[Ord. No. 21-03, 12-13-2021]
The Marshal appointed by the Trustees of the inhabitants of the Village, giving bond and ample security for the performance of his/her duties, is hereby authorized to execute orders and process, arising under the ordinances of the Village, and who, within the corporate limits of the Village, shall have concurrent power with the Constable of the district, if any, and the Sheriff of the County in which the Village is situated to execute all orders, notices, writs and other process and duties that may be executed by such Constable or Sheriff, with like effect, and shall receive the same fees therefor.
[Ord. No. 21-03, 12-13-2021]
The Village Marshal shall be Chief of Police, and shall at all times have power to make or order all arrests, with proper process, for any offenses against the laws of the State, or of the Village, by day or by night, and bring the offender to trial before the proper court, and he/she shall have power to arrest without process in all cases where any such offense shall be committed, or attempted to be committed, in his/her presence.
[Ord. No. 21-03, 12-13-2021]
The Police Officers of the Village, in the discharge of their duties, shall be subject to the orders of the Marshal only as Chief of Police; but any Marshal, Assistant Marshal or Police Officer may be instantly removed from his/her office by the Board of Trustees at a regular or called meeting, for any wanton neglect of duty.
Nothing in this Section shall be construed to authorize the Board of Trustees to remove or discharge any Chief, as that term is defined in Section 106.273, RSMo.
[Ord. No. 21-03, 12-13-2021]
The Police of the Village may be appointed in such numbers, for such times and in such manner as may be prescribed by ordinance. They shall have power to serve and execute all warrants, subpoenas, writs or other process and to make arrests in the same manner as the Marshal. They may exercise such powers in areas leased or owned by the municipality outside of the boundaries of such municipality. The Marshal and Police Officers shall be conservators of the peace and shall be active and vigilant in the preservation of good order within the Village.
[Ord. No. 21-03, 12-13-2021]
The Board of Trustees of the Village may by ordinance enter into a contract or agreement with any other political subdivision for the provision of police services by one political subdivision to another on request as provided for in Section 70.815, RSMo. The terms "Chief of Police," "Police," "Police Officer" and "Police Department," as used herein, shall refer to Law Enforcement Officers of the contracting entity.