[Ord. No. 16-01 § 1, 1-11-2016]
As used in this Chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Any commercial facility conducting business in the Village of Oak Grove.
Any mobile home park or facility with more than one (1) mobile home or mobile home pad availability using only one (1) water meter.
Any facility, commercial or residential, housing more than one (1) family using only one (1) water meter.
Any single-family dwelling using only one (1) water meter.
Any sewer user that is not on Village water and is hooked up to the Oak Grove Village Sanitary Sewer System.
[Ord. No. 16-01 § 2, 1-11-2016]
From and after the first day of the month, beginning with the January 1, 2016, billing statement, the monthly rates required and which shall be charged and collected by the Village of Oak Grove, Missouri, for utilities furnished by the water and sewer systems of said Village shall be as follows.
The rates for water services shall be based upon the total water usage of the individual customer according to the following rates:
For All Customers. Minimum charge of three dollars ($3.00) for the first one thousand five hundred (1,500) gallons used; twenty cents ($0.20) per one hundred (100) gallons for everything over one thousand five hundred (1,500) gallons.
The rates for sewerage services shall be based upon the total water usage of the individual customer according to the following rates:
For Residential Customers. All gallons/month water usage: three dollars and fifty cents ($3.50) per one thousand (1,000) gallons.
For Commercial Customers:
First twenty thousand (20,000) gallons/month water usage: three dollars and fifty cents ($3.50) per one thousand (1,000) gallons.
Next twenty thousand (20,000) gallons/month usage: four dollars and fifty cents ($4.50) per one thousand (1,000) gallons.
All over sixty thousand (60,000) gallons/month usage: five dollars and fifty cents ($5.50) per one thousand (1,000) gallons.
Mobile Home Parks shall be charged three dollars and fifty cents ($3.50) per one thousand (1,000) gallons used.
Multifamily dwellings shall be charged three dollars and fifty cents ($3.50) per one thousand (1,000) gallons.
Well customers shall be charged a flat fee of eleven dollars ($11.00) per month. However, any multifamily dwelling shall be charged a minimum of eleven dollars ($11.00) per each family unit served by the well.
[Ord. No. 16-01 § 3, 1-11-2016]
The governing body of the Village of Oak Grove, Missouri, hereby binds and determines that the rates, fees and charges for the use of utilities provided by the Village are necessary and adequate at this time to meet the requirements to cover such costs to provide such utilities.
[Ord. No. 16-01 § 4, 1-11-2016]
All water and meter readings shall be obtained from the Village records, and bills for utility services shall be rendered monthly as such services accrue. The Village Clerk, or other officer or representative of the Village designated to prepare and render bills for utility services, shall calculate monthly the amount of each bill and shall render monthly to each customer a bill for such utility services. All such bills shall be due and payable at the office of the Village Clerk during the regular hours of business from and after the date of the rendition thereof.
[Ord. No. 16-01 § 5, 1-11-2016]
For residential, commercial, multifamily dwelling and mobile home park customers, any bill for utility services that shall be and remain due and unpaid after twenty (20) days from the date of the rendition thereof, an additional charge of five dollars ($5.00) shall be added per user unit thereto.
[Ord. No. 16-01 § 6, 1-11-2016]
For residential, commercial, multifamily dwelling and mobile home park customers, any bill for utility services that shall be and remain past due and unpaid for as long as thirty (30) days after the 20th of the prior month, an additional fifteen dollars ($15.00) shall be added per user unit thereto.
[Ord. No. 16-01 § 7, 1-11-2016]
For residential, commercial, multifamily dwelling and mobile home park customers, any bill for utility services that shall be and remain past due and unpaid for as long as sixty (60) days, service to such customer shall be discontinued and shall not be reconnected until all past-due bills are paid in full, together with a reconnection charge of twenty dollars ($20.00).
[Ord. No. 16-01 § 8, 1-11-2016]
For well only customers, any bill for utility services that shall be and remain due and unpaid after twenty (20) days from the date of the rendition thereof, an additional charge of fifteen dollars ($15.00) shall be added per user unit thereto.
[Ord. No. 16-01 § 9, 1-11-2016; Ord. No. 23-02, 7-10-2023]
An application for utility services shall be made by the owner of the property to be served to the Village Clerk, or other person designated by the Village, and upon the approval of such application such applicant shall have the right to be connected to the Village water and sewer systems. The connection to the Main Water Line and the Main Sewer Line must be accomplished by, or witnessed by, a Village representative with all costs of such connections to be borne by such applicant.
The owner of the property to receive utility services shall be liable to pay for such services rendered to said premises. Any person or entity who, or that, enters into a lease of a serviced premises, or occupies but does not own a serviced premises, after the effective date of this Section, shall have no liability or responsibility for any water or service bill issued by the Village, but any person or entity who enters into a lease, written or unwritten, with respect to a serviced premises prior to the effective date of this Section shall have continuing joint and several liability for water and sewer service bills with the owner of the premises until the expiration of the lease. The Village shall have power to sue the owner of such serviced premises in a civil action to receive any sums due for such services, plus a reasonable attorney's fee to be fixed by the court.
[Ord. No. 16-01 § 10, 1-11-2016]
The occupant and user of the premises receiving utility services and the owner of said premises shall be jointly and severally liable to pay for such services rendered on said premises. The Village shall have the power to sue the occupant or the owner, or both, of such real estate in a civil action to receive any sums due for such services, plus a reasonable attorney's fee to be fixed by the court.
[Ord. No. 16-01 § 11, 1-11-2016]
It shall be a misdemeanor for any person to tamper with any water or sewer line, or make any connection to either the water or sewerage system of the Village without written permission from the Village, or to reconnect service when service has been discontinued for non-payment of a bill for service until such bill, including the reconnection charge, has been paid in full. Upon conviction, there shall be imposed a fine of not less than one hundred dollars ($100.00) nor more than five hundred dollars ($500.00).
[Ord. No. 16-01 § 12, 1-11-2016]
The user of each premises receiving utility services from the water or sewerage systems shall be responsible for the proper use thereof. No grease, petroleum products, milk, whey, paints, acids, chemicals, metals, animal wastes, food products, or other materials detrimental to the sanitary sewer facilities or sewage treatment processes, shall be discharged into the sanitary sewer.