurance coverage.
The Recreation Committee shall offer the pavilions located within Greenwich Township parks for rent to Greenwich residents and nonresidents. The Committee shall collect rents for such pavilions at a rate of $150 for five hours from residents and $250 for five hours from nonresidents. Pavilions may be rented for additional hours at a rate of $10 per hour.
The Recreation Committee shall offer the fields located within Greenwich Township Parks for rent to Greenwich residents and nonresidents. The Committee shall collect rents for said fields at a rate of $60 per day for Greenwich Township residents and $100 per day from nonresidents. The Recreation Committee shall offer the fields on a seasonal use basis, which shall consist of a per-day reservation of up to 13 days within a continuous ninety-day period. The Committee shall collect seasonal use rents from Greenwich residents and Greenwich-based organizations at a seasonal rate of $300, while nonresidents and non-Greenwich organizations shall pay a seasonal rate of $500.
The Recreation Committee shall have the power to determine whether a proposed use of the fields within Greenwich Township is a special event and determine the appropriate rental rate to collect on a case-by-case basis to assure that the Township's expenses associated with the proposed use are covered. Special events are proposed uses that require the Township to provide equipment or public safety and security services to carry out proposed uses. In the Recreation Committee's discretion, commercial and nonprofit applicants may be required to post a security in accordance with the following schedule:
Number of Participants
Amount of Security
1 to 100 participants per day
101 to 250 participants per day
251 to 500 participants per day
501 to 1,000 participants per day
1,001 plus participants per day
[Added 12-19-2019 by Ord. No. 119-2019]
Recreation fees shall be set by the Township Committee by resolution at any time. The schedule of fees shall be on file with the Township Clerk.
[Added 5-16-2019 by Ord. No. 102-2019]
The Township Committee of the Township of Greenwich, deeming it necessary for the proper and efficient conduct of the affairs of the municipality and particularly so to create a system of recreation programs designed to amuse, entertain and improve the physical fitness and to bring into closer harmony and relationship the community of Greenwich as a whole, the neighborhoods making up that community and the families abiding therein, does, pursuant to the Revised Statutes of the State of New Jersey, hereby establish and create an Open Space and Parks Committee.
[Amended 6-15-2023 by Ord. No. 104-2023]
Appointments to the Open Space and Parks Committee shall be done by the Mayor, with advice and consent of the Township Committee. The Open Space and Parks Committee shall consist of seven members, two of which shall be members of the Township Committee. The Open Space and Parks Committee shall appoint a Chairperson to be selected by majority vote of the Open Space and Parks Committee. Members of any subcommittees of the Open Space and Parks Committee shall be appointed by the Open Space and Parks Committee.
Members of the Open Space and Parks Committee shall serve a term of three years, and the Chairperson shall serve a term of two years. Initial appointments shall have staggered terms so as to have no more than three membership terms expire in any one given year. Any vacancies shall be filled by appointment by the Mayor, with advice and consent of the Township Committee.
No member of the Open Space and Parks Committee shall receive any compensation for serving on the Open Space and Parks Committee or any subcommittee.
Editor's Note: Former § 2-20B.5, Powers, was repealed 12-15-2022 by Ord. No. 110-2022.
The Open Space and Parks Committee shall review and recommend to the Township Committee any changes to the parks' infrastructure, buildings, fields, or lawns. Any proposals for such changes shall be submitted to the Open Space and Parks Committee for approval. Any approved changes by the Open Space and Parks Committee shall thereafter be submitted to the Township Committee for approval before execution. This section shall also apply to any "donated work."
No solicitation or fundraising activities are allowed on Township property without the approval of the Open Space and Parks Committee and the Township Committee. Proposals to engage in fundraising activities must be submitted to the Open Space and Parks Committee for approval. Any approved proposals shall then be submitted to the Township Committee for approval before execution. This section applies to fundraising activities by the Township and not-for-profit organizations.
The Open Space and Parks Committee may recommend to the Mayor and Township Committee lands for acquisition for use as public playgrounds, recreational areas, and farmland preservation.
The Mayor, with consent and consultation of the Township Committee, shall appropriate sums which, in their opinion, are satisfactory for the Recreation Committee to pay its expenses. Said Committee may solicit or receive any gifts or bequests, personal property, or any donation, which shall be applied toward temporary or permanent use of the Township's parks, playgrounds, and recreational facilities. All donations received by the Recreation Committee shall be turned over to the Greenwich Township Chief Financial Officer and be kept in a special fund dedicated for park and recreational facilities.
[Ord. No. 1993-5]
Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:10A-1 et seq., the position of Local Historian is hereby established.
[Ord. No. 1993-5]
The Local Historian shall be appointed by the Mayor for the term of one year; a resident of Greenwich Township; and serve without compensation.
[Ord. No. 1993-5]
The duties and powers of the Local Historian are prescribed by the Local Historian Enabling Act, N.J.S.A. 40:10A-1 et seq.
[Ord. No. 1994-14 § 1]
Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 26:2BB-9, there is hereby created and established an ad hoc advisory committee of the Township Committee to be known as "Greenwich Municipal Alliance against Drug and Alcohol Abuse," hereinafter referred to as "GMA."
[Ord. No. 1994-14 § 1; Ord. No. 1994-18]
The GMA shall consist of an unlimited number of members to be appointed by the Township Committee. There shall be a minimum of nine members, one from each of the following eight classes or categories of people: (1) a member of the Township Committee or designee; (2) a person who is (a) a member of the Township Board of Education or (b) the Township Superintendent of Schools or designee or (c) a teacher or guidance counselor from the Township school system; (3) a member of the Township Police Department or a representative of the Township D.A.R.E. program; (4) a representative of a local civic organization; (5) a representative of a local religious group; (6) a representative of the local Parent Teacher's Association; (7) an individual who has been directly affected by their own or family member's abuse or addiction; (8) a representative of private business. Any number of additional members may be appointed from among the aforesaid classes or groups of people or from among the following classes or groups: Township school students; teacher associations; Chamber of Commerce; public or private organizations or individuals involved in treatment of alcohol and drug related problems; civil youth organizations; labor unions; the media; or any interested private citizen.
[Ord. No. 1994-14 § 1]
The Township Committee may remove any member of the GMA with cause. A vacancy on the GMA occurring otherwise than by expiration of a term of a member, may be filled for the unexpired term in the same manner as the original appointment.
[Ord. No. 1994-14 § 1]
The GMA, in consultation with the local (county) advisory committee on alcoholism and drug abuse shall identify alcoholism and drug prevention, education and community needs.
The GMA shall implement the alliance programs formulated pursuant to N.J.S.A. 26:2BB-8.
The GMA may apply for funding through the procedures described in N.J.A.C. 17:40-1.1 et seq.
The GMA shall be responsible for:
Organizing and coordinating efforts involving schools, law enforcement, business groups and other community organizations for the purpose of reducing alcoholism and drug abuse;
In cooperation with local school districts, developing comprehensive and effective alcoholism and drug abuse education programs in grades K-12;
In cooperation with local school districts, developing procedures for the intervention, referral to treatment and discipline of students abusing alcohol or drugs;
Developing comprehensive alcoholism and drug abuse education support and outreach efforts for parents in the community;
Developing comprehensive alcoholism and drug abuse community awareness programs;
Creating a network of community leaders, private citizens, and representatives of public and private human service agencies who make a comprehensive and coordinated effort to promote and support drug and alcohol prevention and education programs and related activities with an emphasis on youth;
Conducting an assessment of their community to determine the needs of the community in relation to alcoholism and drug abuse issues;
Identifying existing efforts and services acting to reduce alcoholism and drug abuse;
Coordinating projects within the municipality to avoid fragmentation and duplication;
Developing programs to be implemented at the municipal level or participating in regionally developed programs that accomplish the purposes of the alliance effort and of the GMA;
Assisting the Township in acquiring funds for alliance programs including the establishment of a permanent, standing subcommittee on fund raising;
The GMA shall keep such records and provide such information to the Governor's Council as may be required for fiscal audit;
The GMA shall cooperate with the Governor's Council on alcoholism and drug abuse and the alliance steering subcommittee of the county local advisory committee on alcoholism and drug abuse to provide municipal data, reports or other information which may be required for the county alliance plan or needed to assist the alliance effort.
[Ord. No. 1994-14 § 1]
The GMA shall meet promptly after appointment and shall elect officers consisting of a president, vice president, secretary and treasurer. The GMA shall establish bylaws for its governance, shall hold meetings regularly, and establish an annual calendar of meetings at its organizational meeting each year. Minutes shall be kept of all GMA meetings and a quorum shall be required for action to be taken by the GMA. A quorum shall be 50% of the GMA membership plus one. A quorum may be present in person or by proxy duly filed in writing with the secretary of the Committee provided, however, that at least five of the eight mandatory class members are physically present.
[Ord. No. 1994-14 § 1]
Before the GMA receives DEDR (Drug Enforcement and Demand Reduction penalties described by N.J.S.A. 2C:35-15 et seq.) funds from the Governor's Council, the GMA shall develop a comprehensive plan to provide matching funds equivalent to the amount of the grant award. A fund raising subcommittee shall be established by the GMA which must meet at least quarterly during any project period. The comprehensive plan for providing matching funds may include, but is not limited to, the following.
The donation of the use of municipal property at a fair market value to the project.
Time, as reflected by salary and wages, of the municipal and private sector employers who perform services in accordance with the project.
Complementary (public service) advertising on local media, such as newspapers, radio and cable television, above the level of standard public service requirements.
Organized community benefits focused on the alliance which utilize celebrities, sports figures or experts in the field of additions, who donate their services.
Door-to-door types of fund raising.
Solicitations to business and industry for donations.
Activities to raise funds which have potential for bringing a significant number of community persons together, such as runs, walks, bake sales and car washes.
The donation of printing and other mass reproductions of materials to carry the anti-alcohol and drug abuse message to the community.
[Ord. No. 1994-14 § 1]
Periodic reports shall be submitted to the Township Committee by the GMA respecting progress in obtaining matching funds and shall include as well, on a form prescribed by the Governor's Council, a progress report detailing the progress made on accomplishing the purposes of the grant. The Township shall submit to the Governor's Council on form prescribed: (1) detailed and accurate accountings on all expenditures made under the grant; (2) periodic reports of the progress made in accomplishing the purposes of the grant; (3) at the end of each fiscal year which any grant falls, the Township must submit an audited financial statement explaining its use of funds and provide such other information as may be prescribed by the Governor's Council. The form of the within submissions must be consistent with the requirements of N.J.A.C. 17:40-3.4. In no event shall any funds from the grant be used to undertake any activity which is not in accordance with the purpose of the grant as approved by the Governor's Council.
[Ord. No. 1994-14 § 1]
All actions of the Township Committee and the Township of Greenwich heretofore recognizing the "Greenwich Township Municipal Alliance," endorsing grant applications and supporting the Greenwich Municipal Alliance Committee are hereby ratified and affirmed.
[Ord. No. 1995-05]
Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 59:8-6, demand is hereby made that the claimant provide additional information or evidence as follows:
Written reports of claimant's attending physicians setting forth the nature and extent of injury and treatment, any degree of temporary or permanent disability, the prognosis, period of hospitalization and any diminished earning capacities;
A list of claimant's expert witnesses and any of their reports or statements relating to the claims;
Itemized bills for medical, dental and hospital expenses incurred or itemized receipts of payment for such expenses;
Documentary evidence showing amounts of income lost; and
If future treatment is necessary, a statement of anticipated expenses for each treatment.
The claimant may be required to submit to a physical or mental examination by a physician employed by the Township of Greenwich, and the claimant may be required to permit the Township of Greenwich to inspect all appropriate records relating to his claim for liability and damages, including but not limited to income tax returns, hospital records, medical records and employment records.
[Ord. No. 1996-2]
The Township of Greenwich, County of Warren and State of New Jersey, adopts and incorporates herein as if set forth at length into its ordinance the rules, regulations and procedures adopted by the New Jersey Department of Transportation and in 49 CFR, Chapter 3, Section 40 et seq., and Section 382 et seq., as amended, regarding alcohol and drug testing requirements and procedures for employers of individuals who possess a commercial driver's license. The same shall be fully implemented and complied with effective as of January 1, 1996.
[Ord. No. 1998-2]
There is hereby established a reserve in the General Capital Fund which shall be known and designated as the "Municipal Open Space Trust Fund." A special bank account shall be opened and maintained for the Municipal Open Space Trust Fund.
[Ord. No. 1998-2]
Funds from the Municipal Open Space Trust Fund may be utilized for the following purposes:
The acquisition and development and/or maintenance of lands for recreation and/or conservation;
The acquisition of farmland for farmland preservation.
Historic preservation of historic properties, sites, structures, facilities, areas or objects for historic, educational or recreational purposes.
Payment of debt service on indebtedness issued or incurred by the Township of Greenwich for any of the purposes as set forth in Subsection 2.25.2a through c above.
[Ord. No. 1998-2]
As used in this section, the following terms shall be defined as follows:
The securing of a fee simple or a lesser interest in land, including but not limited to an easement restricting development, by gift, purchase, installment purchase agreement, devise or condemnation.
The use of land or lands for parks, open space, natural areas, ecological and biological studies, forests, water reserves or wildlife preserves for the conservation of natural resources.
Any improvement to land required for the purposes of the fund as stated in this section, designed to expand and enhance its utilization for such purposes.
Land actively devoted to agricultural or horticultural use that qualifies to be valued, assessed, and taxed pursuant to the Farmland Assessment Act of 1964, P.L. 1964, c. 48, N.J.S.A. 54:4-23.1 et seq.).
The long-term preservation of farmland for agricultural or horticultural use.
The acquisition, maintenance and restoration of properties of historic significance to Greenwich Township.
Any real property, including improvements thereof or thereon, rights-of-way, water, lakes, streams, rivers, riparian and other rights, easements, development rights, privileges, licenses and all other rights or interests of any kind or description in, relating to or connected with real property.
The use of land or lands for parks, athletic facilities, open space, fishing, hunting, camping, boating, winter sports, or similar uses for either public outdoor recreation, or the use of lands for public indoor recreation.
[Ord. No. 1998-2; Ord. No. 2001-3; Ord. No. 2004-04]
The Municipal Open Space Trust Fund shall be funded through the dedication to the fund of an amount of $0.04 per $100 of assessed valuation of each annual tax levy commencing with the 2004 tax year and the 2004 budget year. The Municipal Open Space Trust Fund shall also be permitted to accept donations and testamentary bequests. The accumulated receipts and deposits within the Municipal Open Space Trust Fund may be utilized only for the purposes set forth in Subsection 2-25.2 of this section. Any and all interest accruing shall be retained in and used for the same purposes as established in accordance with Subsection 2-25.2 of this section.
[Ord. No. 1998-2]
The Township Committee of the Township of Greenwich, annually, after the holding of one public hearing thereon, shall apportion and allocate the use of the funds collected among the purposes set forth in Subsection 2-25.2 of this section.
[Ord. No. 1998-2]
Any and all land, lands or property acquired by the Township of Greenwich pursuant to this section shall be held by the Township of Greenwich in trust. The deed or other instrument of conveyance into the Township of Greenwich shall bear a legend stating that the said land, lands or property are conveyed to the Township of Greenwich subject to this section.
[Ord. No. 1998-2]
No land, lands or property acquired pursuant to this section with funds from the Municipal Open Space Trust Fund shall be leased, sold or otherwise conveyed unless action has been authorized by the Township Committee of the Township of Greenwich in a manner as prescribed by law. The Township Committee of the Township of Greenwich, after at least one public hearing thereon, and upon a finding that the purposes of this section shall otherwise be better served or that any land acquired by the Township of Greenwich pursuant to this section is required for another public use, may, by ordinance, convey through sale, exchange, transfer or other disposition, title to or a lesser interest in that land, lands or property, provided that the Township of Greenwich shall replace any land, lands or property conveyed under this section by land, lands or property of at least equal fair market value and of reasonably equivalent usefulness, size, quality and location to the land conveyed. Any moneys derived from the conveyance shall be deposited into the Municipal Open Space Trust Fund created by this section.
[Ord. No. 2007-08 § 1]
All funds collected by the Township from farm leases shall be deposited into the Greenwich Township Open Space account for replenishment of said account.
[Ord. No. 2007-14 § 1; Ord. No. 2007-22]
Funds utilized for the Greenwich recreation project.
Preamble. N.J.S.A. 40:48-1.4 authorizes municipalities to manage, regulate and control the finances and property, real and personal, of the municipality.
The Greenwich Township Committee has determined that it is necessary to preserve open space throughout Greenwich Township.
The Greenwich Township Committee has established an Open Space Account to deposit monies dedicated for the purpose of preserving open space/farmland within Greenwich Township.
The Greenwich Township Committee utilized some of the surplus funds in the open space in conjunction with the Greenwich Recreation Project.
The Greenwich Township Committee has determined that it is necessary to replenish the open space account with funds from the __________ account. (Codified as per Ordinance No. 2007-14)
The Greenwich Township Committee believes this ordinance to be in the best interests of Greenwich Township.
The sum of _____ shall be taken from the _____ account and deposited in the open space account. (Codified as per Ordinance No. 2007-14)
Property purchased for a purpose not recreational or open space in nature.
Preamble. N.J.S.A. 40:48-1.4 authorizes municipalities to manage, regulate and control the finances and property, real and personal, of the municipality.
The Greenwich Township Committee has determined that it is necessary to preserve open space throughout Greenwich Township.
The Greenwich Township Committee has established an Open Space Trust Fund Account to deposit monies dedicated for the purpose of preserving open space/farmland within Greenwich Township.
The Greenwich Township Committee approved the use of funds from the Open Space Trust Fund Account for the down payment of the purchase of real property to be used as athletic fields, park areas, open space and other purposes pursuant to Ordinance 2003-05.
The Greenwich Township Committee may in the future decide to utilize funds from the Open Space Trust Fund Account for the purchase of real property for recreational and/or open space purposes.
The Greenwich Township Committee has determined that it is appropriate to replenish funds utilized from the Open Space Trust Fund Account if the real property for which said funds have been used to acquire is no longer in whole or in part used for recreational and/or open spaces purposes.
The Greenwich Township Committee determines that upon the real property which was purchased in whole or in part with Open Space Trust Fund Account funds being used in whole or in part for a purpose other than recreational and/or open space, the Greenwich Township Committee shall be required to replenish the Open Space Trust Fund Account in an amount equal to what was spent from said account to acquire the property.
The Greenwich Township Committee believes this ordinance to be in the best interests of Greenwich Township.
When property which has been purchased in whole or in part with funds from the Open Space Trust Fund Account or similar municipal account and said property is used for a purpose in whole and/or in part which is not recreational and/or open space in nature, the Greenwich Township Committee shall replenish the Open Space Trust Fund Account or similar municipal account in an amount equal to the monies used from said account for the purchase of the subject property.
The funding account shall be reimbursed within _____ year(s) of the date on which the property use changes from recreational and/or open space to any other use. (Codified as per Ordinance No. 2007-22)
[Ord. No. 1999-3]
The Township of Greenwich Employee Policy Manual, a copy of which may be found on file in the Office of the Clerk, is hereby accepted, adopted and established by the Greenwich Township Committee. The provisions of the said Township of Greenwich Employee Policy Manual shall apply to all employees of the Township of Greenwich, except elected or appointed officials and independent contractors. In the event of a conflict between the provisions of the policies set forth in the Township of Greenwich Employee Policy Manual and any collective bargaining agreement, or state or federal law, the terms and conditions of that agreement or law shall prevail. In all other cases, the policies set forth in the Township of Greenwich Employee Policy Manual shall apply. (See also Personnel Policies adopted by a resolution of the Township Committee on April 15, 2010, on file in the Office of the Clerk.)
[Ord. No. 2003-7]
For the purposes of this section, unless the context clearly indicates a different meaning, the following words and phrases shall have the meaning set forth:
Coverage afforded by insurance policies of every kind whether the premiums be paid by the municipality, the municipal official or someone on his behalf. The municipality shall not be obligated to carry such insurance.
The Township Committee of the Township of Greenwich or its successor governing body.
Each person presently or formerly holding any Township office, position or employment, elective or appointive, full-time or part-time, whether or not compensated, by fixed salary or hourly rate, and including, but not limited to, present or former members of the Township Committee, boards, commissions or agencies of the Township of Greenwich.
[Amended by Ord. No. 2012-19]
The Township of Greenwich in Warren County, New Jersey.
[Ord. No. 2003-7; amended by Ord. No. 2012-19]
Upon compliance with and subject to the provisions of this section, the municipality shall provide out of the public funds for the defense of actions brought against a municipal official defendant and shall indemnify a municipal official defendant for the payment of compensatory damages resulting from an adverse judgment against the municipal official defendant or resulting from any settlement approved by the Township Committee for which payment is to be made on behalf of the municipal official defendant, to the fullest extent permitted by law, in any action or legal proceeding of a noncriminal nature arising out of or incidental to the performance of the duties of the position or office held by such municipal official. The municipality shall indemnify a municipal official defendant for exemplary or punitive damages resulting from the municipal official's civil violation of state or federal law if, in the opinion of the municipal governing body, the acts committed by the municipal official upon which the damages are based did not constitute actual fraud, actual malice, willful misconduct or an intentional wrong. (Authority: N.J.S.A. 59:10-4)
[Ord. No. 2003-7; amended by Ord. No. 2012-19]
The municipality shall not be obligated to provide out of the public funds the defense of actions brought against a municipal official and the municipality shall not be obligated to indemnify a municipal official for compensatory and exemplary damages to the extent set forth in § 2-27.2 above in the following instances:
The existence of an insurance policy or policies, either obtained by the municipality or by another, by virtue of which the insurance carrier has determined that the municipal official is covered for defense costs or is provided with a defense under the policy, together with coverage for indemnification of damages by the insurer, until such time that the insurance policy limits as to coverage for the municipal official are exhausted; or
Where the municipal official has been specifically found by the trier of fact in any proceeding, civil or criminal, to have acted with actual fraud, actual malice or willful misconduct, or to have committed a crime; or
Where the legal proceeding or matter is instigated or brought by the municipality against the municipal official; or
Where the legal proceeding involves a question concerning election laws; or
Where the legal proceeding involves an act or omission which was not within the scope of the municipal official's powers, duties or employment; or
Where the municipal official is found to have acted in violation of the Local Government Ethics Law (N.J.S.A. 40A:9-22.1 et seq.), or the regulations pursuant thereto, or any municipal code of ethics, or any other applicable ethical standard.
[Ord. No. 2003-7; amended by Ord. No. 2012-19]
The amount the municipality is obligated to reimburse the municipal official shall be reduced by any insurance coverage payable to the municipal official and by the net amount (recovery less attorney fees, disbursements and court costs) of any money received by the municipal official in any counteraction against the person or persons bringing the action against him.
[Ord. No. 2003-7; amended by Ord. No. 2012-19]
The municipal official shall be obliged to cooperate with the municipality in the conduct of his defense. Whenever competent and disinterested legal counsel is available to the municipality through any insurance coverage, the municipal official shall be obliged to be represented by such counsel. If the municipality wishes to use the Municipal Attorney or the attorney for any board or committee of the municipality to defend the action, the municipal official shall be obligated to be represented by that attorney unless there is a conflict of interest. The refusal of the municipal official to cooperate with the municipality shall terminate the municipality's obligation to reimburse the municipal official.
[Ord. No. 2003-7; amended by Ord. No. 2012-19]
If the legal proceeding is terminated by an agreement among the parties, then the municipality shall not be obligated to provide a defense and indemnification as set forth in § 2-27.2 to the municipal official unless the municipality approves the settlement agreement.
[Ord. No. 2003-7; amended by Ord. No. 2012-19]
If the municipal official files a counteraction in the legal proceedings, the municipality shall not be obligated to reimburse him for any attorney fees or court cost attributable to such counteraction, and the attorney designated by the municipality shall not be required to prosecute it unless it has been authorized by the municipality.
[Ord. No. 2003-7; amended by Ord. No. 2012-19]
Notwithstanding any municipal ordinance to the contrary, if the municipal official is found guilty of a crime or a trier of fact determines that the act or omission complained of constitutes actual fraud, actual malice, willful misconduct or an intentional wrong, at the conclusion of any alternative dispute resolution or litigation and exhaustion of all appeals, the municipal official shall not be indemnified by the municipality, and the municipality shall not pay any compensatory, exemplary and/or punitive damages on behalf of the municipal official, and the municipal official shall be obligated to reimburse the municipality for the cost of the legal defense (if any is provided by the municipality) within such time and upon such terms as determined by the Township Committee and as shall be made by resolution of the Township Committee.
[Ord. No. 2003-7]
To the extent N.J.S.A. 40A: 14-155 provides broader indemnification to members of the Municipal Police Department, if any, that statute shall supersede this section.
[Ord. No. 2007-03]
This section shall be known as the "Access to Public Records Ordinance" of the Township of Greenwich.
[Ord. No. 2007-03]
The Access to Public Records Ordinance is hereby created pursuant to N.J.S.A. 47:1A-1 et seq. and N.J.S.A. 39:4-131.
[Ord. No. 2007-03]
The Township Clerk is hereby designated the custodian of all public records maintained by the Township and shall act in this capacity on behalf of the Township.
[Ord. No. 2007-03]
The Township shall make all public records accessible to the citizens of this state in accordance with the procedures and definitions set forth in N.J.S.A. 47:1A-1 et seq. and N.J.S.A. 39:4-131 unless said records are exempt from inspection as set forth in said statute.
[Ord. No. 2007-03]
As used in this section, "public records" shall mean all government records unless said records fall within the following list of exempted records which shall be prohibited from disclosure:
Interagency or intra-agency advisory, consultative or deliberative material.
Information received by a member of the State Senate or Assembly regarding a constituent.
Memoranda, letters, notes, reports and any other communication prepared for the use of a member of the State Senate or Assembly.
Photographs, negatives and copies thereof or videotapes, of a decedent relating to a post-mortem examination or autopsy subject to the exceptions set forth by statute.
Records maintained by a law enforcement agency that are not required by law to be made and which pertain to a criminal investigation or related civil enforcement proceedings subject to three exceptions set forth by statute.
Records held by a victims' rights organization, such as a domestic violence shelter, pertaining to the victim of a crime, except that the victim may have access to his/her own records.
Trade secrets; proprietary commercial or financial information. This includes data processing software obtained pursuant to a licensing agreement prohibiting disclosure.
Records within the attorney-client privilege.
Administrative or technical information regarding computer hardware, software and networks which, if disclosed, would jeopardize computer security.
Buildings and facilities emergency procedures and security information.
Security and surveillance measures which, if disclosed, would create safety risks for persons, property, electronic data or software.
Information that would give an advantage to competitors or bidders.
Information pertaining to sexual harassment complaints filed with public employers.
Information pertaining to any grievance.
Information pertaining to collective negotiations, including documents containing negotiating strategies.
Communications with the public agency's insurance carrier, administrative service organization or risk management office.
Information to be kept confidential pursuant to court order.
The portion of any document disclosing social security, credit card, unlisted phone or driver license numbers subject to the exceptions set forth by statute.
Various records of public institutions of higher education as set forth by statute.
Biotechnology; trade secrets as restricted by federal law.
Personal information regarding the victim of a crime when the information is being sought by the convict who wronged the victim or by anonymous request.
Records of an investigation in progress where release is inimical to the public interest subject to the exceptions set forth by statute.
Files maintained by the Office of the Public Defender that relate to the handling of a case.
Records heretofore exempt from disclosure under any other statute, resolution of either or both houses of the Legislature; regulation promulgated under authority of any statute or Executive Order; Executive Order; Rules of Court or federal law, regulation or order.
Records heretofore exempt from disclosure pursuant to any executive or legislative privilege or grant of confidentiality established by State Constitution, statute, court rule or case law.
Personnel and pension records, including records relating to grievances filed by or against an individual subject to the exceptions set forth by statute.
Any other exception provided for by law.
[Ord. No. 2007-03]
The Custodian of Records shall permit a public record to be inspected, examined and copied by any person during regular business hours of the Township Clerk and shall be permitted to redact same in accordance with the governing statute.
[Ord. No. 2007-03]
A copy or copies of public records may be purchased from the Township of Greenwich for a fee of: $0.75 per page for the first page to tenth page; $0.50 per page for the eleventh page to twentieth page; and $0.25 per page for all pages over 20.
In addition to the fee in Subsection 2-28.7a, for extraordinary expenditures, the Township shall charge a special service charge which shall be the hourly rate of the Township employee assigned to the request. The hourly rate of each Township employee shall be determined as of January 1 of each calendar year and posted in the municipal building by the Township Clerk. Such rate, in addition to the copy fees, represents the actual direct cost incurred by Greenwich Township based upon the nature, format, manner of collation or volume of records embodied in the request.
In addition to the fee in Subsection 2-28.7a, for requests involving mediums not routinely used or maintained by the Township or requiring a substantial amount of manipulation to programming of information technology, the Township shall charge a special service charge which shall be the hourly rate of the Township employee assigned to the request or the cost actually incurred by the Township. If the Township finds it necessary to employ an outside vendor or subcontractor to fulfill the request, a charge equal to that incurred by the Township shall be charged as a pass through fee to the requestor. The hourly rate of each Township employee shall be determined as of January 1 of each calendar year and posted in the municipal building by the Township Clerk. Such rate, in addition to the copy fees, represents the actual direct cost incurred based upon the cost for the extensive use of information technology and/or for the labor cost of personnel providing the service.
Accident reports. A copy of an accident report may be obtained at the same fee established by Subsection 2-28.7. If copies of reports are requested other than in person, an additional fee of $5 for the first three pages and $1 per page thereafter shall be added to cover the administrative costs of the report.
Extraordinary expenditure shall be defined as set forth in N.J.S.A. 47:1A-1 et seq. In addition, an extraordinary expenditure of time and effort shall be deemed to mean any document retrieval and copy request which requires an amount of time over one hour to complete.
[Ord. No. 2007-03; Ord. No. 2007-07 § 1]
All requests for public records shall be submitted on a form maintained in the office of the Township Clerk. The Township Clerk may require a deposit against costs for reproducing the documents sought through an anonymous request whenever the Township Clerk anticipates that the information thus requested will cost in excess of $5 to reproduce.
The form shall be hand-delivered, mailed, transmitted electronically or otherwise conveyed to the Township Clerk. If the Township Clerk is unable to promptly comply with the request, the Township Clerk shall sign and date the form, indicate the specific basis for denying immediate access on the request form and promptly return it to the requestor.
If a portion of a record is not subject to access, the Township Clerk shall delete or excise from a copy of any record that portion which is exempt from access.
If a record is in storage or temporarily unavailable at the time of the request, the Township Clerk shall make arrangements to obtain a copy of the record and promptly supply it to the requestor.
If production of a record would substantially disrupt the municipality's operations, the Township Clerk may deny access after attempting to reach a reasonable solution with the requestor to accommodate the needs of the requestor and the municipality.
Any officer or employee of the Township who receives a request for access to a government record shall forward the request to the Township Clerk or direct the requestor to the Township Clerk.
The Township Clerk shall grant access to a government record or deny a request for access to a government record as soon as possible, but not later than seven business days after receiving the request, provided the record is currently available and not in storage or archived, in which case notice of same will be provided to the requestor within the same time period. Failure to respond within seven days will be deemed a denial of the request unless there is no way to communicate with the requestor.
The Township Clerk may also require a deposit against costs and expenses incurred by the Township whenever the cost of said request exceeds $5. The deposit must be paid prior to the processing of the request. If the deposit is not paid within 14 days from the date that the requestor receives notice of the deposit requirement, the request will be deemed withdrawn.
[Ord. No. 2006-17]
Pursuant to the authority of N.J.S.A. 40A:9-136, there is hereby created in the Township of Greenwich, County of Warren, State of New Jersey the office of Township Administrator.
[Ord. No. 2006-17]
The Township Administrator shall be appointed by majority vote of the Township Committee. The Township Administrator shall serve at the pleasure of the Township Committee, and may be removed or replaced at any time by a majority vote of the Township Committee. The Administrator may hold another position(s) within the Township of Greenwich. Compensation for the position of Township Administrator shall be as fixed in the Township of Greenwich Salary Ordinance.
[Ord. No. 2006-17]
The Administrator shall, under the supervision and control of the Township Committee:
Serve as the principal administrative officer representing the Township Committee.
Attend all meetings of the Township Committee.
Upon consultation with the Chief Financial Officer, keep the Township Committee informed of the financial condition of the Township and make reports thereon as required.
Study the administrative and other operations of the Township and make recommendations for plans and programs to meet the needs of the Township.
Receive and reply to inquiries concerning Township business and provide information and assistance in respect thereto.
Perform any other powers and duties as may from time to time be assigned by the Township Committee.
[Ord. No. 2006-17]
The Administrator, to the extent not prohibited by law, shall:
Supervise the business administration of all departments and offices, subject to supervision and direction of the respective Committee Liaison.
Maintain close liaison with department heads and advise the governing body of operations and projects in progress.
Establish and maintain sound personnel practices and maintain appropriate records of all employees.
Maintain a continuing review of all department and office operations and, with the assistance of the Chief Financial Officer, their expenditures and report thereon to the governing body.
Implement the policy of the Township Committee with respect to the compiling and release of public information.
Coordinate intradepartmental operations and manage the daily operations of the Township Municipal Building by coordinating and supervising the municipal staff on duty.
Perform such other duties as may be assigned by the governing body.
[Ord. No. 2006-17]
The Administrator shall:
Receive from each department, office or board its annual requests for appropriations and prepare in conjunction with the Chief Financial Officer the tentative budget, transmitting the appropriation request and tentative budget with recommendations and comments to the Township Committee not later than December 15 of each year.
Consult with the Township Committee and Chief Financial Officer with respect to the tentative budget, recording changes, additions and deletions thereto, and by February 15 of each year submit, subject to approval by Committee, the tentative budget in the form required by law, together with an analysis of the various items of expenditure and revenue and such explanatory comments as may be required.
In conjunction with the Chief Financial Officer, provide the Township Committee with a year-to-date summary of expenditures versus appropriations quarterly.
[Ord. No. 2006-17]
The Greenwich Township Committee shall by resolution adopt and amend from time to time personnel policies and procedures including rules concerning the hiring and termination of employees, terms and conditions of employments, and regulations required to comply with applicable federal and state employment-related law. The personnel policies and procedures adopted pursuant to said resolution(s) shall be applicable to all officials, appointees, employees, prospective employees, volunteers and independent contractors of the Township of Greenwich.
[Ord. No. 2006-17]
The Administrator shall be responsible to implement and enforce the personnel practices adopted by ordinance or resolution authorized pursuant to this section. If there is a conflict between said personnel practices and any duly adopted and lawful collective bargaining agreement, personnel services contract or federal or state law, the terms and conditions of that contract or law shall prevail. In all other cases, the practices adopted pursuant to this section shall prevail.
[Ord. No. 2009-3]
The position of Financial Administrator is hereby established.
[Ord. No. 2009-3]
The Financial Administrator shall be appointed for a term of one year, and shall serve at the pleasure of the Township Committee.
[Ord. No. 2009-3]
The Financial Administrator shall assist the Certified Municipal Financial Officer and the Treasurer in properly administering and maintaining the financial accounts, records and procedures of the Township of Greenwich in accordance with the laws, regulations and requirements of the State of New Jersey.
[Added by Ord. No. 2014-01]
The purpose of this section is to establish a procedure to be followed by all officials and authorized employees of the Township of Greenwich for the purchasing of goods and services and for the approval and payment of claims in accordance with New Jersey Statutes N.J.S.A. 40A:5-1 et seq. The request for goods and services, and payment of claims, is performed within the financial system of record (currently Edmunds).
Authorized employees. For authorized employees and department head areas of responsibility, please refer to the "Cross Departmental Roles and Responsibilities" memo dated April 2014. These roles and responsibilities may change from time to time.
Bill of demand. Any person claiming payment from the Township for goods or services rendered shall present a detailed bill of demand to the Township Clerk, duly certified with the following statement:
"I do solemnly declare and certify under the penalties of the law that the within bill is correct in all its particulars; that the articles have been furnished or services rendered as stated therein; that no bonus has been given or received by any person or persons within the knowledge of this claimant in connection with the above claim; that the amount therein stated is justly due and owing; and that the amount charged is a reasonable one."
Purchase requisition required.
Any official or authorized employee of the Township in need of services or goods shall enter a purchase requisition into the financial system. If the amount of the requested good or service is below the applicable state statutory amount, the employee or officer should first obtain at least three informal quotes for the goods or services sought prior to making the formal requisition.
This purchase requisition shall include a vendor, a description of the goods and services and an estimated amount to be encumbered within the appropriate budget account pertaining to the appropriate department. The purchase requisition shall be in conformance with any applicable state law pertaining to the purchase of goods and services within Title 40A or any other applicable state statute.
After the purchase requisition is approved by the department head, the goods or services can be encumbered and the requisition presented to the Township Committee for ratification. Following ratification, the Chief Financial Officer, or its designee, can produce the purchase order.
Presentation of claim. Any person (vendor) making any claim of or against the Township of Greenwich shall present a detailed bill of demand pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:5-16 to the Township Clerk, including a signed voucher. Claims must be submitted at least one week prior to a regular Township Committee meeting where claims are approved for ratification and approval for payment.
Securing certification. Upon the receipt of any duly verified claim, the Township department head shall secure the certification of the authorized officer or employee of the Township of Greenwich certifying that the goods or services set forth in said bill of demand have been received by the Township.
Submission to Finance Office. The Township department head shall submit all proper bills of demand to the Chief Financial Officer or its designee at least one week prior to a regular Township Committee meeting where claims are approved from encumbered funds for payment.
Duties of Finance Office.
The Finance Office shall inspect all vouchers for payment and print checks for all authorized bills, and prepare a list of all bills for committee approval, listing the check number, vendor name and amount of claim.
The complete packet, including check with CFO signature only, shall be prepared the day of the official Township meeting for approval by the Township Committee.
Request and bill approval.
Purchase requests. The Township Committee shall approve the list of encumbered goods and services after the liaison of the Township Committee to that specific department has reviewed and approved each voucher at or prior to an official meeting and shall sign the purchase request. Purchase requests with department head, Clerk, and three Township Committee member signatures authorizes the CFO to produce a purchase order.
Purchase orders. The Township Committee shall approve all purchase orders that contain vendor, department head and Clerk signatures with three Township Committee signatures.
However, vouchers for reimbursement for expenses by any Township official or vouchers for nonrecurring costs over $1,000 shall be signed by the majority of Township Committee members.
The Township Committee shall have the right by majority vote to have any claim for encumbered funds disapproved. Any claim disapproved by the Committee shall be referred back to the Township Clerk. The Committee shall inform the Clerk of the reason for the rejection and any instruction to give to the claimant. The Township Clerk shall state the disapproval in the minutes and report all the reasons for the rejection and any instructions given to the claimant by the Township Committee.
Township Clerk to keep records. It shall be the duty of the Township Clerk to record all claims in the official minutes indicating that the governing body has by formal action approved the same, with appropriate record as to any claims disapproved or rejected.
Approval of claim to be noted. It shall be the duty of the Mayor and Township Clerk or such other officer designated by resolution of the governing body to indicate on the claims that they have been approved for payment with the date of approval thereof noted on the claim.
Certification of bills list. The Township Clerk shall then certify that a bill list is signed appropriately.
Signing of checks. Checks shall require three signatures. Checks shall be signed by the Mayor or Deputy Mayor, the Township Clerk or Deputy Township Clerk, and the Chief Financial Officer or Assistant to the Chief Financial Officer.
Approval in advance of check distribution; exceptions. Approvals for claims shall be made per § 2-32.4 in advance of the distribution of checks, with the following exceptions. The Chief Financial Officer may pay for the following claims in advance of an official Township meeting:
All basic utilities, including telephones, electric and gas.
Payments due to the State of New Jersey.
Payments due for any taxes payable by the Township.
Any expenditure authorized by the Township Committee for emergency purposes.
Employee payroll, in which case the Payroll Clerk shall prepare the necessary payrolls for the employees, which payrolls shall be duly certified by the person authorized to certify that the services have been rendered and the amount specified is in fact due and owing to the employee or employees. The payroll shall then be approved by the department head responsible therefor and presented to the Township Committee for approval and, after the approval, shall be paid in due course.
For purposes of the Recreation Commission only, two Recreation Commission officers shall submit purchase requests directly to the Township Clerk or its designee. The Chief Financial Officer may approve purchase orders for noncapital, recurring expenses contained in the recreation budget. Payment will be made from an invoice which contains the vendor's signature and one Recreation Commissioner officer's signature.
All professional bills, duly authorized by the governing body, will be considered as having an open requisition.
If an authorized employee of a department request funds not in that current year's budget, and requests an override, meaning that additional, unbudgeted funds are being requested, that request can solely be granted by the Chief Financial Officer and subject to Committee approval.
[Ord. No. 2015-06]
The Township Committee shall annually nominate and appoint some qualified person to be Superintendent of Buildings, Grounds and Public Works.
A person appointed Superintendent of Buildings, Grounds and Public Works shall be certified by the State of New Jersey as a certified public workers manager, or be actively seeking such certification, and have such other certificates, licenses and permits required by state law and regulations and municipal ordinances.
[Ord. No. 2015-06]
The Superintendent of Buildings, Grounds and Public Works shall serve until January 1 next succeeding the date of appointment and until a successor has qualified.
[Ord. No. 2015-06]
A person holding the position of full-time Superintendent of Buildings, Grounds and Public Works, who has held that position continuously for five years or more, shall be entitled to tenure in that position in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40A: 9-154.6.
[Ord. No. 2015-06]
The Superintendent of Buildings, Grounds and Public Works shall perform all the duties of the Superintendent of Buildings, Grounds and Public Works required by Township ordinances and other applicable laws and regulations and requirements as set forth by the Township; shall supervise the care and maintenance of the Township streets, roads, avenues, public buildings, public places and grounds, traffic control devices, storm drains, the motor vehicles of the Township, and the collection and disposal of garbage, trash, brush and snow; shall manage the Department of Public Works and all functions necessary for its effective operation, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations; shall advise the Shade Tree Commission in connection with the planting and removal of trees; shall respond to complaints and inquiries from residents; shall report to the Township Administrator and interface with the Mayor and Township Committee, the Township Engineer and other Township professionals as necessary; and shall be on call 24 hours a day, 365 days per year; and shall work in connection with the water and sewer systems of the Township under the supervision of appropriately licensed personnel and perform such other duties as from time to time directed.
[Ord. No. 2015-06]
The annual salary of the Superintendent of Buildings, Grounds and Public Works shall be as provided in the Annual Salary Ordinance.
[Ord. No. 2004-05 § 1]
A Board of Health is hereby established in and for the Township of Greenwich, in the County of Warren, pursuant to and in accordance with the provisions of Title 26, Chapter 3, Article 1, Subdivision C, of the Revised Statutes of the State of New Jersey (N.J.S.A. 26:3-1 et seq.).
[Ord. No. 2004-05 § 2]
The Board of Health shall be composed of the members of the Township Committee, the Township Assessor and one physician or school nurse, to be appointed by the Township Committee for a term of three years from the time of his or her appointment and until the successor has been appointed. Upon the consent of the prospective appointee, the Township Committee may appoint as the physician or school nurse appointment, the Township Physician or a school nurse to the local board, notwithstanding that the physician or nurse is not a resident of the Township.
[Ord. No. 2004-05 § 3]
The Township Committee may appoint not more than two alternate members to the Board of Health. Alternate members shall be designated at the time of appointment as "Alternate No. 1" and "Alternate No. 2." The term of the alternate members shall be for two years, except that of the first two alternate members appointed, one shall be appointed for a term of one year, so that the term of not more than one alternate member shall expire in any one year. A vacancy occurring otherwise than by expiration of term shall be filled by the Township Committee for the unexpired term only. Alternate members may participate in discussions of the proceedings, but may not vote except in the absence or disqualification of a regular member. A vote shall not be delayed in order that a regular member may vote instead of an alternate member. In the event that a choice must be made as to which alternate member is to vote, Alternate No. 1 shall vote.
[Ord. No. 2004-05 § 4]
The Board of Health shall appoint, on the day of its organization, a place, day and hour for the regular meeting of the Board for the hearing of complaints, reports and general business, and shall cause to be published in the Township newspaper, or a paper circulating in the Township, notice of same. At least one regular meeting shall be held in each year. Special meetings may be called at any time by the Chairman of the Board or by the State Department of Health.
[Ord. No. 2004-05 § 5]
If a physician shall not be appointed, either by the Township Committee or by the State Department of Health, as is by statute authorized in such cases, the members of the Township Committee and the Assessor shall constitute the local Board of the Township and shall continue to constitute the Board until the appointment shall be made.
[Ord. No. 2004-05 § 6]
In case of the death, removal or resignation of the Assessor before the time of electing his or her successor, the Township Clerk shall succeed the Assessor as a member of the local Board and shall continue as a member until an Assessor shall be elected or appointed.
[Ord. No. 2004-05 § 7]
The Board of Health may appoint or employ such personnel as it may deem necessary to carry into effect the powers vested in it. It shall fix the duties and compensation of every appointee and employee, and fix the terms of every such appointee and employee who shall serve during said term for which they are severally appointed or employed, and shall not be removed except for cause and after an opportunity has been given them for a hearing.
[Ord. No. 2004-05 § 8]
The Board of Health shall adopt rules, regulations or ordinances for its government, and that of its officers and employees not inconsistent with law or the State Sanitary Code.
[Ord. No. 2004-05 § 9]
The Board of Health shall administer and enforce all health ordinances of the Township now in effect, whether adopted by the present or former Township Committee, or any prior Board of Health.
[Ord. No. 2004-05 § 10]
Any and all health ordinances, resolutions, regulations or policies adopted by any prior Board of Health, or by the present or former Township Committee of the Township of Greenwich, shall not be repealed by the adoption of this section, but shall remain in full force and effect unless repealed or amended by action of the Board of Health created hereunder, or by other Board, body or official having jurisdiction thereof, according to law.
[Ord. No. 2004-05 § 11]
The Board of Health shall have the general powers and duties as set forth in Title 26, Chapter 3, Article 2 (N.J.S.A. 26:3-31 et seq.), powers of defining and abating nuisances as set forth in Title 26, Chapter 3, Article 3 (N.J.S.A. 26:3-45 et seq.) and the ordinance and rule-making powers as set forth in Title 26, Chapter 3, Article 4 (N.J.S.A. 26:3-64 et seq.). In addition, said Board shall have the power to prescribe and enforce recovery of penalties as set forth in Title 26, Chapter 3, Article 5 (N.J.S.A. 26:3-70 et seq.).
[Ord. No. 2007-20 § 1]
The purpose of this section is to establish a Municipal Agricultural Advisory Committee to advise the Township Committee on matters pertaining to the preservation and ongoing operation of agricultural activity in the Township of Greenwich.
[Ord. No. 2007-20 § 2; amended by Ord. No. 2014-02]
There is hereby established in the Township of Greenwich a permanent Committee to be known and designated as "The Greenwich Township Agricultural Advisory Committee" which shall consist of three residents of the Township of Greenwich to be appointed by the Mayor with the consent of the Township Committee within 60 days of the effective date hereof and the terms of office shall commence upon the date of their appointment.
The members of the said Committee first appointed, shall serve for terms as follows: one appointee for one-year term; one appointee for two-year term and one appointee for a three-year term. Thereafter, all appointments shall be for terms of three years and vacancies shall be filled for the unexpired term only. The members shall serve until their respective successors are appointed and qualified. The members of the Committee shall receive no compensation for their services. A majority of the members shall be actively engaged in farming and shall own a portion of the land that they farm.
A member of the Committee or a member of his or her immediate family, is prohibited from selling or applying to sell a development easement on his or her property or from selling or applying to sell his or her property in fee simple title pursuant to the Agriculture Retention and Development Act, N.J.S.A. 4:1C-11 et seq. and the Garden State Preservation Trust Act, N.J.S.A. 13:8C-1 et seq.
The Committee shall organize within 30 days after the appointment of its total membership for the remainder of the then calendar year and thereafter annually and select from among its members a Chairman and such other officers as it may deem necessary. Said Committee may establish rules of order and meet at least quarterly and from time to time as its rules of order might provide. The Agricultural Advisory Committee shall report to the Land Use Board.
[Ord. No. 2007-20 § 3]
The Committee may also include two alternate members who shall be residents of the Township of Greenwich and who shall be appointed by the Mayor with the consent of the Township Committee. The two alternate members first appointed shall serve for terms as follows:
One alternate for a term of two years effective as of January 1, 2008; and one alternate for a term of three years effective as of January 1, 2008.
Thereafter, all alternate members shall serve for a term of three years, and alternate members shall serve until their respective successors shall be appointed. Vacancies shall be filled for the unexpired term only of such alternate member. The alternate members shall be designated at the time of their appointment as "Alternate No. 1" and "Alternate No. 2." Alternate members may participate in discussions of the proceedings but may not vote except in the absence or disqualification of a regular member. A vote shall not be delayed in order that a regular member may vote instead of an alternate member. In the event that a choice must be made as to which alternate member is to vote, Alternate No. 1 shall vote first.
[Ord. No. 2007-20 § 4]
The Agricultural Advisory Committee shall maintain as liaisons the Township Engineer, a professional planner, a member of the Warren County Agriculture Development Board, a member of the Rutgers University Cooperative Extension, and a Township Committee member. The Committee shall establish other liaison positions as deemed appropriate, such as Jersey Fresh, other state agencies and publications to promote local farms, products and services.
[Ord. No. 2007-20 § 5]
The responsibilities of the Committee shall be as follows:
To become fully aware of all land in Greenwich currently used for agricultural and/or related purposes and compile, update and maintain an inventory of those lands.
To recommend planning and implementation of a Farmland Preservation Plan element to the Land Use Board and make recommendations as to land use policies regarding farming and farm land preservation to the Township Committee.
[Amended by Ord. No. 2014-02]
To analyze how the Township Committee can best protect the continuance of the aforesaid uses while acting as an advocate for farming and farm preservation within the Township.
To determine existing issues facing farmers and those in related endeavors in the Township of Greenwich and to recommend reasonable and desirable solutions to the Township Committee.
To determine future issues, which will face farmers and those, related to farming in the Township of Greenwich and to recommend reasonable and desirable solutions to the Township Committee.
To encourage existing farmers to continue in active agricultural operation.
To communicate with Township farmers that the Agricultural Advisory Committee exists and can offer direction and assistance in many cases.
To assist in continuing the sustainable use of economically viable farmland for agricultural production by making the flow of information from the local, county and state and federal branches readily accessible and to offer technical assistance were possible.
To provide education were possible to farmers for the purposes of farming and meeting the challenges the industry faces.
To help preserve large, contiguous and economically viable tracts of agricultural land.
To assist in minimizing conflicts between agricultural uses and adjacent and nearby agricultural, natural resource based, rural, residential and commercial activities.
To promote compliance with the Farmland Assessment Tax program.
To encourage and assist applications to farmland preservation programs.
To encourage appropriate conservation strategies and agricultural activities.
To formulate strategies and objectives with regard to any present or future local, county, state or federal farmland regulations.
To promote interest in Township children in 4-H and other related agricultural activities.
To recommend to the Township Committee reasonable and desirable changes to this listing of responsibilities.
To make an annual report to the Township Committee setting forth and detailing the activities and operations of the Committee during the proceeding year.
To accomplish any other tasks referred to it by the Township Committee having to do with agricultural related activities.
Promote local farming through municipal avenues, such as Web sites, municipal cable channel, guidebooks, community events, schools, etc.
[Ord. No. 2007-20 § 6]
The Committee in performing its aforesaid responsibilities shall receive from all officials, employees, consultants, and all authorized boards, departments, and offices of the Township of Greenwich, such assistance as may be necessary.
[Ord. No. 2007-20 § 7]
The Committee's powers relative to regulation of any activity are specifically limited to its making recommendations to the Township Committee as to its adoption of the same.
[Added 11-18-2021 by Ord. No. 110-2021]
Pursuant to N.J.S.A. App. A:9-40.1, the position of Emergency Management Coordinator is hereby created. The Emergency Management Coordinator shall be appointed by the Mayor for a term of three years.
The Emergency Management Coordinator shall be responsible for the development, coordination, and activation of a municipal mutual aid and emergency management plan; shall request, when needed, emergency management facilities and services available from the county and state governments and shall perform such duties as the governing body may direct.
Whenever, in the opinion of the Coordinator, a disaster has occurred or is imminent in the Township of Greenwich, the Coordinator shall proclaim a State of Local Disaster Emergency within the Township. The Emergency Management Coordinator, in accordance with regulations promulgated by the State Director of Emergency Management, shall be empowered to issue and enforce such orders as may be necessary to implement and carry out emergency management operations and to protect the health, safety and resources of the residents of the Township.
[Added 11-18-2021 by Ord. No. 110-2021]
The Deputy Emergency Management Coordinator shall be appointed by the Mayor for a term of three years; said term shall be staggered from the term of office for the Emergency Management Coordinator.
The Deputy Emergency Management Coordinator will serve in the event that the Emergency Management Coordinator is unavailable due to sickness, vacation, or other cause and shall fulfill all of the duties of the Emergency Management Coordinator.
[Added 11-18-2021 by Ord. No. 111-2021]
The Township Attorney shall be appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the Township Committee for a term of one year. He shall be an attorney-at-law of New Jersey but need not be a resident of the Township. In lieu of appointing an individual attorney, the Committee may appoint a firm of attorneys, all members of which shall be attorneys-at-law of New Jersey. The Township Attorney shall not receive a fixed salary but shall be paid such retainer as may be agreed upon and authorized by the Committee, plus such fees and charges as shall be deemed reasonable.
The Township Attorney shall have such powers and perform such duties as are provided for the office of Township Attorney by general law or ordinance of the Township. He shall represent the Township in all judicial and administrative proceedings in which the Municipality or any of its officers or agencies may be a party or have an interest. He shall give all legal counsel and advice where required by the Mayor and Committee and shall in general serve as the legal advisor to the Committee and Mayor on all matters of Township business. In furtherance of such general powers and duties, but without limitation thereto, the Township Attorney shall:
Draft or approve as to form and sufficiency all legal documents, contracts, deeds, ordinances and resolutions made, executed or adopted by or on behalf of the Township;
With the approval of the Mayor and Township Committee, conduct appeals from orders, decisions or judgments affecting any interest of the Township as he may in his discretion determine to be necessary or desirable or as directed by the Mayor and Township Committee;
Subject to the approval of the Township Committee, have the power to enter into any agreement, compromise or settlement of any litigation in which the Township is involved;
Render opinions in writing upon any question of law submitted to him by the Mayor and Township Committee with respect to their official powers and duties and perform such duties as may be necessary to provide legal counsel to the Mayor and Township Committee in the administration of municipal affairs;
Supervise and direct the work of such additional attorneys and technical and professional assistants as the Township Committee may authorize for special or regular employment in or for the Township.
[Added 11-18-2021 by Ord. No. 112-2021]
There shall be a Township Engineer who shall be appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the Township Committee for a term of one year. The Township Engineer shall receive such compensation as may be agreed upon and determined by the Township Committee. He shall be a duly licensed professional engineer of the State of New Jersey.
The Township Engineer shall perform the duties prescribed by general law and ordinance, and in addition shall:
Prepare or cause to be prepared plans, designs and specifications for public works and improvements undertaken by the Township, either on force account or by public contract;
Provide and maintain surveys, maps, plans, specifications and control records with respect to public works and facilities owned or operated by the Township;
Provide technical and engineering advice and assistance to other Township departments as needed;
Upon the termination of his service with the Township, he shall surrender all papers, documents, memoranda, reports and other materials relating to the administration of his engineering duties.